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How Adults’ Learning Differs From Teenagers’ and Children’s Learning? - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Alumni Experiences ESL teachers must acknowledge that it is not equal teaching English Lessons to children, teenagers, and adults, there are some wide differences between the practices used in each case, classroom, population, levels, and country where English is taught, on this paper we will check how an ESL lesson may be affected by these variables, and how we could overlap them on the practices used in teenagers and adults English lessons. Basic concepts Self-concept Personal Experience Adults learning process Do you want to teach English abroad? Take a TEFL course! Related Articles: This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Javier V. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT. To analyze all the...  [Read more]

Is TEFL hard to pass? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

At ITTT, the vast majority of our students successfully complete their certification. With an impressive 90% pass rate across all our courses, ITTT stands among the top TEFL schools globally. Our commitment isn't just to certification; we aim to produce exceptional English teachers and offer robust pre and post-course support to ensure they thrive in global teaching opportunities. Is TEFL certification hard? How hard is the TEFL exam? A high-level TEFL course parallels the depth of a university-level class, requiring a dedicated investment of time and effort. By diligently reviewing the course materials and adhering to deadlines, students typically succeed. Most TEFL courses offer a flexible timeline, ranging from 6 months to a year for completion. If online study feels daunting make sure...  [Read more]

How hard is the TEFL exam? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

Many prospective English teachers wonder about the difficulty of a TEFL exam. At ITTT, our focus is on delivering top-tier teacher training complemented by thorough pre- and post-course support. This comprehensive approach ensures that our students are well-prepared for any tests their course requires. As evidence of our program's efficacy, we boast a pass rate of over 90% - among the highest in the TEFL industry. Thus, while our TEFL courses require dedication and effort, with the right preparation and commitment, a pass is highly achievable. Is a TEFL certification course difficult? How difficult is the TEFL exam? Comparable to a university-level program, a rigorous TEFL course demands dedication and commitment. However, with consistent effort, careful review of course materials, and...  [Read more]

Is it hard to get TEFL certified? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

While traditional teaching degrees span several years focusing on subject expertise and pedagogical skills, TEFL courses compact this knowledge into a shorter time frame, often around 120 hours. EFL teaching is unique because it grants individuals the chance to enter the teaching field more swiftly compared to conventional teacher training. However, the condensed format means intensive learning, so commitment and dedication are paramount for successful completion. There are a number of ways in which TEFL certification can be obtained and these fall into three different categories. Online courses: Onsite courses: Combined or Hybrid courses: Conclusion As the name implies these courses are done via a computer or similar device. As they are online they can be completed from anywhere in the...  [Read more]

The Benefits of Larger Classes in EFL Teaching - TEFL Blog

Federico Riva TEFL Information Alumni Experiences Bigger is better, right? It's a concept most of us have grown up with. A bigger house is better than a smaller one, a bigger car is better than a smaller one, and a bigger motorbike is oh so much better than a smaller one. The list is almost endless. So, we all agree then, bigger is better! Or is it? Challenging the Perception: Bigger is Better? A Different Perspective on Class Sizes Comparing Class Sizes: UK vs. Vietnam The Role of Apprentice Teachers in Larger Classes Conclusion Are you ready to teach English as a foreign language? Related Articles: Check out what our course grads say in our many video testimonials! Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this blog post are solely those of the author, an alumni of ITTT...  [Read more]

Is it hard to get a job teaching English online? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

Securing an online English teaching job is certainly achievable, especially with a TEFL qualification. This mode of teaching is highly sought after due to its flexibility, allowing educators to tailor their schedules around other commitments. Whether you are looking for a full-time career or a part-time gig, online teaching can be the perfect fit. The major appeal lies in the ability to teach from virtually any location, provided you have a stable internet connection and the right equipment. What are the typical requirements for an online English teacher? Do I need a degree to teach English online? Can non-native English speakers teach English online? Do I need previous experience to teach English online? What equipment will I need to teach English online? The main qualification...  [Read more]

The Synergy of AI and English Language Learning for Foreign Students - TEFL Blog

Minh Huy Hoang TEFL Information Alumni Experiences Teaching Ideas In an era defined by technological advancements, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into education has become increasingly prevalent. One notable area where AI has made significant strides is in the realm of language learning, especially for foreign students studying English. This dynamic relationship between AI and English language acquisition has not only transformed the way individuals learn but has also opened up new possibilities for personalized and efficient learning experiences. Tailoring Instruction to Individual Needs Engaging Tools and Immersive Learning Bridging Formal and Informal Learning AI and Human Instructors: A Perfect Duo Related Articles: Check out what our course grads say in our many...  [Read more]

