The Best Ice Breaker Games Every EFL Teacher Should Know


hi guys hey linda here from itt with another live session this week i'm so happy to be
here again hope to see many of you guys today thanks so much for joining
if you're listening to this as a podcast episode thank you so much for the download we
recently just hit 3500 podcast downloads which is super
exciting thank you so much for your support and um
yeah today's topic i'm really excited about because it's something a little bit different than what i'm usually
talking about and today i'm going to share with you the the best icebreaker games that
every efl teacher should know so yeah i'm gonna be showing you guys
what fun games you can play in your classes i know that some of you are already teaching and you probably know
some of these games or you know versions of these games so feel free to share your own version of the game if
you know it and if you played a little bit differently there's so many cool games
out there and some of you might know different versions and that's awesome too please share with
me um and i hope you liked today's topic yeah amal said very interesting topic
thank you so much i'm all for joining and uh yeah i'm excited to present this topic to you today i thought about
uh you know every week i brainstorm you know what topic can i talk about and i i remembered that some people in
previous live sessions they were uh asking about you know teaching ideas
and things like that so i thought okay why why why not you know talk about
icebreaker games because they are so so important every teacher needs them and uh yeah
that's what we're gonna do today luanna hi luanna from brazil awesome
esl teacher from brazil awesome are you also teaching in brazil cool so maybe you also know some of
these icebreaker games and feel free to um you know share with me
your version of the game or if you have another exciting game that you want to share with us please do so juliana is here hi
juliana animal is from egypt awesome are you also teaching amal or
are you thinking about teaching let me know and yeah thank you guys so much for joining it's so
great to be here again today and you know the drill you know uh the spiel in the beginning that i
always you know have to talk about please don't forget to like and subscribe to itt like our facebook page subscribe
to our youtube channel so that you don't miss any of our upcoming live sessions
we go live twice a week me on friday uh it is friday 10 a.m where i am
in south korea it might be thursday for you so friday thursday that's where when i go live
and then my co co-worker colleague lisa she goes live on tuesdays and she is
from russia so you're getting the what is it the
good of both worlds i think i'm saying that wrong i can't talk today um
because she is a non-native english speaker and she has a lot of experience um
you know teaching english as a non-native english speaker in china abroad but also online which is super
interesting and um yeah also we share a lot of other really
great content on our youtube channel and on our facebook page also a lot of teaching ideas like the topic that i'm going to
talk about today and material that you can save and print out and use in your classroom
so really really good stuff and of course there is also a 30
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all right good all right let's see a couple of comments
here from people who have joined um matt is here
matt just joined will these icebreakers be appropriate for k-12 or adults
absolutely you can modify them they're fun to play with all kinds of
student groups um so please stay here and keep watching
or if you don't have enough time you can always watch the replay no problem but yes you can adapt them to many
different levels and i'm also going to talk about that and show you how to do that
um then we have amal who says i got tefl from itt alexandria in 2014 cool so you took the
in-class course that's awesome really really awesome cool uh juliana says it is the best
teaching method for engaging with new students yes exactly we're gonna talk a little bit about what icebreakers
are what they're used for and then um i'm gonna share with you five and
more cool icebreaker games that you can play with your students that work in every kind of classroom
environment with any type of students so and i love to use them i've used all
of these games many many times and the students always had a lot of fun
giuliano is back hi giuliano it's a huge pleasure listening to your tips awesome thank you
for joining uh and juliana also says icebreaker games can also help students
review something they've already learned yes exactly then we have
elizita hi hi elisita thanks for joining i'm super excited
cool okay great now we have a good group of people here thanks so
much for your comments as always feel free to um drop your comments during this
live session there's also going to be a q a part at the end where you can ask questions that are not related to
um the games today so um that's you know wait for that if you
have any other questions no problem candace is here hello from zimbabwe but
staying and studying in south africa cool awesome super excited to have you
then we have no nancy hello hi cool thank you guys so much
you're i always love this group because it's your you guys are so friendly so supportive we're all like oh is this
sorry i made the sound of my this is my mic by the way uh because we also have the podcast so i
always try to have a good mic here so that when we turn these episodes into podcast episodes
there's good quality sound um i just mentioned that at the beginning i think a couple of people haven't heard
that yet we always turn our live sessions into podcast episodes so you can also download that and we
