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How to Motivate High School Students in the ESL Classroom - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Alumni Experiences Teaching Ideas Motivation in the classroom is the biggest reason why I teach students in a high school setting. I am a public-school teacher and I get English as a Second Language students all the time in my classroom. I am a 10th-grade teacher but my students' ages range from 14 years old to 19 years old. The number one factor that I teach is for motivation. My students are already matured and have seen things they probably should not have at their ages. Once they get to my classroom, they are mine to teach. I do my utmost best to teach my students. I have students from all over the world, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Egyptian, Asian, Africa, to name a few countries. I now have wonderful scores. I also have a high likability rating from my students; the...  [Read more]

Enhancing ESL Reading Lessons: Strategies and Materials for Effective Learning - TEFL Blog

Federico Riva TEFL Information Alumni Experiences Reading comprehension is a crucial skill for ESL (English as a Second Language) students to develop. As teachers, it is essential to select appropriate resources and employ effective techniques to maximize the benefits of reading activities in the classroom. In this blog post, we will explore various types of reading materials, discuss strategies to improve reading comprehension skills, and highlight the importance of integrating discussions into the learning process. Types of Reading Materials Authentic Materials: Non-Authentic Materials: Strategies for Improving Reading Comprehension Skills Skimming and Scanning: Summarizing: Predicting: Discussing: Conclusion Are you ready to teach English as a foreign language? Related Articles:...  [Read more]

9 Fun Ways to Teach Kids the Value of Money - TEFL Blog

Luciana Campos Alumni Experiences Teaching Ideas Teaching kids the importance of saving money and the value of a dime is a crucial life lesson that can help them become responsible adults. Since this journey will take place over the course of several years, the ability to be patient and persistent is crucial. To start, parents may show their children how to be responsible with money by doing the same and making it fun and exciting for them. Reward That Comes At A Later Date Gaining Familiarity with the Savings Idea Highlighting the significance of one's work and material belongings Instructing Youth in the Art of Responsible Financial Management Helpful Links for Teaching Kids About Money Starting at the beginning The Role of Online Gamification Last Remarks Related articles Ready to...  [Read more]

How much can I save while teaching English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

The financial aspect of teaching English overseas is a significant consideration alongside the cultural and adventurous. Generally, English teachers abroad can comfortably cover daily living expenses. However, the potential to save money varies widely by region. Many positions do allow for savings, which can be directed towards financial goals such as paying off student loans or saving for future travels. The key to maximizing savings while teaching abroad lies in choosing locations with favorable salary-to-cost-of-living ratios and managing personal expenses wisely. How much can I save while teaching English in Europe? How much can I save while teaching English in Latin America? How much can I save while teaching English in Asia? How much can I save while teaching English in the Middle...  [Read more]

Where is it easiest to teach English? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

As the demand for English skills rises globally, certain destinations stand out for their ease of transitioning for TEFL teachers. Based on factors such as job availability, straightforward visa processes, favorable income-to-cost of living ratios, and local hospitality, countries in various regions emerge as top picks. Notably, South Korea leads the pack, with other countries such as Colombia, Germany, Morocco, and the UAE, all scoring highly. South Korea Germany Colombia Morocco The United Arab Emirates South Korea is a favorite destination for TEFL certified teachers, primarily due to the myriad of job opportunities and competitive salaries. The typical teacher's wage ranges between $2000 and $2500 per month, and the cost of living is affordable. Additional perks often included in your...  [Read more]

How can I save money while teaching English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

While teaching English abroad, many educators prioritize living comfortably and experiencing the local culture without financial constraints. To maximize savings and enjoy a fulfilling lifestyle, consider the following steps: Preparation before departure and smart decisions after arrival can significantly boost your savings. Will a TEFL certificate help me earn more while teaching English abroad? How will my choice of TEFL destination impact on how much I can save? How can I earn extra cash while teaching English abroad? How can I save money on accommodation while teaching English abroad? What else can I do to save money while teaching English abroad? Holding an internationally recognized TEFL certificate significantly boosts your earning potential while teaching English abroad....  [Read more]

