Top Accredited Tefl Courses

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Accredited TEFL Courses - Moderated TEFL Courses - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

ITTT has been providing TEFL and TESOL courses since the 1990s and during this time has developed relationships with many of the leading individuals, institutes and schools in the industry. We are committed to improving the standard of English language teaching worldwide and we only offer the highest quality courses. Below you will find some of our main affiliations and accreditations: The certificates gained by completing a training course with ITTT are the only 100% online TEFL/TESOL certificates available that are validated, accredited and credit bearing from an internationally-recognized university. The higher education institute known as the Paris University of International Education is recognized as degree-granting by the Paris Academy. The Rectorate of the Paris Academy is under...  [Read more]

Are TEFL courses accredited? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

While many TEFL courses boast about their quality, not all are accredited. A key indicator of a reputable TEFL course is its accreditation by recognized organizations. Additionally, independent reviews can provide insight into the course's quality and the support services offered by the provider. It is crucial to ensure both the course and its accreditation meet the standards expected by employers. Why are courses accredited? Who provides accreditation for TEFL courses? 1) University Accreditation 2) Private Accreditation Providers Watch out! Almost every TEFL course provider has some form of external accreditation for their courses. Without external accreditation, the qualification and manner in which it was achieved could come under scrutiny when applying for jobs and work visas. After...  [Read more]

The Top Reasons To Complete a TEFL Course - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore TEFL Information Alumni Experiences There are many reasons to undertake a TEFL course. Completing the 120-hour TEFL course allows you to expand your portfolio. The TEFL certification gives you an edge over other candidates when applying to certain jobs. "Having a TEFL certification affords me the luxury of living overseas in a foreign country." "A TEFL certificate can serve you well beyond just teaching English." "It may sound like a fairytale job that does not exist, but this reality is within reach with a TEFL." Listen to this blog post Are you ready to teach English abroad? Related Articles: This is not just one more qualification that will help you stand out in a global marketplace. Most countries around the world recognize what the TEFL certification is, and the...  [Read more]

Top Tips for Taking an Online TEFL Course - TEFL Blog

Mark Crocker TEFL Information In recent years, online courses have become more and more popular in many walks of life and TEFL is no exception. Due to the convenience and flexibility of distance learning and the clear financial savings compared with in-class training, online TEFL certification courses are the obvious choice for many aspiring English teachers. However, for many trainees this is likely to be their first taste of online study and distance learning can be a challenge for anyone who is new to this form of education. If you are considering an online TEFL course, we have put together the following tips to help you complete it with flying colors. Internet access Time management Ask questions Use all available resources Remember why you enrolled on the TEFL course Listen to this...  [Read more]

Top 10 Places to Take Your TEFL Course in Spring - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Destinations Spring is the perfect time of the year to get out there and explore the world! These are the top 10 places to take your TEFL certification course in the springtime. 1. Tokyo, Japan 2. Rome, Italy 3. Shanghai, China 4. Kathmandu, Nepal 5. Limerick, Ireland 6. Cusco, Peru 7. Florence, Italy 8. Athens, Greece 9. Phuket, Thailand 10. Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica Listen to this blog post Are You Ready to Teach English as a Foreign Language? Related Articles: What better place to experience spring than in beautiful Japan? During the spring season, the entire country is painted in pastel pink cherry blossoms and the capital of Tokyo is an especially great place to see them. Take a boat ride on a blossom-lined stream in a traditional Japanese boat or hike up to see...  [Read more]

Top 10 Places to Take Your TEFL Course in the Fall - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Destinations TEFL Information Are you sad that your summer is almost over? Don't be! Now is the perfect time to plan your TEFL adventure in the fall. Here are our top 10 places to take your TEFL course in the fall. 1. Seoul, South Korea 2. Sydney, Australia 3. Beijing, China 4. London, England 5. La Antigua, Guatemala 6. Chiang Mai, Thailand 7. Paris, France 8. Cape Town, South Africa 9. Prague, Czech Republic 10. Surabaya, Indonesia Listen to this blog post Are You Ready to Teach English as a Foreign Language? Related Articles: Fall is one of the most beautiful times of the year to visit South Korea. Why? The whole scenery of the country transforms and shines with bright yellows, reds, and oranges. There are so many amazing things to do in South Korea in the fall, such...  [Read more]

