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Answering the Most Asked TEFL/TESOL Questions - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hi welcome guys linda here from itt for another live session this week i'm so happy to be here today the weather is great today the lighting is good uh if you were watching last week uh yeah it was pretty much like the end of the world weather here and it suddenly turned super dark and i don't have a light or anything like a ring light so um but today it's great i feel good i have my coffee right here even though it's almost gone but um yeah so happy to be here if you can see me if you can hear me please just drop a high into the comments we are live on facebook and we're also live on youtube and if you're listening to this as a podcast episode thanks for the download we really appreciate it we always turn our live sessions into podcast episodes you can find the podcast on all major...  [Read more]

The Top 10 Questions You Need to Ask Before Enrolling In a TEFL/TESOL Course - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hi hi and welcome to another live session my name is linda from itt and um yeah i'm back again this week um who would have thought no uh but we're pretty consistent uh with um our live events so we are going live twice a week me one time and then my colleague lisa one time and um yeah so happy to be here today guys let me know if you can see me if you can hear me and also where you're watching from just drop in um hi watching from so and so into the comment section that would be really really great and yeah um i'm super excited to be here again today um normally i go live on fridays um well friday morning in south korea i'm in south korea but today i'm going live on thursday um because we are actually going into the lunar new year holidays over here so um yeah after this i have to...  [Read more]

Teaching English WITHOUT a Degree: Yes, You CAN! - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hi guys hey linda here from itt back this week with another live session uh thanks so much for tuning in today i hope you're gonna enjoy enjoy today's um live stream today's topic i think is going to be really interesting to a lot of people because we do get that asked quite a lot at itt you know can i teach english abroad or online without a university degree and the answer is yes you can it's possible and in this live stream i'm going to show you exactly where the best places are for teachers who don't have a degree but they do want to go abroad to teach so i'm going to cover specific countries where teachers without a degree can work and i'm also going to cover a couple of different online platforms where you can find work where you can work where you can teach english without having a...  [Read more]

TEFL, TESOL & Teaching English Q&A Session - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hello hello hello anybody here anybody's here welcome i'm linda from itt and we are doing a live q a session today so let me just check if this is working is anybody here if you're here if you can see me if you can hear me please leave a comment that would be great so that i know that you are here and please let me know where you guys are tuning in from i would be super interested to know where are you tuning in from i'm in south korea i'm about an hour and a half outside of seoul sort of like in the middle of south korea in a city called chongju it's not that big it is quite big but it's not pretty well known but um yeah i've been here for five and a half years already so oh hello some people are here great hi welcome welcome where are you guys please let me know so yeah i've been in...  [Read more]

10 Pieces of Advice Every New EFL Teacher Needs to Know - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hello hi everyone linda here from itt back with another live session this week how is everybody doing hope you're doing fine thank you so much for tuning in and spending um taking some time out of your day to spend it with me today as always uh we go live and our live sessions take about 45 minutes sometimes even an hour depends on how many questions you guys have at the end we always have a q a part so this is a time where you can ask me your questions about teaching abroad about tefl about tesol about our courses about anything teaching related that's on your mind that you want to know and today's topic is dedicated to new teachers so i'm going to be sharing 10 pieces of advice that you need to know as a new tefl or efl english as a foreign language teacher if you're going abroad or also...  [Read more]

10 Advantages of Taking a TEFL Course with ITTT - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hi hello everyone linda here from itt back with another live session this week this week at a very different time a time i've never been live before it's very exciting um it is 8 p.m where i am right now in south korea on a friday evening and yeah i thought why not give this time a try and see what happens i usually go live like um 10 hours earlier so in the morning time for me but now i just thought let's see what happens because we we're gonna switch some times up sometimes you know to get other people in who maybe don't have a chance to watch it in the morning time so yeah hi and welcome if you can see me if you can hear me please just leave a quick hello in the comments we are live on facebook and on youtube at the same time um also do let me know where are you watching from right now...  [Read more]