recently just hit 3500 podcast downloads i'm super excited about that
anyway let's jump in i'm going to make myself smaller
and the presentation a little bit bigger oh and also if um you guys need to let me know i
have a fan on behind me and it's moving so if the fan like i
don't know if it hits the mic weird and it messes up the sound let me know if that happens then i need
to move it away um just i want to make sure we have the best possible
sound here but i also don't want to sweat because this room does not have ac and
south korea is getting really hot so i have to have my fan on all right then we have
tanit from thailand hi he says it's such a session that can
make the classes ours yeah beautifully said thank you so much
awesome good so today's topic as we all know and see are the icebreakers
right icebreaker games every efl teacher should know before we jump in i always
like to introduce myself because i think today we have a lot of new people here so i just want to give a quick
introduction about myself my name is linda on the one hand i am a travel
writer and content creator under the name lindikos east east because i moved from europe
uh and the us to china first and then south korea now
so you can find my own content not itt related at it's a platform
where i share my experiences living in asia and also a lot of travel guides and content about different
countries in asia of course a lot of focus on south korea because i live in south korea and also
china because i live there but also all the other amazing countries in
asia and you can also find me on instagram at linda goes east i love
sharing my pictures there photography is a huge passion of mine so if you're interested
in that check that out i'm originally from germany and the us my mom is german my dad is american
and i've been based in south korea for the past six years i've been teaching english and also
working for itt as a tefl and tesol marketing professional
itt stands for international teflon tesol training and you can find itt online uh
at and on instagram at international tefl
training we obviously we also have all the other social channels um i know that you know some of you are
watching on youtube today some of you are watching from facebook so check that out as well
and ittttt is a leading teflon tesol course provider worldwide we have a variety of different courses
online courses in class courses combined courses of all different kinds of links and formats
and we also have specialized tefl courses and all that good stuff so be sure to check
that out and then we're getting right into it
so icebreaker games every efl teacher should know today's presentation is probably going
to take about i would say 45 minutes to an hour um maybe less maybe more uh
we'll see but that's typically how long they are you can always watch the replay if you don't have enough time today
we always save our live sessions on facebook we have a live sessions playlist or folder you can
find all the live sessions there and also on youtube of course they are saved there
um so we have a good selection of live sessions i highly recommend checking out you know browsing through
the playlist if there's anything um that sparks your interest we talk about a lot of different kinds of topics i know a
lot of you come here every week which is so so exciting thank you so much for being here week after week it just means so
much and um yeah check it out and then let's jump right in so
first what even are ice breakers so right icebreakers are games that are designed
to break the ice typically you would use those kinds of games at the beginning of
like a new school year when you have a new set of students a new class that you don't know
and they don't know you and that's why that's when you would use icebreaker games and why are they
important so for one they get your students going and speaking in english and that's
really important you don't wanna you don't wanna um come into the classroom and then be like okay open
your books to page five and then we start you know we start studying and going
right into english it's uh especially for efl when you're teaching students who you
know don't live in a country where they are exposed to english at all uh the classroom that you
are in is usually the only place where they are exposed to english so the whole day they speak their own
native language they're not surrounded by english at all so that is the only place that
where they use english and so they need time to you know like switch
their the switch uh their language in the in their brains in
their heads right if you speak another language if you know another language you know what i'm talking about it's sometimes
really difficult to just turn it off and then the other language on you can become confused and that's why
it's so important so icebreaker games and icebreaker games are not about
studying per se they're just about uh loosening up creating like a a
comfortable and fun environment for you students to use english uh you know to get started and
get going in english so that's one thing um then icebreaker games are also
great for getting to know your students especially if you know you teach them for the very first time
you don't know your students at all so you get to know your students they're they're like what they like what they
don't like and a little bit about themselves but also you are able to assess their
english level a little bit with those icebreaker games and that's really really useful um
for planning your future lessons right when you know what your students like what they don't
like you can create games around you know their likes and also obviously when you