The Top 10 Questions You Need to Ask Before Enrolling In a TEFL/TESOL Course - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hi hi and welcome to another live session my name is linda from itt and um yeah i'm back again this week um who would have thought no uh but we're pretty consistent uh with um our live events so we are going live twice a week me one time and then my colleague lisa one time and um yeah so happy to be here today guys let me know if you can see me if you can hear me and also where you're watching from just drop in um hi watching from so and so into the comment section that would be really really great and yeah um i'm super excited to be here again today um normally i go live on fridays um well friday morning in south korea i'm in south korea but today i'm going live on thursday um because we are actually going into the lunar new year holidays over here so um yeah after this i have to...  [Read more]

TEFL Course Features - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Training Courses

At ITTT we fully understand that our in-class TEFL certificate courses require a great deal of commitment in terms of time, effort and expense on the part of the trainee. Therefore, it is our aim to match this level of commitment by providing everything we possibly can in terms of the overall quality of the course itself and in the ongoing support we provide once the course is completed. The main features of our in-class TEFL certification course include, but are not limited to, the following: While we aim to cover every possible eventuality, this is not always possible. However, we are constantly updating and improving our materials and facilities in order to provide the highest level of service possible. We are always open to suggestions and welcome any comments that will help to improve...  [Read more]

TEFL TESOL Courses: Course Topics - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  By choosing an online TEFL certification course you are in no way compromising on the theory of English language teaching as they cover a wide range of essential topics. Our most popular course, the 120-hour TEFL certification, includes in-depth units on all the main subjects you need to know about before you start your first teaching job. A great deal of coverage is given to English grammar subjects and how to teach them in the classroom. These include the tense system, conditionals, modals, passive voice and much more. Initially these subjects can seem a little scary, but there is nothing to fear as our high-quality materials will guide you safely through each topic. Another very important part of teacher training is classroom management skills. Regardless of the age or...  [Read more]

English Teachers Recruitment Companies - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  As an extended part of our lifetime job assistance program, we also maintain close partnerships with several of the top recruitment companies operating within the TEFL world. Through these long-established and well-respected companies, you can find teaching jobs around the world without much of the hassle associated with applying for jobs directly. By using a recruitment company you can typically arrange a teaching position before leaving home which can be a real comfort, particularly for those who are new to teaching and travelling abroad. Job applications and interviews are generally done over the internet and paperwork such as visas and work permits are usually taken care of for you. Another big benefit of using a recruitment company is that it won't cost you a single cent, as...  [Read more]

Top Tips to Teach Receptive and Productive Skills in a Kindergarten - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Alumni Experiences Over the years, globalization and living in a global village have had a major effect on various aspects of modern people, like commerce, academic domain, and tourism. Therefore, this phenomenon has necessitated people to learn the English language so as to communicate and interact in different situations more easily and successfully. Likewise, there has been a noticeable tendency among the parents who have found it really vital to have their children learn the English language from an early age. There are some main reasons why they are so insistent on getting their kids to learn English. Listen to this blog post: Some tips to teach receptive and productive skills: Speaking Writing Listening Reading Are you ready to teach English abroad? Related...  [Read more]

TEFL TESOL Extra Services - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  In-class TEFL courses have many highlights such as in-person instruction from professional teacher trainers and invaluable teaching practice with real English language students. On top of these major benefits, there are also a few extra bonuses on offer at some of our training locations. In many cases, our training staff are able to arrange free airport pickups which can be a great help if you are visiting a new country for the first time. The knowledge that you have transport to your accommodation arranged in advance means you can sit back and relax during your journey without worrying about finding a taxi, bus or train on arrival. Although the in-class course does involve some hard work, there will still be plenty of time to let your hair down during the evenings and weekends....  [Read more]