The Different Types of Schools Where TEFL/TESOL Teachers Work - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hi guys hello i'm linda back with another live session this week from itt welcome so nice to have you here i'm super excited it's a beautiful day outside um it is 10 a.m in south korea what about you where are you at where are you watching from today let me know in the comments and what time it is there and what brought you here are you an itttt tefl tesol graduate um are you yet to take a course um what's what's going on with you let me know in the comments who are you like a brief introduction would be great i'm also going to introduce myself in a little bit if you don't know who i am um and also please don't forget to like and subscribe you're already here you have nothing to lose we share a lot of good content every day especially on our facebook page on youtube um on social media in...  [Read more]

TEFL for Beginners: How to Get Started - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hello everyone hi linda here from itt welcome to another live session um i'm so happy to be here back for another live session and this week we are going to talk about tefl for beginners how to get started so this is really for people who are very new to tefl um and to teaching english as a foreign language um you have heard about it um and you're kind of thinking hey maybe this is something for me i want to go abroad and teach english or i want to teach english online but i have no idea how to get started then this live session is for you yeah welcome hello everyone my name is linda from itt and um i am live once a week for itttt here on facebook and on youtube and thank you so much for taking some time out of your day today to be here with me this live session is going to take probably...  [Read more]

Teaching English in South Korea - What you need to know! - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hi and welcome to another live session by itt my name is linda and i'm here today um to talk about teaching english in south korea so welcome welcome um i'm just gonna wait for um people to join please do let me know if you can hear me if you can see me or if you're not if you can't hear me if there's a problem if anything's wrong uh because that would be um bad obviously so yeah drop a comment um just leave a high and uh where you're tuning in from that would be really helpful let me know where you guys are watching from and um yeah i can see a few people have joined already hi thanks so much for joining awesome okay i got a yes i can hear you from mika awesome or micah sorry if i pronounce that wrong but yeah uh yeah thanks so much for joining okay and mika mika is from argentina or...  [Read more]

The Best Government-Run Programs For Teaching English Abroad - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

My name is linda i'm from itt international tefl and tesol training and um yeah i'm back again today for another live session and yeah if you can hear me if you can see me because i'm trying out a new mic today so if that is um working well um i need to know if you can hear me and you can see me so please leave a quick comment um just throwing in a high and where you're watching from so that i know that you can hear me clearly and that you can see me and that you're here and ready to go through today's live and today's topic that would be really really great um yeah my name is linda um working for itt and i have been living in south korea for five and a half years so for me right now it's 10 a.m friday morning in south korea and yeah let me know where you are tuning in from and what time...  [Read more]

How much money can you REALLY earn when teaching English? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hi guys hi another live session this week my name is linda from itt nice to see you again if you can see me if you can hear me just say hi into the comment section it would be really really nice um yeah back this week with another exciting topic as you can see teaching english how much money can you really make okay very interesting topic we all need to know how much money we can make obviously if we want to go and teach english abroad or i'm also going to cover how much money you can make when you teach online so very very important topics um that we are covering today and yeah thanks so much for watching if you are listening to this as a podcast episode thank you so much for the download as you might know we always turn our live sessions into podcast episodes that you can find on...  [Read more]

The Biggest Misconceptions about TEFL/TESOL DEBUNKED! - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hi welcome hello good morning good evening good night good afternoon wherever you are thanks so much for tuning in my name is linda this week back with another live session for itt which stands for international tefl and tesol training so thank you so much for joining me today it is 10 15 a.m in south korea where i am and um yeah today we're gonna talk about the biggest misconceptions about teaching english so those are those things that we at iittt kind of get asked a lot or people what i read on forums i do a lot of tefl research so when i um dive deep into the forums where people talk about teaching english abroad i come across these misconceptions all the time and today i want to take this opportunity to sort of debunk them and let you guys know what is true what is not true what's...  [Read more]