figure out their level you'll be able to create much more suitable lessons for
them in the future so that's the second part the third important reason that i've chose i've
chosen for the icebreaker games is that you can use them to build rapport with
your students right because you yeah you create this fun environment a comfortable environment
for them to feel safe to use english a lot of english learners you know they're shy they feel
uncomfortable using english because it's not something they are they typically do
so you can use icebreakers to sort of you know give them confidence show them that
english learning is fun that there's nothing to worry about and yeah you can also
yeah build rapport get to know them they get to know you so those are the three important things
why we use ice breakers typically there's probably a ton more but those are like the three important things
that i chose and um yeah now we're gonna get into five
and more different games so the last the fifth game uh has a couple of different versions to
it that's why i say five and more so let's look at
let's look at the comments first i see there's a lot of new people also joining hi min-min from myanmar
good to have you here and mikey hi mikey thanks so much for joining okay so
this is why icebreaker games are important and now we're gonna look at the very first game that i have for
you today which is called two truths and a lie and many of you might know this game already
it's a very popular game to play and i use this pretty much
every time that i teach a new class because i think it's really fun i also really enjoy this game and
yeah it gets it usually creates a lot of laughter and start you can start building rapport
with this game as well so what is this game about it is
first of all it's really great for your very first lesson when you don't know the students the
students they don't know you that's when you can use this game and it's it really works very well so
how does this game work first of all the students they each write down
three statements two statements need to be true and one of them has to
be a lie so untrue next the students they either present the statements to
each other or to the class or to you or to everyone
depending on how you want to play it and then the other students or you need to guess which one of the
statements is the lie so this usually usually if like the class if they all
know each other then you can uh play it where the students uh read them to you and you
need to guess because you don't know them or if they all don't know each other you can play it as a class
but how i like to play it is i like to um do this first
so i would write down three statements about myself onto the board and sort of also explain
how the game works and also when you write down the statements first they the students get a better idea of what
kind of statements they could write down because i find that sometimes depending on the level
they really don't really know what they should write down and they don't really get it when you
just explain it like this so it works much better when you do the example first
right so um let's do this real quick i prepared three statements that i would typically
write down so for example i would write down and this could be like it works best when
you write statements about you right because it's getting to know each other so you write statements about yourself
so my first statement is i was born in germany the second statement
i speak five languages the third statement i have three brothers and then you tell
the students which one is a lie which one is not true not true and let's play this
real quick so in the comment box you can just quickly write down
one two or three which one you think is a lie put that into the comment box and then
we'll see which one really is the lie okay so do that right now if you think i
was born in germany is a lie you just put one into the comment box if you think
i speak five languages is a lie you put number two into the comments and if you think number three i have
three brothers is a lie you just put three into the comments all right let's see what you guys
think and let's see uh what yeah okay cool
all right we have margaret oh margaret two three
juliana three let's see two all right let's see
harish ii germain two no nancy one
okay good i'm just gonna wait a couple more
seconds you can think maybe if you want to change your answer you could change juliana says you don't
speak five languages so number two let's see let's see
guys all right are we ready for the reveal
all right let's see let's see who was right okay so i was born in germany true
i was if you watched from the beginning you probably caught that i mentioned it every live in my
introduction well not that i was born but i was sometimes said i was born there i do
speak five languages that's actually true i've had a real passion for languages ever since i was little but i do not have three brothers
in fact i don't have any siblings i'm an only child so congratulations if you thought number
three was the lie you were correct you were correct
and now some people a lot of people didn't think i speak five languages so they're probably gonna ask okay what
languages do you speak first of all i speak german english those are my native languages and then i learned french in school for
eight or nine years long time i also learned spanish and then i really wanted to learn
something different um and i learned chinese so that's the fifth one actually
then it's six i made a mistake i also learned korean okay i thought it
was five well if you maybe if you don't count don't count german uh which i consider to be my first
native language um then it's five i guess so it's actually six okay anyway um
