English Teacher Blog

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How Will My Personal Teaching Experiences as a Russian Teacher Help Me as an English Teacher? - TEFL Blog

Federico Riva TEFL Information Alumni Experiences Teaching Ideas You have to put the emphasis on the right syllable," I said, finishing my demonstration. Challenges in the Second Class: Timing and Assumptions Learning from Mistakes: Lessons for Effective Language Teaching Apology and Humility: A Turning Point Valuable Lessons for Language Instructors Carrying Lessons Forward: Teaching English with Confidence Are you ready to teach English as a foreign language? Related Articles: Check out what our course grads say in our many video testimonials! My very first class of students learning Russian had expressed their disdain for their books with stress notes denoted on every word. They started reading from the copies without the stress marks and consequently were butchering the...  [Read more]

TEFL ONLINE - page 2 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Jobs online

There are students of English all over the world who prefer to learn English online rather than by physical attendance at a school or language academy. Qualified TEFL teachers are therefore hired by a number of different organisations to teach English online. Here are some online teaching positions: Online English Teacher: Teaching Adults | (Date posted:2024-02-02) Date posted:2024-02-02 | Writer: NativeX Edtech | Email: [email protected] A. Overview•    Expected start time: March 2024 (after onboard training)•    Class duration: 45 minutes/ slot•    Teaching time: 8:00 - 23:45 every day (GMT+7), especially 8:00 - 11:45 and 19:00 - 22:00•    Teach General English (04 skills) to Vietnamese adults•  ...  [Read more]

Personal Qualities an English Teacher Should Possess - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Teaching Ideas Every teacher wants to be good and effective when it comes to teaching, but what exactly are the qualities that make a good teacher? Are there specific characteristics, talents, and skills that a teacher needs to learn and acquire to be called a good and effective teacher? Teaching Myths Teaching Style and Important Qualities 1. Knowledge of the Subject 2. Being Approachable 3. Being Caring 4. Being Respectful 5. Being Passionate Do you want to teach English abroad? Take a TEFL course! Listen to this blog post Related Articles: This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Sherry Ann G. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT. Effectiveness in teaching is an elusive idea. How can we tell...  [Read more]

What Personal Qualities are Important for an English Teacher - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Teaching Ideas A teacher's personal qualities play a huge role in the success of their students! One of the best things I learned from this course was what makes a good teacher, and what a good teacher needs to be aware of when teaching EFL. Depending on whom you ask or what website you look at, you will get different thoughts and opinions on the qualities an English teacher needs to have. In this essay I am going to talk about the personal traits I believe are the most important and why. Care Motivate Manage Organize Ask Treat and Encourage Do you want to teach English abroad? Take a TEFL course! Related Articles: This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Sarah R. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions...  [Read more]

How to Build Your Teaching Career as a Non-Native English Teacher - TEFL Blog

Federico Riva Budget and Salary TEFL Information Alumni Experiences Hello everybody, my name is Liza and I am super glad to welcome you to my weekly live session. Please let me know that you can see me clearly and hear me clearly. Today's live session is going to be devoted to a really popular question in my direct messages. I've received several requests to talk about teaching career advice and I hope everybody will find something interesting in this live stream. Watch the live session here Unfortunately, I'm not sure how to pronounce your name, but the question is, have you experienced talent-based learning? Moses says, I don't have any teaching experience but I have a bachelors in English literature and a masters in another field. I am currently planning for an English teaching...  [Read more]

Personal Qualities That are Important for English Teachers - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Alumni Experiences The personal qualities of a teacher are the characteristics of an individual. These attributes and traits are what make up their personality. Personal qualities are what make a person unique, allow them to navigate a new situation, make new friends and possible connections, or work through conflict or tensions. Important personal qualities for English teachers include listening and being a good listener, thoughtfulness, being personable, timeliness, and adaptability. Biased attitude toward native speakers Kindness and patience Personal learning experience An ability to listen and understand Teacher's roles Do you want to teach English abroad? Take a TEFL course! Related Articles: This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Anna E....  [Read more]