The Biggest Misconceptions about TEFL/TESOL - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hello hello and thanks for tuning in i'm just checking if everything is working properly our stream and stuff so i think it's working um if you can see me if anybody's there um hello thanks so much for tuning in we're actually streaming live today on two platforms we're streaming live on facebook and we're also live on youtube at the same time so wherever you're watching this from thanks so much for tuning in my name is linda i'm a marketing and affiliation professional at itt and i live in south korea i've been in south korea for five and a half years now and if you're interested in you know teaching english in south korea and asia you can check out my personal um social media you can find me on instagram facebook anywhere and you can check that out but yeah um like i said we're live on...  [Read more]

The Best Government Programs For Teaching English in Europe - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hello hi linda here back with another live session this week how are you all doing thank you so much for joining uh don't forget to like and subscribe i'm just gonna say it right of the bat we go live every week with another interesting topic so if you're interested if you want to learn more about itttt tefl teasal teaching abroad teaching online all of that good stuff give us a like and a follow you're already here you have nothing to lose all the good stuff happening here today as you can see we're going to talk about the best government programs for teaching in europe okay i did a live session before about um the best teaching programs all over the world in general i found some new good ones specifically for europe so we're going to talk about only europe today uh government programs...  [Read more]

Teaching English in 2021: Setting Realistic TEFL Goals - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hello and welcome to another live session from itt my name is linda and yeah it's so good to have you here if you can see me and if you can hear me please leave a comment that would be really really helpful so that i know that everything is working well because i think sometimes there is an issue with my mic i don't know what's wrong today um but oh okay somebody already said hi or hey hey mansi thanks for joining that's awesome okay so i guess you guys can hear me you can't see me so it's great perfect hello hi tiana cool so sometimes my mic kind of turns off i don't know why that is weird but at least i get a notification and i just have to turn it back on i'm so sorry about that don't know why that keeps happening anyway we're just gonna go with that and um yep so thanks so much for...  [Read more]

Complete Guide to Teaching English Online - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hello hi welcome to another live session my my name is linda from itt i'm so happy to be here again this week um if you can see me if you can hear me as always please just leave a quick comment in the comments box below that'd be really really great we are live on facebook and we're live on youtube at the same time so welcome today we're gonna talk about teaching english online and also if you're listening to this as a podcast episode thanks thank you so much for the download we always turn our um live sessions into podcast episodes later so if that's something that you're interested in go check us out we are available on all major uh podcast platforms like itunes spotify google podcasts check us out just type in um tefl and tesol podcast by itt and you'll find us there and you can then...  [Read more]

How Teaching English Abroad Enhances Your Career Prospects - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hello everyone hello tefl friends how are you doing linda here from itt back again with another live session super excited to be here today to talk about this this exciting topic um teaching english abroad and how it enhances your career prospects so i'm just gonna wait uh for a couple of people to join you know how it usually works and um yeah once we're our a good sized group of people we can start diving into this topic and if you can hear me if you can see me please just leave a comment we are live on facebook and on youtube at the same time so wherever you're watching from just leave a quick hi or hello into the comment section and also let me know where you are watching from i am in south korea about an hour and a half south of seoul in a city called chongju and i've been living in...  [Read more]

How to teach English in Europe - Top Tips to find Jobs! - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hello hello hi linda here from itt for another weekly live session on facebook and youtube at the same time as always if uh you've watched one of my lives before thanks so much for tuning in again and if this is your first time watching hello and welcome thanks so much for being here today and um yeah if you are listening to this as a podcast episode thanks so much for downloading the podcast means a lot to us we always turn our live sessions into podcast episodes and you can find them on spotify google podcasts uh itunes all those podcast places out there and um yeah welcome welcome today's topic is teaching english in europe so two weeks ago i talked about teaching english in asia and i focused on seven different countries the most popular countries in asia and today we're going to do...  [Read more]