Top Approaches to Teaching Reading - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Teaching Ideas As we know in any case when we are going to teach a new language, it is really important to pay attention to some particular skills, that is the root of the language. Types of Skills Types of Reading Approach to Reading Do you want to teach English abroad? Take a TEFL course! Related Articles: This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Gevorg S. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT. These skills are receptive skills and productive skills. Reading is one of the basic skills of learning a new language. And first of all, I would like to define reading. The process of reading a printed text louder or silently is called reading. For readers, it is important to know and understand the...  [Read more]

Top Qualities To Teach Kindergarteners - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Alumni Experiences One of the most rewarding times of my life is my career of teaching kindergarten for the last fifteen years. These young learners bring curiosity, energy, and enthusiasm to the classroom. Five and six year olds are still accustomed to needing help, and making mistakes; therefore, they are less self-conscious and are eager to learn in order for them to become more self-reliant. My husband and I are embarking on a new adventure to Indonesia where I will be working in a school in the early childhood department. The information I learned from my TEFL course will be very useful. Create a Cheerful Environment Be patient, kind, encouraging and observant. Are you ready to teach English to young learners? Related Articles: Listen to this blog post This post was...  [Read more]

Top 5 Underrated TEFL Destinations - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hi Linda here from ITT back this week with another live session and and today we're going to talk about how to become a freelance tefl teacher all right I think this is a topic that a lot of people are going to find very interesting um a lot of people are probably going to want to kind of follow in the in the footsteps of this newer kind well is it a new career but I mean we've definitely seen some changes in the teaching industry in the teaching Market um also thanks to the Boom in online teaching and freelance teaching freelance English teaching has definitely become uh increasingly popular for many different reasons many of these reasons we're gonna go into we're gonna go into um what it actually means to be a tefl freelance teacher um the benefits of it um also kind of the challenges...  [Read more]

Top Tips For Teaching English Through Stories - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Teaching Ideas Stories... we live in a world of stories. Every single day we have a story to tell. A funny story, a serious story, a scary story or even an upsetting story. These are the pictures we keep in our minds, like our own little movie playing in our heads. Attached to every story, is language. Language completes our story, it gives our story meaning. The Power of Stories Choice of Stories For Children For Teenagers For Adults Are you ready to teach English through good old stories? Related Articles: Listen to this blog post This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Lindie N. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT. Teaching language is giving someone the power to add another voice to their...  [Read more]

Top Strategies for Effective Teaching of Grammar - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Teaching Ideas Type in "teaching grammar effectively" into Google and the reader will be confronted with pages and pages of advice/frameworks/theories on how to effectively teach grammar. 8 Do's and Dont's for Effective Grammar Instruction 8 things to avoid Alternative Approach Theory Explanations Examples Exercises Supplementing the coursebook Carry-over 7 tips for effective grammar instruction Do you want to teach English abroad? Take a TEFL course! Related Articles: Most of the content does acknowledge that there is no "golden rule" for effective grammar teaching before imparting their particular key rules or areas that should be incorporated into teaching grammar. This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Joe S. Please note that this blog post might...  [Read more]

Top Time Fillers for an EFL Classroom - TEFL Blog

Mark Crocker Teaching Ideas As every TEFL certified English teacher will know, it is all too common to find you have completed the lesson but there is still time left before the end of the class. While first-time teachers might panic in this position, experienced teachers will always have a few go-to activities to use in these situations. To help you out we have put together the following suggestions for fun, educational activities that can be brought out with little or no preparation. Telephone Pictionary The Never-Ending Story Why/Because Charades Whiteboard Slam Would You Rather Open Questions Listen to this blog post Are you ready to teach English abroad? Related Articles: This is a classic old classroom game that is still great fun to use today. First, you need to arrange the...  [Read more]