Can I teach English abroad without any teaching experience? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

Absolutely, teaching English abroad without prior teaching experience is entirely possible. Many global institutions prioritize the English language, allowing countless English speakers to teach annually in diverse classrooms worldwide. In fact, about 90% of these individuals have no previous teaching background. Often, possessing a TEFL certificate is the primary requirement for these roles, even more so than formal education or teaching credentials. How do I teach English without knowing my student's language? How will a TEFL certificate help me in the classroom? Teaching English without knowing your student's native language is achievable through the total immersion method. This approach involves exclusively using English in the classroom, simulating an English-speaking...  [Read more]

How much do TEFL teachers make in Korea? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

TEFL teachers in South Korea typically earn salaries ranging from $1,600 to $2,700 USD monthly. Schools seeking to hire often offer above-average salaries to attract qualified teachers. South Korea is known for its excellent working conditions, modern facilities, and advanced infrastructure, making it a top destination for English teachers. Salary levels vary based on the type of school - public or private - and the teacher's experience, with experienced educators often commanding higher wages. What are TEFL salaries in South Korea? What other benefits can I expect when teaching English in South Korea? How much can I save while teaching English in South Korea? The actual figure you will see on your monthly payslip will depend on several things including the type of school you work in,...  [Read more]

Can I send money back home while teaching English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

English teachers abroad commonly send their earnings back to their home countries for obligations like student loans, mortgages, or family support. The process can be complex, with considerations such as transfer fees, fluctuating exchange rates, and varying transaction times. Common methods include bank transfers, online payment services, and money transfer companies, each with their own pros and cons. It is vital to compare the costs, efficiency, and security of these options to choose the most suitable method for international money transfers. What are the pros and cons of using a local bank? What are the pros and cons of using Xoom? What are the pros and cons of using OFX? What are the pros and cons of using Western Union? What are the pros and cons of using MoneyGram? What are the...  [Read more]

Teaching Abroad: Saving Money & Paying off Loans - Here's how! - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hi guys hello welcome to another live session my name is linda from itt and today we're going to talk about a very very exciting topic i'm sure a lot of you are going to find it useful it's all going to be about how to save money and also pay off loans and debt when teaching english abroad um yeah so thank you so much for joining if you can see me if you can hear me as always please just leave a hi in the comment section i'd really appreciate it so that i know that you can see me and hear me because you know sometimes there are technical difficulties um and i might be aware of it so just kindly let me know in the comment section um and yeah thank you so much for being here again today uh last week's live session was at a different time you might have noticed we're kind of experiment...  [Read more]

Can you make a living teaching English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

The growing global demand for English language skills has made teaching English abroad a viable and financially rewarding career for many English speakers. Salaries can vary based on location, qualifications, and institution type, yet they are generally competitive enough to afford a comfortable lifestyle. In certain high-demand countries, ESL teachers can earn between $2,000 and $5,000 per month, which clearly demonstrates the feasibility of making a living through TEFL jobs internationally. Consider these factors when considering potential TEFL salaries: How much money can I make teaching English in Asia? What can I expect to earn when teaching English in the Middle East? What can I expect to earn when teaching English in Europe? What can I expect to earn when teaching English in Latin...  [Read more]

TEFL Other Europe - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Central European Teaching Program

Date posted:2024-04-04 | Writer: Central European Teaching Program | Email: [email protected] The Central European Teaching Program (CETP) is an organisation established in 1990, and it provides ESL teachers to Hungarian schools. CETP accepts both men and women into their teaching program. Required Degrees: Bachelor’s degree plus TEFL certification Fields of Expertise: ESL/EFL ,  Elementary ,  ESL to Children ,  Kindergarten . Specific requirements for applicants: 1. Citizenship: Applicants must be citizens of the United States, Canada, the European Union (EU), or the United Kingdom. 2. Native English Speakers: All applicants must be native English speakers. 3. Health and Hearing: Applicants should be in good health and have good hearing. 4. Education and Certification:...  [Read more]