The Best Ice Breaker Games Every EFL Teacher Should Know - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hi guys hey linda here from itt with another live session this week i'm so happy to be here again hope to see many of you guys today thanks so much for joining if you're listening to this as a podcast episode thank you so much for the download we recently just hit 3500 podcast downloads which is super exciting thank you so much for your support and um yeah today's topic i'm really excited about because it's something a little bit different than what i'm usually talking about and today i'm going to share with you the the best icebreaker games that every efl teacher should know so yeah i'm gonna be showing you guys what fun games you can play in your classes i know that some of you are already teaching and you probably know some of these games or you know versions of these games so feel...  [Read more]

Q&A About TEFL/TESOL - Ask us anything! - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hello and welcome my name is linda from itt um thanks for tuning in if you are watching for the first time thanks so much welcome and if you've seen me before on one of our lives welcome back thanks for joining us again if you can see me and you can hear me please let me know in the comments so that i know that everything is working well and also please let me know where you're watching from that's always very interesting for me to know i am in south korea so it's actually friday morning right now it's 10 a.m so i have my morning coffee right here that i might have to uh take a few sips from here and there um but yeah where are you watching from let me know i really i'm really curious to know and today we are talking about well you can actually see right here how does this work where is...  [Read more]

Teaching Abroad: Saving Money & Paying off Loans - Here's how! - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hi guys hello welcome to another live session my name is linda from itt and today we're going to talk about a very very exciting topic i'm sure a lot of you are going to find it useful it's all going to be about how to save money and also pay off loans and debt when teaching english abroad um yeah so thank you so much for joining if you can see me if you can hear me as always please just leave a hi in the comment section i'd really appreciate it so that i know that you can see me and hear me because you know sometimes there are technical difficulties um and i might be aware of it so just kindly let me know in the comment section um and yeah thank you so much for being here again today uh last week's live session was at a different time you might have noticed we're kind of experiment...  [Read more]

The 10 best FREE tools and software for Online English Teachers - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hello hi welcome to another live session by itt my name is linda welcome happy to have you today um as you can see today's topic is 10 free tools and software that english online teachers can use perfect for english online teachers or just online teachers in general it doesn't have to be english any sort of teacher can use these but we're primarily focusing on online english teachers today uh thank you so much for joining if you're here if you um are watching if you can see me and hear me clearly please just leave a comment in the comment box and let me know that everything is working properly you know sometimes there are technical issues and i just want to make sure that everything is working as it should um there are some comments already so yeah i guess it's working we are live on...  [Read more]

How can I get a TEFL job abroad if I don’t have any previous teaching experience? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hi guys hello hi and welcome to another live session my name is linda and this live stream is hosted by itt the international tefl and tesol training uh welcome back again this week uh we go live every week so if this is your first time watching hello and welcome if you've watched before welcome back thanks so much for joining again this week and this week's topic is teaching english abroad without any experience how you can do it all the tips and tricks and everything that's involved with that so um yeah thanks so much for being here again today um please let me know where you are right now in the world where are you right now where are you watching from i am actually in south korea it is 10 a.m friday uh morning super exciting i'm so happy to be here usually um this is my usual time for...  [Read more]

ESA Methodology of Teaching - Why Every Teacher Should Use It - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hello oh my gosh hello welcome hi linda here from itt back with another live session this week hi guys how are you doing um first of all if you can see me if you can hear me just drop a quick hi into um the comment box we are actually live on facebook and we're also live on youtube at the same time so if you can see me if you can hear me please just let me know and also let me know where you're watching from where are you at right now i am in south korea it is 10 a.m friday morning i'm super excited to be here again so um yeah sometimes there are some technical difficulties i had some issues i think last week so um there was no sound for some reason for for a few seconds so if that happens just let me know and then i can repeat myself or i can fix try and fix the issue so that's why it's...  [Read more]