Top 6 Government-run TEFL Teacher Programs - TEFL Blog

Federico Riva TEFL Information Teaching Ideas Looking to embark on an adventure abroad while making a positive impact as an English teacher? Government-run TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) programs offer an incredible opportunity to do just that. These well-organized initiatives, often backed by various countries' governments, provide aspiring educators with a unique chance to teach English in foreign lands, all while gaining an unforgettable cross-cultural experience. 1. FEI/TAPIF — France: International/USA Applications and Eligibility 2. NET Scheme in Hong Kong How to Qualify for the HK NET Scheme Category One requires: 3. CETP Hungary Application Process 4. JET Japan Application process Eligibility Duties 6. North American Language and Culture Assistants Program...  [Read more]

Top Tips for Teaching English in Europe - TEFL Blog

Mark Crocker Destinations TEFL Information For many people looking to teach English abroad, Europe is the number one dream destination. Whether your dreams involve the romance of Paris, the fine art of Florence, or the nightlife of Barcelona, the good news is there are plenty of teaching jobs available, even if you have no previous experience. If you are a native speaker of English, there is really nothing standing in your way. Get TEFL certified Prepare to interview in person Be aware of each country's requirements Make multiple job applications and even accept more than one offer Take on private lessons in your free time Plan your finances Pick and choose your clients wisely Yes, maximize your free time! Listen to this blog post Are you ready to teach English in Europe? Related...  [Read more]

Living and Teaching English in Thailand - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Habits & Customs

Thailand is one of the top tourist destinations in the world, boasting an alluring culture, delicious cuisine and beautiful natural scenery, from mountains to stunning beaches and islands. On top of that, the demand for qualified English language teachers is very high making it a great location to work in the EFL field. The following guides should help you decide whether Thailand is a suitable teaching location for you. They cover cultural tips, travel information, the best places to visit, an introduction to the Thai language, and a comprehensive guide to the local cuisine. SOURCE: www . infographicsposters . com/travel/thailand-travel-guide . html Register now & get certified to teach english abroad! SOURCE: www . volunteerworld . com/volunteer-in-thailand Register now &...  [Read more]

30 Quirky Facts About New Zealand - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Teach English Abroad

SOURCE: www . dauntlessjaunter . com/2014/09/01/30-quirky-facts-about-new-zealand-infographic/ Register now & get certified to teach english abroad!  [Read more]

Tefl Review For Online Tefl Course 25 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Amy is from South Africa and recently completed the 120-hour online TEFL/TESOL certification course with ITTT. On top of that she also took the certificate for teaching English to young learners. Both courses were beneficial and very well put together. She enjoyed working with her tutor and greatly benefited from her assistance. She thought the course was well put together and all units were linked and easy to comprehend. She is going to be teaching overseas in South Korea and is excited to live abroad. Register now & get certified to teach english abroad!  [Read more]

Top TEFL Countries That Hire Teachers in Advance - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Destinations TEFL Information While a lot of teaching positions are filled locally through face-to-face interviews, there are many countries that prefer to recruit new teachers in advance before they leave home. The application process usually takes place online via email and interviews are held via phone or Skype. A lot of teachers prefer this method as it offers a bit more security than simply heading abroad to find a job. Benefits of Getting Hired in Advance Countries in Asia That Hire English Teachers in Advance Countries in the Middle East That Hire English Teachers in Advance Countries in Europe That Hire English Teachers in Advance Countries in Latin America That Hire English Teachers in Advance Listen to this blog post Are you ready to live and teach English...  [Read more]

Living and Teaching English in Kenya - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Habits & Customs