How much can I earn teaching English in Oman? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

In Oman, the salary for TEFL-qualified English teachers usually starts at $1,000 to $2,000 monthly, with experienced educators potentially earning around $3,000. This Middle Eastern nation is known for its hospitality, featuring thousands of kilometers of unspoiled coastline, vast deserts, and majestic mountains, offering a tranquil alternative to the bustling vibe of neighboring countries. The warm and welcoming nature of its people complements the abundant opportunities for well-compensated teaching positions available in the country. What are TEFL salaries in Oman? Who are the main employers of English language teachers in Oman? What is the recruitment process for English teachers in Oman? What is the cost of living for English teachers in Oman? Fully qualified teachers in local...  [Read more]

What can I do with a TEFL degree? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

With a TEFL degree, numerous opportunities open up in the field of English language teaching and beyond. Here are some of the primary avenues you can explore: A TEFL degree provides the foundation and credentials for these diverse paths, enriching both your professional journey and the lives of your students. Entry level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 What can these degrees be used for? Other jobs that will become available with your degree Consulting and advisory positions Writing and editing for publications such as magazines Curriculum development From the above, we can see that a degree in TEFL/TESOL is at level 6 and is therefore a very high level of study in the English teaching world. A few examples of such Level 6 courses are shown below: ...  [Read more]

How is teaching English in Asia different from teaching English in Latin America? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

Asia and Latin America are two of the most popular regions for teaching English abroad. Both have a strong demand for English language instruction, and there are always plenty of employers ready to take on experienced and newly qualified teachers in a wide variety of countries. If you are undecided on which destination would suit you best, take a look at the following points as they might help you to make an informed choice. Will I be able to save money while teaching English in Latin America? Will I be able to save money while teaching English in Asia? What is the best way to find a job teaching English in Latin America? What is the best way to find a job teaching English in Asia? What is the classroom environment like in Latin America? What is the classroom environment like in...  [Read more]

Teaching Abroad: How to Save Money & Pay off Loans - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hi welcome Linda here back this week with another live session for ITT the tefl and tesol training um yeah thank you so much for joining and for being here today uh if you're seeing this for the first time thank you so much for tuning in I'm going to introduce myself in a little bit and I'm also going to share a 30 off discount opportunity today um that you can use to uh get 30 off any of itt's tefl or tesol courses today so we have a wide variety of different courses um you can take a look at our website tefl and you'll see all of the different courses that we offer if you are not new here and you have seen me before and you have joined this live stream before thank you so much um I really appreciate all the regular views that we get and also of course I appreciate all the new...  [Read more]

Teaching English Online with Preply: ✅ Anastasia's Experience - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Budget and Salary Destinations TEFL Information Alumni Experiences Teaching Ideas Last year, Anastasia finished her Master's program in applied linguistics at the university of Barcelona, specializing in mobile-assisted language learning. Do you like working on Preply? What are the benefits? What are some registration requirements? How fast did you find your first students on the platform? Does the platform help you promote your services? What's the average hourly rate on Preply? Is it challenging to compete with NETs? Are there any teacher development opportunities? How do you get paid? Can you ask your student to pay you directly, avoiding the website transfers? Does Preply provide lesson plans, materials, and software? Do you think Preply is a great platform to...  [Read more]

How much can I earn teaching English in Japan? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

In Japan, English teachers can anticipate monthly earnings ranging from 200,000 to 600,000 Yen (currently $1,700 to $5,000). Although the cost of living, especially in metropolitan areas like Tokyo, Osaka, and Yokohama, has surged in recent years, these salaries generally allow for a comfortable lifestyle. While Japan may no longer be the prime choice for teachers aiming to amass substantial savings, it still provides a plethora of enriching opportunities. What are TEFL salaries in Japan? Who are the main employers of English language teachers in Japan? Who else employs English language teachers in Japan? What is the cost of living for English teachers in Japan? In Japan, TEFL salaries span a range based on factors like experience, qualifications, location, and employment type....  [Read more]

