Teach English Abroad Summer Programs

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Can I teach English abroad in the summer? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

While many schools and language institutes traditionally prefer teachers to commit to 10-12 month contracts, summer provides unique teaching opportunities for those seeking shorter-term engagements. English summer camps and volunteer organizations frequently offer positions specifically tailored for the season. So, for those eager to embark on a brief teaching adventure during the summer months, there are certainly avenues to explore beyond conventional year-long contracts. Can I teach English in a summer language camp? Are there different types of summer camps that hire English teachers? Where are summer camps held, and what are the requirements for teachers? Can I volunteer as an English language teacher during the summer? Absolutely! English language summer camps are prevalent in...  [Read more]

The Best Government Programs For Teaching English Abroad - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Destinations TEFL Information Teaching English abroad is now a popular career option for many people of all ages. While there is a strong demand for TEFL certified teachers in many different regions of the world, there are certain countries who have implemented government-funded programs to attract foreign English teachers. Through these programs, qualified English teachers are placed into schools around their countries where they are employed for a set period of time. Here is a list of the best government programs for teaching English abroad. Listen to this blog post: EPIK for Teaching English in South Korea Requirements and More Information About the Program: How to Apply TaLK for Teaching English in South Korea Requirements and More Information About the Program: How...  [Read more]

The Best Government Programs For Teaching English Abroad - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Teaching English abroad is a popular career option for many people of all ages. There are certain countries that have implemented government-funded programs to attract foreign English teachers. Through these programs, qualified English teachers are placed into schools around their countries where they are employed for a set period of time. This live session covers the most popular government programs for teaching English abroad. #TEFL#BestTEFL #TeachEnglishAbroad Are you ready to teach English abroad or online? Click here and get started today: What is TEFL Certification? Where is it valid: Check out our wide range of TEFL Courses: Teach English online from anywhere you want: Register now...  [Read more]

The Best Government-Run Programs For Teaching English Abroad - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

My name is linda i'm from itt international tefl and tesol training and um yeah i'm back again today for another live session and yeah if you can hear me if you can see me because i'm trying out a new mic today so if that is um working well um i need to know if you can hear me and you can see me so please leave a quick comment um just throwing in a high and where you're watching from so that i know that you can hear me clearly and that you can see me and that you're here and ready to go through today's live and today's topic that would be really really great um yeah my name is linda um working for itt and i have been living in south korea for five and a half years so for me right now it's 10 a.m friday morning in south korea and yeah let me know where you are tuning in from and what time...  [Read more]

The Most Affordable Countries For Teaching English Abroad - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hi hello and welcome to another live stream my name is linda from itt nice to see you today thanks so much for tuning in uh yeah as always please if you can see me if you can hear me clearly just leave a quick comment in the comment section we are actually live on facebook and also on youtube at the same time just making sure that everything is working well so that we are ready to explore today the most affordable countries for teaching english abroad we're gonna go on a virtual trip around the world today i'm super excited because i thought that it's kind of a fun thing to do it's summer we all want to go and travel and i know most of us probably can't really do that right now myself included i have not left the country in almost two years and i'm super excited to go on a trip with you...  [Read more]

The Best Programs for Volunteer Teaching Abroad - TEFL Blog

Jon ITTT TEFL Information Earning a TEFL certificate enables you to help some of the world's most disadvantaged people by volunteering your skills as an English teacher. There are volunteer programmes recruiting English teachers to work in areas all over the world and volunteer teaching is a truly worthwhile and rewarding experience. Below are some of the main ways you can enlist as a volunteer English teacher. United Nations Volunteers United Nations Volunteers Online The British Council Peace Corp Voluntary Service Overseas Pay to Volunteer Look at Home Volunteering Tips Know what you're paying Know where you're going Fundraise Listen to this blog post Are you ready to be a volunteer English teacher? Related Articles: The UNV programme covers many areas from medical treatment to...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - English Grammar Past Tenses Review Teaching English Abroad Programs - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  This video reviews the past tenses. The past tenses form one part of ITTT's online TEFL courses. During the section on the past tenses you will learn the structure of each tense in its positive, negative and question forms as well as the usages of each tense. You will also learn some useful teaching ideas for the tenses. Past Simple: Subject + verb in past simple form I played Past Continuous: Subject + was + present participle I was playing Past Perfect: Subject + had + past participle I had played Past Perfect Continuous: Subject + had + been + present participle I had been playing To learn more about the past and other tenses check out our other videos online and consider taking one of our TEFL courses. A teaching certificate from ITTT will enable you to take part in one of the...  [Read more]