yeah so this is a great game that you can play with your students so you would do this first as an example
like i did now with three statements about myself and then they would have to guess and then you would give them time to
write down their own statements and then have them read out their statements loud and you as the teacher would guess which
one is the lie and yeah this usually works really well i like to play this game a lot with new
students you get to know them but also they get to know something about you
which they typically always really appreciate and like um when you join into the games that's
what they really like so yeah that's the game uh thanks so much for participating i
really like playing this game it's really fun and um yeah maybe you can use this in your own classroom one day
uh like i said it works really really really well yeah good okay so this is the first game it's
really fun and uh yeah let's move on to the second
game the second game is also really fun uh it's called abc word chain
abc word chain so what is this about this game is really really great for
building vocabulary and uh it's also very versatile you can really use this for
very low level students but also higher level students depending on the category that you
choose for this game so how does this game work the teacher
chooses a topic and asks a student for a word that fits into that topic so for example the topic could be
animals and then you ask a student okay who can tell me an animal and the student says lion so you write
down lion and next to students they take turns building a work chain and usually you
can do this like in a row you know you start with this student and the next next next next going or go in a
row like that um so the students they take turns building a word chain
by looking at the final letter of the last word in the row so for example if you start
with lion the last letter is n then the next student needs to find an animal that begins with n
right and also fits into that category so animals so in the case of our animal word chain
it could be lion newt turtle elephant and so on and so on and so on
so obviously animals or things like that is really easy you can play this with very lower
like low level beginner students but then you can also do other categories like for example
um you could do adjectives even for advanced students right adjectives or you could do like
countries and capitals depending on what you teach them um you could do like uh
i mean literally anything you can also use this if you typically your lesson has a topic right
so you can do this as a review game so the topic would be whatever topic that you talked about
the last class like environment so all the words need to be related to environment for example or things like
that or we recently had earth day right so you could do that as a topic everything
that relates to like earth or whatever so you can really you're really free with this
and it's a really really fun game it's not only an ice breaker but i also really like to use this when it's
like towards the end of the class you still have like five minutes you don't know what to do you can play this game so it works
really really well so let's also try this real quick together
i have a piece of paper here and i chose the category fruit also not that difficult so i'm gonna
start with a fruit um i'm gonna do
i'm gonna do just apple let's see and you would write this down
first word oh my gosh can you see that okay apple so now into the comments
let's play this game continue the word chain continue the word change so anybody the
first comment that i see that's going to be the next word in our word chain and then we're going to do a couple of more examples okay
so apple is the first one apple alright so we have banana
that doesn't fit it needs to start with e right it needs to start with e banana starts
with b then we have non-ansi elephant elephant doesn't work it doesn't fit into the
fruit category we're doing fruits now in our example okay all right so let's see a fruit
that starts with e it's actually kind of difficult is therefore desert d you can google it sure there is a fruit
so a fruit start starting with e let's see can somebody figure it out
yeah eggplant vegetable right
yeah is there for this i'm sure there is a fruit that certainty okay let's google this fruit that starts with
e or somebody google it fruit fruit that starts with
e see sometimes it can be really difficult okay there are a couple
oh and even eggplant is on there is eggplant actually a fruit no way
okay there are a lot of crazy fruits anybody find something all right uh google it and tell me one
there's a lot and you google it
oh there's a good one elderberry elderberry let's do that one
okay so you would do that yes elderberry so now we have why
this might be more difficult why this is a really bad example
but see it gets your students thinking gets your students thinking is there anything that starts with why
there must be a fruit that says why right yeah okay is that actually a vegetable
i'm not sure all right let's do that let's do fruits and vegetables okay all right let's do fruit fruits and
vegetables to make this a little bit better all right apple
so this is typically how i write it down onto the board so we have apple elderberry
yam yuzu fruit that's a good one yuzu fruit yang mei fruit okay
good all right let's just do yam let's do fruits and vegetables let's just do it so next one
let's do a couple more three more let's do three more great thank you juliana giuliano says
mango perfect so i need to start back here mango yeah now it's going to be a little bit
easier isn't it okay
great mango awesome yes
orange perfect orange