What are the best countries to teach English in Asia? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

For those aspiring to teach English abroad, Asia stands out as a premier destination with countries like Japan, South Korea, and Thailand leading the way. To be considered for teaching positions across the continent, it is imperative to possess proficient English skills and a recognized TEFL certification. While Asia comprises a vast expanse of diverse nations, we highlight the following as prime options for teaching English right now: South Korea Japan Taiwan Thailand Vietnam With an exceptionally high demand for TEFL qualified teachers nationwide, South Korea has gained popularity as one of the world's top destinations. Not only do teachers enjoy attractive salaries, but they can also lead a comfortable lifestyle while saving a substantial portion of their income. Generous benefits...  [Read more]

How much do TEFL teachers get paid? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

Earnings for TEFL teachers vary globally, influenced by qualifications, experience, and teaching location. Salaries can range broadly, with TEFL instructors in high-demand countries earning from $2,000 to over $5,000 per month. Online English teachers may see different rates, often depending on the platform and the number of hours worked. Factors such as the cost of living in the destination country and the type of institution also play a crucial role in determining salary. Ultimately, TEFL teaching can offer financially rewarding opportunities, especially in top-paying regions. How much does it pay to teach English abroad? Does teaching English abroad pay well? Teacher salaries in Europe and Latin America Teacher salaries in Asia Teacher salaries in the Middle East What benefits and...  [Read more]

Why Understanding the Group Dynamics of an ESL Classroom is Important - TEFL Blog

Mark Crocker Alumni Experiences Teaching Ideas Humans are social animals. Throughout history, we've always evolved in communities and societies, where individuals relate with others by affiliating themselves to different groups. They are then integrated into a complex social network, whose members often have a strong impact on each other. Group dynamics represent this impact: they designate the functioning of a group and the relationships between its members. These dynamics also play an important role in the classroom, thus it is essential that the teacher understands them in order to create a productive synergy between themselves and their students. Tailoring Lessons to Suit the Common Dynamic Understanding the Classroom Dynamic Can Help With Participation and Discipline Are you ready...  [Read more]

Can you make good money teaching English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

Many TEFL qualified teachers head overseas to look for excitement, adventure, new experiences, and to simply get away from the daily grind, but not all are aware of the potential to earn a very good living whilst doing so. In some parts of the world teachers can earn more than enough to live a high quality of life and also afford to put aside a considerable sum each month to pay off student debts or to save for future travel etc. As demand for qualified teachers continues to grow in many areas, so do the potential salaries on offer. Important points to consider when evaluating potential TEFL salaries. How much can I earn teaching English in Asia? How much can I earn teaching English in the Middle East? How much can I earn teaching English in Europe? How much can I earn teaching...  [Read more]

How much can I earn teaching English in Italy? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

In Italy, English teachers can expect to earn between $1,000 to $1,500 per month. As one of Europe's top destinations for ESL teachers, Italy offers a multitude of job opportunities in sought after locations such as Florence and Venice. The competition for jobs in these areas can be intense, which is why qualifications and experience are often key. For those new to the field, metropolitan areas such as Rome or Milan might offer more opportunities. What are TEFL salaries in Italy? Who are the main employers of English language teachers in Italy? Who else employs English language teachers in Italy? What is the cost of living for English teachers in Italy? The typical salary for ESL teachers in Italy varies considerably depending on the employer and the location, but you can reasonably...  [Read more]

Which TEFL company pays the most? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

When evaluating which TEFL companies offer the most lucrative salaries, it is important to consider more than just the base pay. Top-paying TEFL organizations often provide competitive salaries that are complemented by additional benefits such as housing allowances, health insurance, and flight reimbursement, which can significantly affect overall earnings. To truly assess which TEFL company pays the most, prospective teachers should weigh the total compensation package against the cost of living in the respective teaching location. This comprehensive approach ensures a realistic understanding of potential savings and financial gains. How much does the average English teacher make? Is there a geographic region with the best TEFL salaries? What type of schools offer the highest TEFL...  [Read more]