5 Awesome Ways to Lead a Lifestyle as an English Teacher - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore TEFL Information Lifestyles of TEFL/TESOL teachers are as varied as the people who teach and the countries they choose to live in. The kind of life you can lead depends on your reasons for becoming a teacher. Many people choose to live and work abroad to escape the hustle and bustle of home. Others are looking for thrills and adventure. The TEFL world caters for everybody from fresh faced graduates to those looking for new experiences and change later in life. 1. Beach Life 2. City Slicker 3. Culture Vulture 4. Active Retiree 5. Global Nomad What lifestyle are you looking for as an English teacher? Related Articles: We all get that feeling toward the end of a holiday when we're soaking up the rays and wish that this could last forever. A TEFL certificate lets the dream...  [Read more]

Roles a Teacher has to Possess to Help Students Love English - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Teaching Ideas "A man doesn't learn to understand anything unless he loves it" Goethe Accessor Observer Role model Guide Participant Assistant and motivator Do you want to teach English abroad? Take a TEFL course! Related Articles: The role of the teacher is very important in our lives. A good teacher provides us with knowledge, motivation, and encouragement while creating interest in his subject. He cares about his students and demonstrates patience. An experienced teacher knows what role or roles to take during his lesson. The most important role is the role of an organizer. The teacher instructs the class through daily activities. He may also split students into pairs for role-playing or encourage mill drill exercise, where students come to each other, ask...  [Read more]

How Learning Chinese Made Me A Better English Teacher In China - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Alumni Experiences The following blog post is about an ITTT graduate who shares his story on how learning Chinese helped him to become a better English teacher in China. What do you call someone who speaks only one language? "My insights into their language and culture were incredibly helpful." "Many Chinese are anxious about speaking English with natives - more so than is to be considered normative." "The best ESL teachers are the ones with experience with the native language of their students." Listen to this blog post Now it's your turn to get TEFL certified! Related Articles: This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Joseph S. A common saying imparted to me by one of my professors goes like this: "What do you call someone who speaks three languages?...  [Read more]

Native English Teacher vs. Non-Native English Teacher - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hello hi welcome here my name is linda nice to see you if you're watching and my name is lisa yeah cool um so yeah if you're tuning in again thanks so much we are actually doing white weekly lives so if you are uh watching again thanks so much for watching again and if you are tuning in for the first time also thanks so much um yeah if you can see us and if you can hear us please um quickly leave a comment that'd be really great so that we know that everything is working well because sometimes you know there's problems so you never know so please leave like a hello oh there's a hello great hello hello awesome so looks like it's working great so yeah my name is linda i'm a tefl and tesol professional at itt and i've been living and working in asia since 2012-ish and i live in south korea...  [Read more]

Why Teachers Need to Be Careful with British English and American English - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Alumni Experiences Learning English is very difficult, there are many various grammatical and spelling differences between the English spoken throughout the world. Most notably is British and American English grammar. There are also differences in the pronunciation and meanings of many words. While you would think learning English would be a simple task, it is not, after all how different can English be from English? There are a few additional factors - Canadian, Australian, South African, Indian English, etc. have their own differences, these are differences that must be taken into consideration while you study the English Language. Why Learners Have to Know Variasions Differences in Spelling Differences in Pronunciation Differences in Vocabulary Differences in...  [Read more]

The Difference Between Business English and General English For EFL Teachers - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Alumni Experiences The term business English is used to cover the English language taught to a wide range of professional people, and students in full-time education preparing for a business career. There's a lot more to learning a second (or third or fourth!) language than just vocabulary and grammar because languages are used differently in different contexts. Are you ready to teach English abroad? Related Articles: Listen to this blog post This post was written by our ITTT graduate Rupanpreet K. Business English is the type of English used in business contexts. Some types of English, like novels or law briefings, welcome long, sophisticated vocabulary. Business English isn't like that. Good writing is direct and to the point. There is less focus on grammar in...  [Read more]