oh this looks like a p it's an o orange awesome and one more with e
another one with e yes thank you i just saw that too elephant
apple i think i saw that i googled it or eggplant okay let's mikey we said fruits and vegetables you
said eggplant earlier so let's dip eggplant okay all right and then maybe
the last one's tea someone with tea one more and then we'll just
finish thanks you're so fast good mikey tomato
good or tangerine yes nice taro good yeah so that's how the
game works and it's really fun um we had a rough start but um yeah
sometimes if you feel like it doesn't work you can do you can expand your category a little bit um but yeah
you can adjust this uh you know depending on the level of your students you could do something easier
something harder you could do like parts of speech like i said you could do adjectives only or like
you know more difficult category or anything like that right so this is a great game uh to get your
students started and talking in in english but you could also use this if you have
like i said five minutes left at the end you don't know what to do play this game it's usually super fun
yeah candace said the game is challenging but fun yeah um sometimes it can be challenging
even though i thought fruit is an easy category but yeah right fruits start with eat it's kind of
hard so you could do fruits and vegetables i think then it's easier great
good okay this was fun though thanks so much for playing guys all
right i'm gonna make myself smaller again and then we're gonna look at the third game that i have for you today
which is called positive negative crazy can you hear me well okay
so what is this game about what is this game about
so this game can be used to improve sentence building it's a really really
fun game and um this is how it works so the teacher writes again
a category or a topic on the board so you need to have again like we did with our fruits right now in the example you
need to have a category and you write that on the board or you just say what the category is and then you need something like an item
to act as a hot potato for example i'm going to use this little bear today
if you have like sometimes some classes they have a classroom mascot you could use that
or just bring anything in like a ball or like a little toy like this that could act as like a
hot potato so you bring that in so you write down the category
then you have this hot potato that you pass around the classroom right so it goes from student to student to
student to student and then when the teacher when you say positive the student holding the hot potato in
their hand needs to make a positive sentence that fits into the topic on the board
okay um i'm going to show you an example in a minute then the student would say the sentence
if it's correct great then we move on we pass the hot potato we pass the hot potato wrong
around then the teacher says negative then you guessed it the student needs to
make a negative sentence that fits into that category or the topic all right now the third one crazy same
thing you continue passing around the hot potato then when the teacher says crazy the
student holding the hot potato thing they can create a sentence however they like and usually what i like to do with
these kinds of games you know you really encourage the students to make a really crazy sentence right
because then it's funny everybody's laughing they have a good time um obviously don't use any like bad
words curse words no not nothing like that but you can make any like funny like crazy kinds of statements
um that's usually really fun for the students okay now uh let me show you how it works
let me show you an example so for example the topic is in your free time okay really good topic
um and then we just play the game so and somebody you can yell out into
the comments positive negative or crazy somebody the first person who yells it out
is your choice okay let's see
give me one positive negative or crazy put that into the comments okay great
candice negative okay so i'm holding the hot potato teacher says negative so i make a
sentence that fits with topic in your free time so for example in my free time
i don't like to do homework or housework it's a negative sentence i
don't like to do i don't like okay for example so that's a good sentence for that that fits the topic
okay great moving on now let's do another one positive or crazy please
i hope this doesn't make too much noise in front of mike
good yes margaret in my free time i don't like to play football good all right elastita elisita says
crazy okay i have the the hot potato and the teacher says
crazy so now i could make a really crazy sentence for example in my free time i like to bake
a two meter giant chocolate cake with my mom that's crazy right something like that
and then usually the students are like giggling laughing it's funny um yeah and then
juliana positive for example in my free time i love to go to the park with my dog
something like that okay and then you would continue this on until
every student it gets chosen or got got to make a sentence at least once
typically so yeah that's the game super fun again and this really encourages the students
to make sentences and what's really important with this game try to really have them make full
sentences as we all know as teachers sometimes our students they just
um say a word or two but really tell them like no make a
whole sentence in my free time i did it and then they have to say the whole
sentence so for example in my free time i watch korean dramas
yes perfect or in my free time i love to go to the beach perfect yes
yeah so that's how that game works i think it's really fun um yeah and it's also fun because the