How to Find a Job as an English Teacher Online (updated April 2023) - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore TEFL Information In our modern age where working online has become a common way to make a steady living, the opportunities for qualified English teachers have further branched out into what we call the "virtual classroom". How to get started teaching English online The best employment options for teaching English online How much can you earn teaching English online? Some popular teaching platforms for teaching English online include: Useful Facebook Groups Are you ready to teach English online? More about Teaching English online in this video: There are countless online platforms and providers that offer English lessons online with native speakers allowing students from all over the world to learn how to speak English from the comfort of their home. Here is our...  [Read more]

How to Legally Teach English in Spain with a Student Visa - TEFL Blog

Mark Crocker Visa and Legal Spain is traditionally one of the most popular destinations in Europe for teaching English abroad due to the great climate, fascinating culture and large number of jobs on offer year round. However, as the process of obtaining a work visa for non-EU citizens can be a bit of a hassle, many employers choose to only hire teachers with an EU passport. If you are not from an EU country you can apply for a student visa which enables you to legally work as an English language teacher for a set number of hours every week. Listen to this blog post: Application process for a student visa in Spain Study Programs in Spain Why Learn Spanish? Where to study in Spain? The Cultural Ambassadors Program for Teaching English in Spain Are you ready to start a new career teaching...  [Read more]

Linguistic Learning - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Teaching Ideas Many language learning theories are proposed based on certain linguistic theories. In fact, knowledge in linguistics lies at the root of understanding what language learners can learn, how they learn and what they learn ultimately. Therefore, linguistics has always played an important role in the studies of language acquisition and learning. For example, as Ellis (1994:1) points out, "whereas much of the earlier second language acquisition work focused on the linguistic and, in particular, the grammatical properties of learner language and was psycholinguistic in orientation, later work has also attended to the pragmatic aspects of learner language and, increasingly, has adopted a sociolinguistic perspective. So, linguistics has indeed been relevant to...  [Read more]

The 3 Most Successful Play-Based Techniques for Teaching Pronunciation - TEFL Blog

Luciana Campos Alumni Experiences Teaching Ideas In today's world, it is essential for young adults to learn proper pronunciation to communicate effectively and confidently. Proper pronunciation helps others understand what we are saying. It is crucial for successful communication, especially when speaking English. Traditional methods of teaching pronunciation can be time-consuming and stressful for students. However, pronunciation is an essential component of language acquisition. So, there's no way to run! Gamification as a means for learning to pronounce Tips on Pronunciation Last Remarks Related articles Ready to teach English as a Foreign Language? Related Articles: Check out what our course grads say in our many video testimonials! I guess you expected me to start by providing...  [Read more]

How can I save money while teaching English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

While teaching English abroad, many educators prioritize living comfortably and experiencing the local culture without financial constraints. To maximize savings and enjoy a fulfilling lifestyle, consider the following steps: Preparation before departure and smart decisions after arrival can significantly boost your savings. Will a TEFL certificate help me earn more while teaching English abroad? How will my choice of TEFL destination impact on how much I can save? How can I earn extra cash while teaching English abroad? How can I save money on accommodation while teaching English abroad? What else can I do to save money while teaching English abroad? Holding an internationally recognized TEFL certificate significantly boosts your earning potential while teaching English abroad....  [Read more]

The Benefits of Music in Learning - TEFL Blog

Federico Riva TEFL Information Alumni Experiences Teaching Ideas Music has the power to enhance learning experiences. From evoking emotions to fostering connections and improving memory, incorporating music in the classroom brings numerous benefits. The Emotional Impact of Music Music as a Universal Language The Impact on Learning and Memory Harnessing the Power of Music Conclusion Are you ready to teach English as a foreign language? Related Articles: Check out what our course grads say in our many video testimonials! Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this blog post are solely those of the author, an alumni of ITTT (International TEFL and TESOL Training). They do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of ITTT. The content provided in this post is for informational...  [Read more]

The Importance of Learning Grammar - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Alumni Experiences Grammar is an important aspect of a language where learners' and teachers' opinions vary. Some students love to find out or learn the proper usage of grammar while some wanted to do grammar exercises. While some love grammar, others hate it and think that it is the most boring part of learning a new language. Whatever your stand is, you cannot escape from learning grammar; it is vital in every sentence you read or write, speak or hear. Grammar is simply the word for the rules that people follow when they use a language. We need those rules in the same way as we need the rules in any game. The Power of Grammar Grammar in Daily Life Do you want to teach English abroad? Take a TEFL course! Related Articles: This post was written by our TEFL...  [Read more]

Why Learning Grammar is Essential - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Alumni Experiences Some may conclude that the correct usage of English grammar only matters to teachers and have no real relevance in day to day life. We have to conclude that this is incorrect because grammar, disregarding the country or the language, is the infrastructure of communication. For instance, in the simplest of examples, when a message is delivered with the correct usage of grammar, it is much more understandable and precise to comprehend the intent and meaning of that message. Knowing proper grammar use is key Grammar in writing Grammar to cultivate habits Improving grammar at its best Do you want to teach English abroad? Take a TEFL course! Related Articles: This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Rosendo D. Please note that this blog post...  [Read more]