8 Big Mistakes To Avoid When Applying for TEFL Jobs - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hello hi linda here from itt back with another live session this week i told you same time same place i would be here so i hope you are too thank you for taking some time out of your day today to spend it with me today we're going to talk about applying for tefl jobs eight big mistakes to avoid that's today's topic kind of continuing on our like job seeking series um i did a couple of those kind of job related videos or live sessions in the past few weeks so i thought this would fit perfectly into our little collection um as always we do save our previous live sessions in our playlists um you can find them on facebook you can also find them on youtube just like we are live on both platforms today so we are live on facebook and we're also live on youtube at the same time so if you can see...  [Read more]

What to Watch Out for Before Signing Your TEFL Contract - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hello hi welcome to another live session from itt my name is linda um yeah welcome back this week if you've noticed last week our live or my life was actually on a different day different time um if you've seen it it was really really interesting i had some really really interesting guests two sisters from australia who are currently teaching in japan under the jet program and we had a lovely chat it was really fun so if you have not seen that i highly recommend checking it out if you're interested in teaching abroad uh teaching in japan if you're from australia check it out two really lovely girls it was so much fun talking about what it's like to teach in japan and this week i have i'm here by myself again and i have another um interesting topic for you that i've picked today we're...  [Read more]

Teaching English in 2021: What You Need to Know - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hello welcome thanks so much for joining me i'm linda from itt here for another live session this time on a thursday morning for me in korea and maybe wednesday evening wherever you are i'm normally doing my lives on friday morning so actually i'm a day early but tomorrow is um new year's day how exciting is that and yeah i'm not gonna be here so yeah we're doing this today um but yeah can you believe it it's the last day of 2020 um just crazy i don't know where this year went honestly and it's been a roller coaster ride right so yeah thanks so much for joining me and as you can see this is what we're talking about today teaching english in 2021 all the things you need to know trends predictions tips all that kind of stuff so i see that a lot a few people are already watching so um please...  [Read more]

Live TEFL Q&A: Ask Us Anything! - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hello hi i am back for another live session this week my name is linda from itt over here and um yeah hi i took a break last week i was um traveling actually a little bit of traveling in korea not too far um but yeah i enjoyed the cherry blossoms so that's why there was no life for me last week but um yeah i'm back this week i'm super excited to be back and um yeah today we're just gonna have a um you know q and a session so you guys can ask me questions about tefl and tesol and everything uh teaching abroad teaching online whatever you want to know about tefl and tesol and all that good stuff um so yeah that's what i'm here for today so something a bit more casual um let's have a chat i like to you know uh get to know you guys better you can get to know me me and um iitt and tefl and all...  [Read more]

Alumni TEFL Chat with Maddy & Georgia - Two Aussie Sisters Teaching English in Japan - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

all right hi hey everyone hi as you can see it's not only me this week welcome to our live stream we have guests today i'm super happy about it hi maddie hi georgia hello hey so yeah back here another for another week and i'm live on a different day i usually go live on fridays so today is very special and also because we have guests so i'm super happy about that and yeah if you are watching if you can see us if you can hear us please just leave a high in the comments that would be really cool and where you're watching from i'm always really curious about where people are watching from and um yeah i'm in south korea my name is linda from itt if you don't know me and i'm yeah about an hour and a half south of seoul at the moment it's 6 30 on a thursday evening and i think it's the same...  [Read more]

How to teach English in Asia - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hi everyone hello here's linda again from itt and today we're talking about something really really interesting and exciting teaching english in asia and all you need to know how to get to asia the best countries in asia where to teach with the highest demand and also the best sort of recruiters and teaching job platforms where you can find the best jobs for teaching english in asia and i'm super excited about this topic today um i myself i've been uh pretty much based in asia since 2012 2013-ish and um i spent some time in china and um i also and now i'm actually in south korea and i've been here already for a while so it's gonna be six years soon and um so i'm so excited to share my experience with you guys and hopefully maybe some of you can also share your experience if you have...  [Read more]

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