students they have an actual thing in their hands they always really like that when they can touch something and that
also really encourages learning and gets their brain and bodies like moving
together it's really helpful juliana says in my free time
i like to ride my bicycle yes good for example yep nice
all right that was fun i'm gonna set aside my hot potato we're
not gonna need it now and then we're gonna move on to game number four
which i think a lot of people already know it's called would you rather would you rather would you rather
so this game is really great for building rapport with your students right
so how does this work it basically works like this have your students write down
questions starting with would you rather so first you need to introduce some
examples of course would you rather um would you rather
give me an example would you rather ride your bike or go to the beach or
something like that right would you rather watch tv or play a game with your friends
and then they would pick so depending on the level of your students you can have
your students write down their own questions or if their level isn't that high you can just
prepare or you don't have that much time you can just prepare your own questions before the class or you just make them
up on the spot you write them on the board or whatever and if the students write their own
questions they present them to one another in class and they would ask each other
like for example would you rather eat worms or bugs again if it's something a little bit more crazy especially younger students
are going to find it really funny and interesting and it's going to be more fun game
and then what you as a teacher can do always when they pick one then so would you rather eat worms or
bugs and then one student says i'd rather eat worms and then you always should follow up with why so
they need to make a statement and they need to tell you more about it right and express
their opinion in english so and you it's great for building rapport because you get to know
a little bit more about your students right why what would they choose and why what do they like what don't
they like so you get to know your students better and also if you want to take part in it
have your students write some questions and ask you and then you answer and they ask you why why kids always
like asking why anyway so yeah that's a fun game also let's do an example so you guys would you
rather have a vacation at the beach or in the mountains and why
and why so leave that in the comments would you rather have a vacation at the beach
or in the mountains and why
i know my answer i would rather be at the beach probably because i love the beach i love the
ocean um i like the smell of the ocean
i like watching sunsets at the ocean at the beach um all right candace says at the beach
it's fun being around water good also encourage your students to make complete sentences so i would rather be
at the beach because it's fun being around water great margaret i would rather have a
vacation at the beach because i love the sound of the crashing waves that's so nice same same
yeah so perfect good great answers so that's kind of what you want to do if
you have more advanced students what you can do is you can present this topic
so for example would you rather beat your mountains you can depending on how big your class
is split the class into two teams one side is the beach team one side is
the mountain team and then you give them time to write down arguments or positives about
each location and then you can do sort of a debate you can make a debate out of it right so
then four students four students each one of them presents an argument or a good reason
why they want to go to the beach or why they want to go to the mountain and then you at the end you could pick
you know which team had better arguments so you for more advanced students you could turn this into like a debate
session that also works really really well just an idea
and they like this type of stuff you know with two teams because kids or any type of students they're typically
very competitive and they also like doing that
okay candace says also i would rather be at the mountain because there are beautiful sceneries
the view is beautiful yeah exactly so arguments you could you
know your students could come up with arguments like the mountain you can hike you could
exercise maybe the air is better in the mountains um you can see a variety of different
animals i don't know at the beach you can get a tan i don't know
something like that all right depending on your students level but yeah super easy super fun
you can prepare your questions beforehand you can also just present like images
would you rather this or that yeah that's what also what i was gonna say sometimes instead of would you rather i play
this or that those are really popular like you see on instagram stories like this or that kinds of insta stories you
can use all you can also use that for your students or make your own this or that
um i play that with a lot of my online students um i hold up the paper this or that so
chocolate or vanilla ice cream this or that some for example basic question or uh tv or netflix
movie or netflix or something um yeah so
a lot of different options with choosing and this really encourages your students to express
opinions and you also get to know them better um yeah i think there's nothing more to
say about this game so we're moving on to the last one and the last one has like three different
versions of it that i'm going to show you so this one is called finish the
sentence the last game so this is also great for building rapport
great for sentence building for uh you know sentence structure vocabulary