The Natural Way of Learning - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Alumni Experiences One of the most basic aspects of life is learning, we start learning the moment we are born, the first thing we learn is how to breathe and after that, the learning process just keeps going on. On most families kids grow up listening to just one language and that language becomes what we call as mother tongue or native language, this language is the one that the kid will always hold on into and have it as his/her primary language, so we as English teachers in foreign countries have to be aware of this, because this native language is going to have a huge impact on the learning process of the students, for example if you are teaching in a class that the student's native language has a different grammar or alphabet compared to English, it can mean that...  [Read more]

Why Beijing Is the Ideal Place to Teach English - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Destinations China is the largest EFL market in the world. Beijing is not only the country capital but also one of the fastest-growing cities in Asia and the world. Beijing is a commercial, educational and cultural hub in China and has a lot to offer to anyone coming to visit. On top of that, Beijing is home to thousands of foreign English teachers, many of whom are not ready to leave and have made the city their permanent home base. Vibrant Culture and History UNESCO Sites Galore Unique Food Options Education Paradise Competitive Salaries Allow Teachers to Save $$$ Are you ready to live and teach in Beijing? Related Articles: Listen To This Blog Post Beijing has been the capital throughout many of China's dynasties resulting in a great number of historic attractions and...  [Read more]

The Significance of Vocabulary in Language Learning - TEFL Blog

Federico Riva TEFL Information Alumni Experiences Teaching Ideas Vocabulary is one of the most important skills required for teaching and learning a foreign language. It is vital for effective communication and understanding of written text. A rich vocabulary helps individuals express their feelings, ideas, and needs while also enhancing their overall understanding of others. Vocabulary develops with age and presents one of the biggest challenges when learning a second language. The Stages of Vocabulary Knowledge The Four Types of Vocabulary in Teaching Teaching Strategies for Vocabulary Acquisition Overcoming Challenges in Teaching Vocabulary Conclusion Are you ready to teach English as a foreign language? Related Articles: Check out what our course grads say in our many video...  [Read more]

Teaching and Learning Through Multiple Intelligences - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Alumni Experiences This essay on the Multiple Intelligences is based on my past 26 years of teaching experiences at the elementary and middle school grades, as well as teaching in teacher education in higher education at the university level. I have conducted much research on the area of Multiple Intelligences, however, this essay will be based on my memory and experiences of teaching utilizing the Multiple Intelligences; thus, references are not included as they have been an accumulation throughout the last 26 years of teaching. Methodology Learning Domains 1. Numbers 2. Art and Crafts 3. Body Language 4. Music 5. Social Skills 6. World Around Do you want to learn new teaching methods? Take a TEFL course! Related Articles: Listen to this blog post: This post was...  [Read more]

Seating Arrangements and Their Effects on Learning - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Alumni Experiences A seating arrangement sometimes called a seating plan is used by teachers to organize their classrooms. It indicates the placement of desks and chairs that work best for both the students and the teacher. Here we will be seeing the different seating arrangements and how each of them affects learning or classroom dynamics. Typical Classroom Now let's look at the 3 main seating arrangements, their pros and cons and their effect on classroom dynamics Do you want to teach English abroad? Take a TEFL course! Related Articles: This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Emilie J. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT. When we think of a classroom, the usual image that comes to mind is...  [Read more]

Discipline in a Language Learning Environment - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Teaching Ideas The 21st century has completely changed language learning around the world. Nowadays, learning a foreign language is a matter of surfing the internet and finding several courses or online apps the make it incredibly easy. In addition, young learners today have developed a series of skills that also give them a higher chance of learning languages compared to previous generations. However, this has also made people more laid-back and less motivated to try and learn other languages. Listen to this blog post: Motivation and Discipline Discipline Techniques Are you ready to teach abroad? Related Articles: This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Jairo G. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions...  [Read more]

How Learning Languages Help Me In Teaching - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Alumni Experiences I have had the opportunity to study several foreign languages, some in a formal setting, some self-taught. Through my personal experiences learning other languages, I have developed some insights into language learning. I would like to describe some of my experienc| ITTT | TEFL Bloges, and some of my thoughts on what I have learned from them, and from this course. How I started learning languages How my job influenced the language interest Challenges of learning on your own Benefits of the ESA teaching approach How to distinguish a skilled teacher Are you ready to teach English abroad? Related Articles: Listen to this blog post This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Kim T. My first experience in language learning began at age...  [Read more]