Tips for Working with English Teachers in Vietnam - TEFL Blog

Hoàng Minh Huy Destinations Alumni Experiences In modern times, Vietnam's government has introduced ambitious educational reforms to elevate English proficiency levels. This has led to an increase in English teaching roles in public and private schools. The growing demand among English users and native speakers has made teaching English in Vietnam an appealing choice. This essay offers advice for effectively working in Vietnam. Active Listening and Observation Cultivating Relationships and Building Rapport Supporting and Contributing Conclusion: Embracing Vietnamese Work Culture Are you ready to teach English as a foreign language? Related Articles: Check out what our course grads say in our many video testimonials! First and foremost, keen observation is essential. Each Vietnamese...  [Read more]

What Options do Business English Teachers Have? - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Teaching Ideas This summative task essay will answer the question, "What options do business English teachers have?". This is topic number 14, "Options for Teachers." The different career options available for teachers of business English, as well as their unique benefits and challenges, will be discussed in the following. The number of options Technological inclusion Benefits Individual work Being employed Do you want to teach English abroad? Take a TEFL course! Related Articles: This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Alorah L. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT. The wonderful part about becoming an English teacher is the variety of open different avenues. Here's a list of the most common...  [Read more]

How to Optimize Your CV for a Virtual English Teacher Career in 2023 - TEFL Blog

Dorian Martin TEFL Information Teaching Ideas To become a successful virtual English teacher after completing your TEFL course of choice is a matter of presenting your skillset as viable for teaching online. Outline your Qualifications, Competencies and Prior Experiences Properly Do Background Research on the Platform you might Teach On Formatting your CV Properly will make it Stand Out Demonstrate That You're Up-To-Date on Current Trends Attach a Supplemental Cover/Motivational Letter about Yourself Use Keywords Related to Virtual English Teaching Gather Testimonials, Reviews or Recommendations from Past Experiences List of the Technology you have Available for Virtual Teaching The Advantages of Optimizing your CV as a Virtual English Teacher in 2023 Summary Are you ready to teach...  [Read more]

How to Find a Job as an English Teacher Online (updated April 2023) - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore TEFL Information In our modern age where working online has become a common way to make a steady living, the opportunities for qualified English teachers have further branched out into what we call the "virtual classroom". How to get started teaching English online The best employment options for teaching English online How much can you earn teaching English online? Some popular teaching platforms for teaching English online include: Useful Facebook Groups Are you ready to teach English online? More about Teaching English online in this video: There are countless online platforms and providers that offer English lessons online with native speakers allowing students from all over the world to learn how to speak English from the comfort of their home. Here is our...  [Read more]

Interesting Outdoor Activities English Teachers Can Use - TEFL Blog

Federico Riva Teaching Ideas Let us imagine. How if English teachers only conduct English lessons inside the class? Will the students have fun all the time? Many English teachers reflect on that so, in reality, they try to conduct English lessons not only inside the class but also outside the class. They think that conducting English lessons outside is also needed and important. Therefore, English teachers use some outdoor activities to help when teaching English. By doing so, English teachers believe that they can help their students to increase motivation. They also believe that outdoor activities can give students fun and joy. Here are some interesting activities that English teachers can use to teach English outside the class. Principles of Motivation What I can do Look around and...  [Read more]

The Truth About TEFL for Non-Native English Speaking Teachers - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore TEFL Information Alumni Experiences Sometimes non-native English speakers are discouraged in their pursuit of teaching English as a foreign language. With the right TEFL certification course and training, anyone who is a fluent English speaker can also be a great teacher. There is really no reason for non-native English speakers to worry as the following alumni report will clearly show. Listen to this blog post: English Proficiency Nobody Knows Everything You Can Relate to Your Students You Can Anticipate the Students' Problems Non-Native English Speaking Teachers Rule! Are you ready to teach English abroad? Related Articles: Check out what our course grads say in our many video testimonials! This post was written by our ITTT graduate Lola H. I chose this topic because I...  [Read more]