Is TEFL a good career choice? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

While some view teaching English abroad as a temporary venture or a way to explore before 'settling down', the reality is that TEFL can be a rewarding and sustainable career. Many individuals not only venture into this field for the thrill of travel and culture but also to carve out lucrative, long-term careers. Contrary to some perceptions, TEFL is more than just a 'gap year' adventure; for many, it is a lifelong profession. Can I really make a long-term career out of TEFL? What qualifications do I need to make a career out of TEFL? What other TEFL related jobs are available in the long term? What are the benefits of a long-term career in TEFL? What skills will I need to make a career out of TEFL? Definitely! Many embark on the EFL teaching journey as a means to explore the world while...  [Read more]

Is it worth taking a TEFL degree? - TEFL Blog

Federico Riva Destinations TEFL Information A degree in TEFL/TESOL is at level 6 (of the UK qualifications system) and is therefore a very high level of study in the English teaching world. We will show later what level six means, in the overall qualification scheme. What can these degrees be used for? Other jobs that will become available with your degree 1. Director of Studies in an ESL situation 2. Consulting and advisory positions 3. Writing and editing for publications such as magazines 4. Curriculum development Levels of TEFL Degrees Conclusion Ready to teach English as a Foreign Language? Related Articles: Check out what our course grads say in our many video testimonials! A few examples of such Level 6 university courses from around the world are shown below:...  [Read more]

Tefl international

Although for many people money is not the main driving force behind teaching English abroad, it is still an important part of the TEFL journey as your salary will often dictate what you can afford to do during your adventures and how much you can potentially save at the end of the month. In our FAQs below we look at the average salaries in all the most popular teaching destinations, as well as any typical perks and bonuses you can expect in different locations. How much can I earn teaching English abroad?    Regions such as the Middle East and Asia offer the potential to earn salaries as high as $5,000 USD per month. Other areas such as Europe and Latin America have less in the way of high paying jobs but are still popular due to the culture and lifestyle. Can I make...  [Read more]

TEFL Africa - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Language Teacher Coordinator ann. 2

Date posted:2024-04-17 | Writer: Aves International Academy | Email: [email protected] This institution is seeking for Teachers/ Coordinators with experience teaching the Cambridge/ IGCSE Program with a minimum of 4 years for all teaching related languages. Main Responsibilities Planning: Identify clear teaching and learning objectives and specify how they will be taught and assessed to allow learners to assimilate the language. Set appropriate and demanding expectations for teaching and learning, motivation and presentation of work. Teaching & Class Management Plan work in accordance with unit planners, the Cambridge Curriculum and/or International Baccalaureate programs of study and external examination requirements; Take account learners’ prior levels of attainment and use them...  [Read more]

How much can I earn teaching English in South Korea? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

Teaching English in South Korea offers very competitive salaries, with teachers typically earning between $1,400 to $2,400 USD monthly. The country stands out as a prime destination for English teaching due to its advanced infrastructure, low crime rates, and high standard of living. Coupled with its reputation as one of Asia's most affluent nations, South Korea consistently attracts both new and seasoned teachers, seeking good salaries and favorable working conditions. What are TEFL salaries in South Korea? What other benefits can I expect when teaching English in South Korea? How much can I save while teaching English in South Korea? In South Korea, TEFL salaries differ based on the institution and the teacher's experience. For public schools, novice teachers typically earn 1.8 to...  [Read more]

The 10 best FREE tools and software for Online English Teachers - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hello hi welcome to another live session by itt my name is linda welcome happy to have you today um as you can see today's topic is 10 free tools and software that english online teachers can use perfect for english online teachers or just online teachers in general it doesn't have to be english any sort of teacher can use these but we're primarily focusing on online english teachers today uh thank you so much for joining if you're here if you um are watching if you can see me and hear me clearly please just leave a comment in the comment box and let me know that everything is working properly you know sometimes there are technical issues and i just want to make sure that everything is working as it should um there are some comments already so yeah i guess it's working we are live on...  [Read more]

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