A Lifetime Love for Language Learning - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Alumni Experiences As a young child, I was, for some reason, obsessed with the idea of learning French. I tried a couple of languages, including Finnish at some point, but kept going back to French. I have no idea why because I was never exposed to the culture or the language itself at that age. I doubt I even knew anything about the country itself. I think I assumed learning French would make me sound smarter but, the joke's on younger me, I have no skill in French and never have. I tend to struggle with romance languages in general. My Personal Second Language Experience My Choice Do you want to teach English abroad? Take a TEFL course! Related Articles: This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Nicole H. Please note that this blog post might not...  [Read more]

Learning English in Early Childhood - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Alumni Experiences In the past, some scientists thought young learners do not learn as fast as adults. However today even parents are aware of the importance of starting learning a second language early. Advantages of Early Start Consider the Mix of Abilities Choice of Activities Nursery Rhymes Flashcards GamesThe Main Problems Young English Learners Face In China Stories Are you ready to teach English to younger children? Related Articles: Listen to this blog post: This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Safak Ä°. When people start learning at early ages of their life, they increase the probability of gaining better language skills and favorable attitudes to other languages and cultures. Moreover, it will be possible for them to acquire native...  [Read more]

Benefits of Music in Learning English - TEFL Blog

Hoàng Minh Huy Alumni Experiences Teaching Ideas In contemporary society, the undeniable role of music encompasses various aspects of entertainment and work. However, its impact extends even further, particularly within the realm of teaching and learning English. Beyond merely assisting educators, music also offers an effective tool for students to effortlessly enhance their English language skills. This essay delves into the multifaceted benefits that music brings to the process of learning English. Enhancing Learning and Memory Through Music Emotional Impact: Music's Role in Motivation A Holistic Approach to Learning: Music's Expansive Benefits Conclusion: The Melody of Progress Are you ready to teach English as a foreign language? Related Articles: Check out what our course grads...  [Read more]

Learning Techniques and Educational Assessment - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Alumni Experiences In an article that explores the future of Assessment for Learning (AfL), Popham (2006) draws on the difference between the traditional approach known as assessment of learning, which focuses on determining what pupils know for the purposes for grading and reports and Assessment for learning, which focuses on helping 'teachers use assessment, as part of teaching and learning, in ways that will raise pupils' achievement' (Assessment Reform Group, 1999, p. 2). Learning Styles Assessment Methods Research of Assessment Techniques Successful Strategies Do you want to teach English abroad? Take a TEFL course! Related Articles: This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Robert S. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent...  [Read more]

Digital Technology for English Learning - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Teaching Ideas The classroom, a collective space for knowledge, interaction and exchange of information, is now in a good phase with the arrival of technological resources that go far beyond the computer lab or video room. Importance of New Technology How to Use? 1. Teachers can better visualize the difficulties of their students 2. Class leveling can become simpler with technology in the classroom 3. Digital games related to content Examples Of New Technology In Education: Are you ready to implement new technologies in your TEFL classroom? Related Articles: Listen to this blog post This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Iago M. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT. There is no denying,...  [Read more]

The Purpose of Learning Teaching Skills - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Teaching Ideas This course has introduced me to various aspects regarding the role of a teacher. I have learned so many new things and have been introduced to numerous new ideas which sparked my interest and gave me a newfound appreciation for what it is like to be a teacher. Even though the course is concise and simple, the information which it provided was really helpful and practical and it has given me a great set of tools which will be a great help for me as I embark on this career. It also serves as a good reference point whenever I feel the need for some guidance especially when I am just starting in my teaching journey. Teaching Techniques In-Class Practice ESA Do you want to teach English abroad? Take a TEFL course! Related Articles: This post was written by...  [Read more]

The Ins and Outs of Lifelong Learning - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Alumni Experiences A life long learner, to me, is one who desires to learn new things based on interests, motivations, and knowledge to be gained. As one who is a certified teacher in first through eighth grades (in Louisiana, USA), possesses a master degree in education, as well as having a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction with a minor in Leadership and Supervision, does not mean that I know it all; far from it. In my middle school teaching days and years of teaching in higher education preparing teachers to teach, I encountered students from other culturally diverse backgrounds; yet, I did not have the basic fundamentals of teaching students whose first language was not English. This I regret. Professional Experience English is a Synonym of Lifelong Learning...  [Read more]

Why Seoul Is the Ideal Place to Teach English in 2018 - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Destinations TEFL Information South Korea's capital is one of the most important and fastest-growing cities in Asia and indeed the world. Across the city you will find some of the world's largest companies in the technology and automobile industries. On top of that, Seoul is an exciting city with lots of historic attractions, as well as modern museums, hot fashion shows, and a wide variety of music acts. Seoul is also home to thousands of foreign English teachers, many of whom are not ready to leave and have made the city their permanent home base. Major Trading Hub In Asia Vibrant Culture and History City of the Future Unique Food Options Education Paradise Competitive Salaries Allow Teachers to Save Thousands Listen to this blog post Are you ready to live and teach in...  [Read more]

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