Several Things You Should Do as a TEFL Teacher - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Teaching Ideas The role of the teacher, without a doubt, is the most important factor when you begin your teaching profession. For it is here--where you start and then continue to educate students your entire life. Everything a teacher does is what leads to the success and failure of the students. Listen to this blog post: Creating a Right Atmpsphere Setting up Learning Goals Providing With Appropriate Activites Extra Responsibilities Do you want to teach English abroad? Take a TEFL course! Related Articles: For a teacher to achieve success, they must want it internally. Some teachers enter the field because they want summers off. I know it sounds absurd but it's true. The teacher must be dedicated to their profession and show that every day when they walk into the...  [Read more]

TEFL ONLINE - page 4 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Jobs online

There are students of English all over the world who prefer to learn English online rather than by physical attendance at a school or language academy. Qualified TEFL teachers are therefore hired by a number of different organisations to teach English online. Here are some online teaching positions: Online English Teachers for Conversation Classes | (Date posted:2022-10-08) Date posted:2022-10-08 | Writer: SpeakingAtHome | Email: [email protected] SpeakingAtHome is looking for Full or Part time Online English Tutors for European students. Mainly for evenings and nights. We offer full or part time positions and flexible working hours to busy individuals who wish to have an additional income. If you are passionate in English language. Have an extraordinary teaching ability. Then,...  [Read more]

What it's Like to Teach English Online: An Online Teacher Reveals Her Secrets! - TEFL Blog

Gaia Oliviero TEFL Information Teaching Ideas Working as an ESL teacher can be difficult if you live in a Western country and you haven't undertaken a certain path during your university studies. As far as Italy is concerned, if you want to teach in a public school, you need to hold at least a Master's Degree in pedagogical studies and/or educational sciences. No matter how good an English speaker you are, you are required to own those specific degrees. If you want to teach in a private school, you have to take into account the fact that they prefer to hire native speakers – which is totally licit, to a certain extent. In addition to that, if you have no experience whatsoever in teaching in front of a class, you are basically hopeless. At that rate, you have two options: waiting...  [Read more]

Top Tips for Teaching Absolute Beginners in English as an EFL Teacher - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Teaching Ideas Teaching the English language to total beginners is a challenge for any teacher - but it's so worth it! English teachers abroad are regularly faced with two possible situations: A) teaching English to a class with zero knowledge in English (often young learners), or B) having to integrate a new student into your class who has never studied English before and now he/she has to pick up the language quickly. Assess the Exact Level of the Student(s) What to Teach Absolute Beginners in English Personal and family information Social interaction Classroom and school Time, calendar and weather Body parts Food Home Incorporate Numbers, Colors, and Shapes Teaching the Alphabet Are you ready to teach English abroad? Related Articles Where to start? Many teachers...  [Read more]

7 Easy Ways to Make Money Online as an English Teacher - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Budget and Salary TEFL Information Alumni Experiences Teaching Ideas Online English teachers have been in as high a demand as never before. The great thing about working as an online English teacher is that you don't even have to leave your home to make money. Listen to this blog post: 1. Work as an Online English teacher 2. Sell Online Courses on Udemy 3. Sell Teaching Materials on Teachers Pay Teachers 4. Provide a TEFL Coaching 5. Run a YouTube Channel 6. Record a TEFL Podcast 7. Become an Affiliate You can become an ITTT affiliate right now and makeup to 30% on commissions! Are you ready to become a TEFL expert? Take a TEFL course today! Related Articles: Check out what our course grads say in our many video testimonials! In this blog post, we share seven easy...  [Read more]

5 Tips on How to Impress Business Clients as a Business English Teacher - TEFL Blog

Joanna Dineva Teaching Ideas Like it or not, ready or not, English is the global language of business. Globalization in business is widespread both in market globalization and production globalization. More importantly, more and more multinational companies are mandating English as the common corporate language—Airbus, Daimler-Chrysler, Fast Retailing, Nokia, Renault, Samsung, SAP, Technicolor, and Microsoft in Beijing, to name a few. Listen to this blog post: 1. Dress to impress! 2. Be professional. 3. Needs Analysis. 4. Provide a course success report. 5. Distribute a course evaluation at the end of the course. But relax! Related Articles: This corporate strategy of adopting a global language policy has also increased the demand for a specialized English teacher: The Business...  [Read more]