really great for everything really uh so how does it work the teacher writes the beginning of a sentence on
the board and then the students they need to finish the sentence in their own words on a sheet of paper you can
also modify that you give them time and after a few minutes few minutes the teacher
asks the students to read out their answers to the class okay so
for example what is your this sentence is great even
for lower level students because they tend to learn these types of questions what is your
name for example what is your address what is your favorite color things like
that so even lower level students will be able to come up with something because they just have to add one word
for example uh but depending on exactly candace yes what is your name yeah things like that
so even lower level students can do that then you can also modify make it more difficult right depending
on the level of your students um so that's really great for that
modification of this game is
that's why i call it 5.1 finish the story okay so instead of a
sentence you ask them to finish a whole story so you write down the beginning of a story for
example once upon a time a beautiful princess was walking in the forest
and then then you have your students either again on a piece of paper write down
you can tell them you know write four five more sentences complete the story and then you read it
out loud so that's also what you can do um
what you can also do instead of having your students write their own stories individually
you can do this together as a class where every student would just say one
word adding to the story this is a very fun and interactive game that you can play as a class versus
student students individually so for example it starts with once upon a time a
beautiful princess was walking in the forest then you start with the first student to
continue and he could say and the next student would say
uh she let's use this as an example met
a fox wearing a funny hat for example or a funny
hat right so every student could just add one word and what's important here that
you as a teacher make sure that it's it makes sense it does the structure is correct
every part of speech is in the right place right so they learn how oh this is how an
english sentence works this is where i need to put what word so that also works really really well
i like this and then she met a fox wearing a funny hat i like that or once upon a time a beautiful princess
was walking in the forest and suddenly it started raining yeah good so you can do this
individually where the students finish their own sentence on a piece of paper or have it
play played out in a class in the whole class where every student just says one word adding to the story that's also really
fun i really like playing this game and usually they try to make it you know as silly
and funny as possible and everybody's laughing it's a good time it's really fun
so yeah i like this game and then there's another version that i
just want to mention it's very similar and that is mad libs right so
mad lips i would do for a little bit more advanced students because you need to know the
parts of speech right um i don't know if you can see this now on this uh sheets this is just
something that i found on google as you can see it's from um classroom junior down here if you look
at um that so that's not from itt or for me i just use this from the internet um to
show you guys it's a very short one they also have longer mad libs so um here what's important if you play mad
libs not to show them the sheet first or the story right so you would just go
in and say okay can somebody tell me a name of a person a name i need a name
you write down the name onto the board next we need an adjective who can tell me an adjective
you write down the adjective once you've gone through all of the things that you need then you show them the sheet
or you show them um you show them the uh
you know you hand out the paper either way how you want to do it and then you start filling this in with
the information you have compiled right if they see the story before they already know
which words might fit best so it's more funny it's funnier if you don't show them the story before and
they just have to come up with words on their own right so there's a lot of
different kinds of mad libs you can just google mad libs there's so many out there but you can also create your own uh on
this website so you can write your own story and then add in the parts that you want to have blank
and what kind of parts of speech what kind of work you want you can also do that so that's a really fun game um
i also really like to play mad libs it's always really fun and results in a lot of
giggles and laughter and yeah it's good for practicing the parts of speech
because sometimes english learners if you say tell me an adjective they don't know what you're talking about and the more
longer you learn english you need to know these kinds of words so it's really important so yeah
that's how it works and i just realized we could have actually done this together to make something to make a funny story
but um yeah that's for another time we can do mad libs together
so those are the games this is the last one i think uh yes so before we go into the q
a session i just wanna do a quick reminder how you can find us
on facebook on twitter and instagram you can also reach out to me at linda goes east
um on social media if you want you can email us don't forget about the 30 off as well
um i'm gonna just share that link with you guys again into the comment box for people
who joined later uh it looks like this click on that link fill out the application you get
thirty percent off any teflor t cell course from i t t and then