Located in East Africa with a coastline on the Indian Ocean, Kenya is a major destination for travelers from all over the world. Visitors are drawn to the country by its extensive national parks that are home to a dazzling array of wildlife. Also popular are the relaxing beaches that can be found along much of the country’s coast. Whatever your reasons for visiting Kenya, take a look at the following guides for further information about this fascinating country. You will find some simple travel advice to help you plan your trip and a handy guide to the local language. SOURCE: foursquare . com/v/republic-of-kenya--jamhuri-ya-kenya/501f4918e4b0c118b62ae6e4 Register now & get certified to teach english abroad! SOURCE: infographicnow ....  [Read more]

The Top Hiring Seasons for Teaching English Abroad - TEFL Blog

Mark Crocker Destinations TEFL Information When planning a new career teaching English overseas, one of the most important factors to consider is when is the best time of year to get hired in your chosen destination? In some areas, the demand is so strong that you can find a job at any time, while in others there are certain windows when the majority of hiring is done. Making sure you get your timings right can make a big difference to your logistical planning and the start-up costs you will need. The worst-case scenario of turning up in your dream location only to find that no one is hiring is certainly one you want to avoid. Hiring Seasons for Teaching English in Asia Hiring Seasons for Teaching English in Europe Hiring Seasons for Teaching English in the Middle East Hiring Seasons...  [Read more]

The Top 5 Places to Teach English in Japan - TEFL Blog

Mark Crocker Destinations The utterly unique character of Japan has fascinated people from all over the world throughout history and this is still very true today. Nowhere else quite captures the imagination like Japan, with its individual blend of East Asian culture and high-tech modernity. Its popularity among foreign teachers is also enhanced by the strong demand for TEFL qualified professionals in all of its major cities, as well as many smaller towns across the country. Although competition for the top jobs can sometimes be tough, the promise of living and working in one of the world's most fascinating countries continues to draw many thousands of teachers every year. If you would like to join them, take a look at our pick of the top 5 places to teach English in Japan. 1. Tokyo 2....  [Read more]

The Top 5 Places to Teach English in Vietnam - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Destinations Southeast Asia is, without a doubt, one of the most popular regions for teaching English as a foreign language. Vietnam, in particular, offers great opportunities for TEFL qualified professionals in all of its major cities, as well as in many smaller towns across the nation. Vietnam is also a great destination for non-native English teachers and those without a degree. If you would like to teach English in this beautiful country, take a look at our pick of the top 5 places to teach English in Vietnam. Listen to this blog post: 1. Ho Chi Minh City 2. Hanoi 3. Da Nang 4. Hue 5. Haiphong Are you ready to teach English in Vietnam? Related Articles: Check out what our course grads say in our many video testimonials! Also read: How much can I earn teaching English...  [Read more]

Top 10 Qualities Every Great Teacher Should Have - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore TEFL Information We admire them and now we want to be them but what are those fundamental qualities that make teachers so great? Drawing on decades of experience of working with TEFL teachers across the globe, we have listed the top 10 qualities every great teacher should have below. 1. They're glowing and inspiring. 2. They plan it all out. 3. They are patient. 4. They are challengers. 5. They are creative. 6. They are great talkers. 7. They know their stuff. 8. They are flexible and adaptable. 9. They show and receive respect. 10. They are professional. Listen to this blog post Are you ready to teach English abroad? Related Articles: Great teachers love what they're doing. They are passionate about their subject and do their best to bring it through to the students....  [Read more]

Top Tips for Instilling a Love of Reading in Children - TEFL Blog

Federico Riva TEFL Information Alumni Experiences Teaching Ideas Reading is one of the most essential parts of learning a language as it not only facilitates language development but also enhances abstract skills such as visualization and imagination. For young learners and children, reading plays a vital role, as their vivid imagination intensifies the reading experience. However, their short attention spans can pose challenges in maintaining engagement with written material. So, how can we instill a genuine love of reading in children without relying solely on authority figures? Empowering Children to Take the Initiative The Vast Array of English Language Literature Identifying and Utilizing Individual Interests Utilizing the Internet for Accessible Reading Materials Encouraging...  [Read more]

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