ITTT tefl internationale

All you need to know about teaching English abroad!


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Are you interested in starting a career in teaching English abroad? There are countless programs sending teachers abroad for a teaching experience, oftentimes for very high fees. Here are 4 reasons why you don't need a program to teach English abroad!

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Are you interested in teaching English in South Korea? Our TEFL alumni Beatrix shares three differences in Korean schools that every teacher needs to be aware of before heading to South Korea to teach English.

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France is a popular destination for EFL teachers wanting to teach English in Europe. If you are interested in joining other English teachers in the country, check out this guide on salary and budget for a teacher living in France.

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Vietnam's economy has been growing continuously and the demand for foreign English teachers has also increased. Throughout the country, you will find a wide range of job opportunities, from language schools and private tutoring to in-house work across the business sector. In this post, we examine the top 5 destinations for teaching English in Vietnam.

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Check out these 7 activities for teaching reported speech in the ESL classroom that will help your students learn this tricky English topic in no time!

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Are you traveling and don't know how to find the time to get TEFL certified? Worry no more! Here are 4 tips for getting your TEFL certificate on the road and for staying motivated to study!

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Are you interested in teaching English in Japan? Our TEFL alumni Kaavya shares three differences in Japanese schools that every teacher needs to be aware of before heading to Japan to teach English.

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Creating a course syllabus is often expected from EFL teachers working at English schools abroad. Here is our guide to writing your first TEFL syllabus.

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Italy is a popular destination for EFL teachers wanting to teach English in Europe. If you are interested in joining other English teachers in the country, check out this guide on salary and budget for a teacher living in Italy.

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Teaching young learners is a huge part of the international EFL market and you will surely have to teach children at some point during your EFL career. These 10 tips will really help you when teaching English as a foreign language to children.

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