What is the TaLK Program for teaching English in South Korea? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

Teach and Learn in Korea (TaLK) is a government-backed initiative that assigns international individuals to elementary schools throughout South Korea. While similar to the more extensive EPIK program, TaLK's distinctiveness lies in its commitment to serving under-resourced areas, ensuring they too benefit from global teaching perspectives. Participants not only enrich their teaching portfolios but also immerse themselves in the diverse Korean culture, with ample opportunities to traverse both the nation and the surrounding regions. What are the requirements for the TaLK Program? What does the TaLK Program involve? Where will I be placed on the TaLK Program? What are the benefits of the TaLK Program? To qualify for the TaLK Program, candidates must: The TaLK Program offers a unique...  [Read more]

The best countries for Single Women to Teach English Abroad - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Destinations TEFL Information Many women around the world are eager to start a new career in teaching English as a foreign language. Whether it's straight after graduating from college, in their mid-20s or 30s or later on in life, women from all backgrounds are intrigued by the thought of living and working in a different country abroad. However, many of them feel reluctant and ask "Is it safe for single women to teach English abroad?" Listen to this blog post: You are not Alone Safe Countries for Female Teachers Teaching English in Asia as a Single Woman Teaching English in the Middle East as a Single Woman Teaching English in Europe as a Single Woman Teaching English in Latin America as a Single Woman Useful Tips Before You Go Are you ready to begin your teaching...  [Read more]

The Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Program: All You Need to Know and How to Apply - TEFL Blog

Laura Payne Destinations TEFL Information The Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Program is not the only means to teach English in Japan, but it is one of the most popular programs out there both for aspiring teachers and those who wish to pursue other fields. I first joined this program a little over a year ago. In the short time since then, I've gained incredibly valuable experiences through my work as an Assistant Language Teacher (ALT). The History of JET Duties of an Assistant Language Teacher (ALT) How to Apply for the JET Program Remuneration and Living Rewards of JET Common Challenges for ALTs The JET Community Listen to this blog post What are you waiting for? Related Articles: Local prefectural governments and larger government bodies, including Japan's Ministry of Foreign...  [Read more]

Korvia Consulting - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Korvia is one of the leading recruiting agencies for public school English teaching programs in South Korea and is the exclusive official Partner of the EPIK program. Korvia helps its recruits prepare everything they'll need to secure a position in one of the most dynamic and rapidly growing countries in the world. EPIK (English Program in Korea) is a public school English teaching program in Korea sponsored by the Korean government that places teachers into various cities as well as provinces around South Korea. English Program in Korea is the most inclusive English program in Korea and has the most location choices out of all the public school teaching programs in Korea, spanning across all of South Korea. Applicants have the option of choosing a preference for their location. Since...  [Read more]

Summer Vacation Word Search - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Register now & get certified to teach english abroad! Teach summer vocabulary with this word search. Review and discuss all the words in the word box before completing the word search. Discuss what sports the children are doing. What do you enjoy doing during summer?   Register now & get certified to teach english abroad!  [Read more]

TEFL Romania - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Teach Efl In Romania During The Summer

Date posted:2019-11-26 | Writer: INAction | Email: [email protected] INAction is a company that organizes and coordinates extracurricular educational activities, including cultural, sports, tourist and leisure for preschool and school students. Since 2008,  we have organized summer camps in Romania focused on learning English and have opportunities for TEFL trained teachers who would like to join us at various times from June to August of next year. 1st  LOCATION: Pensiunea “Miruna” – Sambata de Sus ,Brasov. Located in a wonderful area not far from Brasov City, Sambata de Sus is an oasis of peace, harmony and fresh air with springs from Fagaras Mountains. Surrounded by hills, mountains and forests, “Miruna” Complex provides the ideal conditions for an...  [Read more]

What is the Teach and Learn with Georgia Program for teaching English in Georgia? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

Teach and Learn with Georgia (TLG), initiated in 2010 by the Georgian Ministry of Education and Science, is a distinctive program aimed at enhancing the nation's proficiency in foreign languages, such as English, French, and German. Beyond its primary objective of placing native speakers in public schools for language instruction, TLG also fosters a deep cultural exchange, strengthening Georgia's bonds with the global community. What does the Teach and Learn with Georgia Program involve? What are the requirements for the Teach and Learn with Georgia Program? What are the benefits of the Teach and Learn with Georgia Program? Teach and Learn with Georgia (TLG) is a unique opportunity for native speakers of English, French, and German who are eager to impact young minds in a diverse...  [Read more]