The Story of Becoming an ESL Teacher - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Teaching Ideas Teaching is one of the most difficult jobs in the world. You have to deal with different personalities inside the classroom and somehow, you need to work things out for the class to have an atmosphere that is conducive to learning. You have to prepare yourself both mentally and emotionally to be an effective teacher. It is not a cakewalk and you need to have the drive and work ethics to succeed in this profession. Childhood Dreams First Teaching Job Working on Teaching Skills Do you want to teach English abroad? Take a TEFL course! Related Articles: This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Fitz B. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT. Growing up, I never really thought of...  [Read more]

Being a Teacher is More Than Just Teaching - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Alumni Experiences I haven't been a teacher for very long, but I have noticed more and more, since taking this course that a classroom can succeed if a teacher knows that teaching isn't just the passing of information. The teacher must understand that there are many different types of learners, that they must build a rapport with these learners, and they must tailor lessons based on these aspects. Teaching is more than just teaching a subject or language; this is the best thing I've learned from my ITTT classes. Types of Learners Rapport Tailoring Lessons Are you ready to teach English abroad? Related Articles: Listen to this blog post This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Erin W. As a foundation, to being teaching, I have learned that there are...  [Read more]

What Makes You a Favorite Teacher - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Teaching Ideas All children must go to school. It's the law. All children are entrusted to teachers. It's like that. Some of these students love school, some do not. Some children will learn more easily than others and many children will like school and will learn more easily if they like their teacher. Listen to this blog post: The torch of knowledge As a role model: Managing the classroom: The parents Not perfect, teachers? Do you want to teach English abroad? Take a TEFL course today! Related Articles: This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Nwanekezie A. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT. From the beginning, a parent who respects the teachers of his child gives him a head start in his...  [Read more]

Teacher Self-Analysis: Why is it Important? - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Alumni Experiences "To be a good teacher, you need to love what you teach. Teachers are given the word not to put their thoughts to sleep, but to wake someone else's." - V. Klyuchevsky, Russian historian Teaher's Self-development Teacher's Attitude Teacher's Professional Development Teacher's Self-evaluation How Self-analysis Influences Teaching? Do you want to be a TEFL teacher? Related Articles: Listen to this blog post This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Zarina S. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT. A teacher who is able to learn will also be able to grow as a specialist, improve in his/her pedagogical activity and perfect his/her professional skills. The first and constant helper in...  [Read more]

The Ever-Changing Role of the Teacher - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Alumni Experiences Deciding what role will be held as a teacher as many variables. Teachers can be anywhere from instructors to policemen and many things in between on any given day. Being aware of which role is necessary and when will have an impact on the teacher and students. Let us begin with the role of the instructor This takes us to the next role of facilitator When in front of the classroom the teacher becomes the mentor to the learners Time to focus on the role of a psychologist The counselor Now onto the policeman Do you want to teach English abroad? Take a TEFL course! Related Articles: This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Johnelle M. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT. When...  [Read more]

Tips & Resources for LGBTQIA+ English Teachers Abroad - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Destinations TEFL Information Teaching abroad is an exciting and enriching opportunity for anyone, but as an LGBT individual, there are additional challenges and considerations to keep in mind. Moving to a new country means adjusting to a different culture and navigating questions about discrimination, safety, coming out, and handling public displays of affection. While there has been significant progress in LGBT rights globally, including the legalization of same-sex marriage in more countries, there is still work to be done. Therefore, finding a place to teach abroad that is accepting and welcoming to the LGBT community becomes crucial. LGBTQIA+ Friendly EFL Destinations Spain: A Top LGBTQ+ Friendly Destination for Teaching English Abroad Thailand: Embracing Diversity...  [Read more]

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