Which TEFL company pays the most?

When evaluating which TEFL companies offer the most lucrative salaries, it is important to consider more than just the base pay. Top-paying TEFL organizations often provide competitive salaries that are complemented by additional benefits such as housing allowances, health insurance, and flight reimbursement, which can significantly affect overall earnings. To truly assess which TEFL company pays the most, prospective teachers should weigh the total compensation package against the cost of living in the respective teaching location. This comprehensive approach ensures a realistic understanding of potential savings and financial gains.

Table of Contents

How much does the average English teacher make?

Is there a geographic region with the best TEFL salaries?

What type of schools offer the highest TEFL salaries?

Which government-funded programs offer the highest pay?

What about teaching English online salaries?

How much does the average English teacher make?

English teachers' salaries abroad can vary widely based on location, experience, and qualifications. On average, in regions with higher pay scales, such as certain Asian and Middle Eastern countries, teachers may earn between $2,000 and $5,000 per month. Even for first-time English teachers in these countries, it is common to save a substantial portion of their salary - often 30% to 50% after living expenses. This translates to potential savings of $500 to $2,000 monthly, depending on the cost of living and individual lifestyle.

Also read: How much can I earn teaching English abroad?

Is there a geographic region with the best TEFL salaries?

When considering geographic regions offering the best TEFL salaries, Asia and the Middle East emerge as top contenders. In Asia, particularly South Korea, TEFL teachers often save a significant portion of their earnings, sometimes as much as 30% to 50%, which can equate to over $1,000 monthly. The Middle East, especially the United Arab Emirates, along with Gulf countries such as Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar, and Bahrain, offers some of the highest TEFL salaries globally. These can range from $1,500 to $5,000 monthly, with added perks like housing, health insurance, and airfare, which can substantially increase the overall financial package.

What type of schools offer the highest TEFL salaries?

TEFL salaries can vary significantly based on the type of educational institution. Typically, international schools and universities offer some of the highest wages, reflecting their higher tuition fees and demand for highly qualified educators. Private language institutes also frequently pay competitively, benefiting from the ability to charge substantial enrolment fees. Moreover, teaching specialized courses such as business English to professionals at multinational companies can command higher salaries than more general English teaching roles at public schools or community centers.

Also read: Who will my students be when teaching English abroad?

Which government-funded programs offer the highest pay?

Countries with a high demand for English instruction often have a government-sponsored English teaching program in place. These initiatives place certified English teachers in schools across the country for a specified duration.

These long-established programs typically receive substantial government funding. Teachers working through these schemes often enjoy high salaries and additional perks like covered airfare, housing, orientation, and continuous support throughout their tenure.

Some of the most popular programs include: the EPIK program in South Korea, the Japan Exchange and Teaching Program (JET), the TAPIF Program in France, the Cultural Ambassadors Program in Spain and the Central European Teaching Program (CETP) in Hungary.

What about teaching English online salaries?

Most online teaching platforms pay instructors on an hourly basis. The average hourly wage for online English teachers fluctuates between $15 and $30. However, if you are operating through a platform, the agency will typically deduct a portion of this as a service fee.

Also read: Which online English teaching platform pays most?