The Best Government Programs For Teaching English in Europe - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hello hi linda here back with another live session this week how are you all doing thank you so much for joining uh don't forget to like and subscribe i'm just gonna say it right of the bat we go live every week with another interesting topic so if you're interested if you want to learn more about itttt tefl teasal teaching abroad teaching online all of that good stuff give us a like and a follow you're already here you have nothing to lose all the good stuff happening here today as you can see we're going to talk about the best government programs for teaching in europe okay i did a live session before about um the best teaching programs all over the world in general i found some new good ones specifically for europe so we're going to talk about only europe today uh government programs...  [Read more]

How to Teach English Abroad as a Volunteer - TEFL Blog

Federico Riva TEFL Information Alumni Experiences Teaching Ideas Volunteer English teaching is a very popular option with many people. It can take many forms and can be undertaken in a huge range of countries worldwide. Here we look at a few issues that might help you find the best places to teach English as a volunteer. 1. Where can you volunteer? 2. Where is the best place to go? 3. Why should you teach English as a volunteer? 4. Here are some variations on the volunteering theme. Are you ready to teach English abroad or online? Related Articles: Check out what our course grads say in our many video testimonials! There are volunteer opportunities available on every continent and within many countries in each continent. There are too many opportunities to mention individually and the...  [Read more]

The Most Affordable Countries For Teaching English Abroad - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Let's go on a virtual summer trip around the world visiting the most affordable countries for teaching English abroad. What's the cheapest place out there? Let's find out! #TEFL #BestTEFL #TESOL Are you ready to teach English abroad or online? Click here and get started today: What is TEFL Certification? Where is it valid: Check out our wide range of TEFL Courses: Teach English online from anywhere you want: Register now & get certified to teach english abroad!  [Read more]

Why Beijing Is the Ideal Place to Teach English - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Destinations China is the largest EFL market in the world. Beijing is not only the country capital but also one of the fastest-growing cities in Asia and the world. Beijing is a commercial, educational and cultural hub in China and has a lot to offer to anyone coming to visit. On top of that, Beijing is home to thousands of foreign English teachers, many of whom are not ready to leave and have made the city their permanent home base. Vibrant Culture and History UNESCO Sites Galore Unique Food Options Education Paradise Competitive Salaries Allow Teachers to Save $$$ Are you ready to live and teach in Beijing? Related Articles: Listen To This Blog Post Beijing has been the capital throughout many of China's dynasties resulting in a great number of historic attractions and...  [Read more]

All The Documents You Will Need To Teach English Abroad - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  One area that often causes unnecessary stress when planning to teach English abroad is ensuring you have all the documents you will need to make the move. This live session will cover the process so that nothing stands in the way of your dream! #TEFL #BestTEFL #TeachEnglish Are you ready to teach English abroad or online? Click here and get started today: What is TEFL Certification? Where is it valid: Check out our wide range of TEFL Courses: Teach English online from anywhere you want: Register now & get certified to teach english abroad!  [Read more]

All the Documents You Will Need to Teach English Abroad - TEFL Blog

Mark Crocker Visa and Legal If you have completed your TEFL certification course and are getting ready to head overseas to teach, you are certain to have plenty of things to organize. One area that often causes unnecessary stress is ensuring you have all the documents you will need to make the move. Luckily, this process is not as difficult as you might imagine. Although the exact requirements will vary from country to country and job to job, if you follow our straightforward breakdown you should find you have everything you need when you need it. The Essential Documents A Passport Valid for at Least Two Years A High-Quality TEFL-Based CV A Unique and Meaningful Cover Letter Reference Letters The 'Just-In-Case-You-Need-Them' Documents Criminal Record Background Check University...  [Read more]

Reykjavik - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Teach English Abroad

SOURCE: www . reykjavik . com/cool-new-infograph-on-reykjavik-iceland/ Register now & get certified to teach english abroad!  [Read more]

What do you need to be able to Teach English Abroad - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Whether you want to teach as a volunteer in the depths of the jungle on the Thai-Myanmar border or as a business English instructor to corporate high-flyers in Sao Paulo, Brazil, you will need at the least a recognised TEFL/TESOL certificate. Although it is still possible to find jobs where simply being a native speaker of English is enough to secure the position these opportunities are becoming few and far between and earning a 120-hour certificate with a reputable organisation should be your priority before starting out. A bachelor's degree is not a necessity for the majority of countries around the world and there are plenty of opportunities out there without such a qualification. Teaching experience is also not a necessity for the majority of teaching positions but the higher paid...  [Read more]