let's go into q a and see [Music] if you have any questions or which game
you like the most or do you have any other cool version of a game that i mentioned or what is do you have another really
favorite game um that you want to share with us today now is your time
to do so i'm gonna make myself a little bit bigger again i hope you enjoyed today um this like i
said this was a new kind of topic i've never really done this kind of uh presentation before like i
usually talked about uh other topics but not teaching ideas so this was the first
but i had a lot of fun uh candace says thank you lynette that was fun and
informative how long does the link discount last um indefinitely forever
so um you can fill out your application now or later that's okay take all the time
you need candace but yeah it's now is a great time to
take a tesla course uh yeah
okay matt says your presentation was great thank you thank you so much thanks so much for all of you guys who
played with me today you guys were awesome super active you know sometimes uh some crowds are
not that active and you're just sitting there you know really needing an answer from somebody but today was great
so thank you so much for that thank you nancy that was great margaret says
find someone who is a great icebreaker game and can be used later in the course as well yes that's also a really good
game so find somebody who um usually it's sort of like questionnaire or survey
style game right so you need to find somebody who has blue eyes for example somebody who
has a brother somebody who has a cat
things like that and then you would go around the classroom sort of asking do you have a cat do you have a brother
so it's student to student interaction which is really great um you can also play this you know you
can you can join as a teacher obviously um so that's a really good game as well yeah i like to play that too
all right then we have matt who says no questions about your presentation but rather on the teflor tesol courses
i need to take a sip of water my fan turned off and i'm getting really hot one second
okay all right are the online course says synchronous
or asynchronous which course the depends on which course
we talk about but um so the most uh popular course is the 120
hour course this course has 20 units and you need to
you cannot do them in a random order you need to do them from like in the order that we present
that but you can study at your own pace uh online at any time of the day from
wherever you are in the world i hope that answers the question
all right mikey says i like them all would you mind send me pdf for those games if possible
yeah you know what i can share um the pdf i'm gonna share the pdf um link
in the comments after this live like in these comments here
under this live okay and then you can click on that and then you can download it and um
yeah have that as a pdf for example i'm gonna do that cool juliana says
thanks linda was pretty fun thank you i had fun too it's good oh
long comment candice okay i think um this is really long i think
you messaged me on instagram right candace i'm gonna get back to you on instagram okay
i saw your message i just didn't have time yet to get back to you but i think that was you right okay
mikey says i'm almost done with my course 120 hours cool at my own pace thank you it's tough
to be a student while working yes that's tough but that's the great thing about our online courses because
you can just do as much as you want per day per week you have six months to
complete the course so um it's a long time and
i actually i took my 120 hour course when i was working full time as well um and i
finished it in like three months i think three or four months um so yeah
[Music] just take all your time don't rush through it you know juliana says thank you so much i really
enjoyed this live session with these icebreaker games cool thank you i appreciate that
yes candace okay i'll get back to you great and margaret says i'm just starting unit
20. congratulations you're almost finished that's exciting awesome congrats
super exciting okay guys uh even if you have a question later on
you can just leave the question in the comments and we will get back to you or you message me like candice did
atlanta go see us on instagram or also send us an email to itttt you can find our email in our
about section or website and um
yeah this is really fun i hope you learned something new you can use some of the games in your classes also online they work really
well as you can see we just played online sorta as well um yeah and i need to go to a room now
with air conditioning i'm getting really hot but anyway i hope you guys have a wonderful day
evening nights uh morning wherever you are and i hope you're also gonna have a super
duper awesome um weekend
and i hope to see you again next week i don't know yet what i'm gonna talk about but maybe some more teaching ideas
if that's uh something that you find interesting and um yeah then
mikey also asked what about if i didn't complete the course within a year so for the 120 hour course you have six
months if you don't if you can't finish it within six months you can extend it for a small fee
for another six months i believe and the diploma the tesol diploma course
for that you have 12 months to complete it i believe either way you can email us
and there's always a solution if you don't have enough time to complete it that's no problem we can always figure
something out okay all right uh then i'm gonna sign off for
today this was really fun and uh yeah i hope to see you all again next week thanks so much for
coming back here week after week it's so much fun and then yeah i'm gonna see you all next
week hopefully and have a great weekend okay guys bye