Can I teach English abroad if I have children? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

Absolutely! Teaching English abroad with children is entirely feasible. However, when contemplating such a move, it is essential to evaluate various factors to ensure it aligns with the best interests of you and your family. This includes considering financial aspects, visa requirements, and educational opportunities for your children in your chosen destination. What are the financial implications of teaching English abroad with children? What options will I have for my children's education? What about medical insurance and access to healthcare? What about visas for my children? Teaching English abroad with children comes with distinct financial implications. Raising kids is costly regardless of location, making it vital to assess the financial feasibility of your desired...  [Read more]

What to Do in Greece - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Teach English Abroad

SOURCE: www . brownelltravel . com/blog/brownell-guide-to-greece/ Register now & get certified to teach english abroad!  [Read more]

Which countries have a TEFL placement program? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

If you want to have a job in place and all the paperwork sorted out before you leave your home country, a TEFL placement program is certainly worth considering. Several countries across Europe and Asia have government run schemes that recruit foreign teachers to work in their public school system. The following options are long established and respected programs that offer a great opportunity to live and work in some of the most popular teaching destinations. What is the TAPIF Program for teaching English in France? What are the requirements for the TAPIF Program? How do I apply for the TAPIF Program? Do I need a TEFL/TESOL certificate to apply to the TAPIF Program? What is the Cultural Ambassadors Program for teaching English in Spain? What are the requirements for the Cultural...  [Read more]

Top 6 Government-run TEFL Teacher Programs - TEFL Blog

Federico Riva TEFL Information Teaching Ideas Looking to embark on an adventure abroad while making a positive impact as an English teacher? Government-run TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) programs offer an incredible opportunity to do just that. These well-organized initiatives, often backed by various countries' governments, provide aspiring educators with a unique chance to teach English in foreign lands, all while gaining an unforgettable cross-cultural experience. 1. FEI/TAPIF — France: International/USA Applications and Eligibility 2. NET Scheme in Hong Kong How to Qualify for the HK NET Scheme Category One requires: 3. CETP Hungary Application Process 4. JET Japan Application process Eligibility Duties 6. North American Language and Culture Assistants Program...  [Read more]

British English v American English - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Teach English Abroad

SOURCE: www . lebonbon . co . uk/lifestyle/infographic-you-sound-like-youre-from-london/ Register now & get certified to teach english abroad!  [Read more]

Should I teach English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

Whether you are just looking to earn some extra cash during a gap-year or are planning a more serious move into the world of education, teaching English as a foreign language has many benefits. The demand for TEFL qualified teachers is continually growing in many parts of the world and opportunities for making teaching a career are abundant. Also, if you decide that it is time to head back home, there are many directions in which your overseas teaching experience can take you. Are TEFL teachers in demand in English speaking countries? Are TEFL teachers in demand in China? Are TEFL teachers in demand elsewhere in Asia? Are TEFL teachers in demand in Europe? Are TEFL teachers in demand in Latin America? Can I make a long-term career out of TEFL? What qualifications do I need to make...  [Read more]

Can I teach English abroad in my gap year? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

Absolutely. Whether you are fresh out of high school or university, or seeking a break from a routine job, a gap year offers a unique opportunity for self-discovery and growth. Teaching English abroad during this time can be incredibly rewarding. Not only does it allow you to immerse yourself in a new culture, but it also provides valuable work experience and a chance to impact others positively. As you navigate this journey, you will gain introspection, cherish present experiences, and set clearer visions for your future. So, considering a gap year to teach English can be one of the most enriching decisions you make. Why should you teach English abroad during your gap year? How should I prepare for my gap year? How do I find a suitable TEFL job? What about teaching English online? What...  [Read more]

Where can I teach English abroad as a non-native speaker? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

While many prominent English teaching markets like Japan, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE favor native English speakers, non-native English speakers with the right qualifications need not be disheartened. There exists a plethora of countries eager to welcome TEFL qualified teachers regardless of their native language. A few top recommendations for non-native English speakers seeking teaching positions include: These countries value the skills and unique perspectives that non-native speakers bring, ensuring ample opportunities for those keen to teach abroad. Where can non-native speakers teach English in Asia? Where can non-native speakers teach English in Latin America? Where can non-native speakers teach English in Europe? How can I improve my job prospects as a non-native...  [Read more]

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