ITTT tefl internationale

All you need to know about teaching English abroad!


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For ITTT, our community of students and alumni is the most important to us. That’s why we’d love to share what our course grads have to say! This will not only have others make a better decision in whether TEFL/TESOL is for them, but it will also help the ITTT community grow bigger and stronger!

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Teaching such grammar points as tenses can be daunting. In this blog post, you will find several simple ideas on how to explain the past perfect continuous and engage students into practice effectively.

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In this blog post, you will find out several ways on how to use social media in your ESL teaching.

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The main aim of the TEFL course is no other than to present you with a wide range of options that you can incorporate in your teaching. This goes from learning how to effectively manage a classroom, planning a lesson, or coming up with new games to learning that the methodology and needs to be tailored-made for each student considering the age range, the needs of your student, and even the nationality.

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Due to the rapid shift in the education system during the past few years, the country has established an insatiable appetite for ESL English Language teachers. English language learning has become mandatory in pretty much the entire school system. Since English is considered as a key skill for the international development of the country, the demand for English teachers has subsequently increased. In Saudi Arabia, we have a high demand for English educationalists.

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The cultures of South American countries are welcoming and warm. As a continent, they are known for their sensual dances, delicious food, and friendly people. This region is also recognized for its exotic flora and fauna. However, the chances for an EFL teacher to get rich working in South America are limited. While the wages in this part of the world aren’t favorable for saving a lot of money, it’s still enough to live comfortably as the cost of living is relatively low.

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We have a saying; who knows something very well, cannot teach very well. If you are not a native speaker but you are a teacher in that language, you are well-prepared and working more than a native English speaker to avoid being tomfoolery and embarrassed in front of your students. This takes you one step ahead of someone whose native language is English. So here are 3 main advantages of a non-native English teacher.

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For as long as I can remember, I have always had the dream to travel and wander around this globe. Then approximately four years ago, I discovered a passion within me that I didn’t even know existed: teaching! And that is how my journey working as an EFL Teacher began!

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Istanbul is not only the most developed city in Turkey, but it's also one of the oldest cities in the world. The city was founded by the Romans in the year 300 and is considered a sacred place today, important to all religions in general. Its geographical location at the junction of Asia and Europe is unique in the world, making it an attractive destination for teaching English as a foreign language.Here are 5 reasons why Istanbul is a great place to teach English!

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Here we have some of the best platforms, resources, and software that will help you manage your online course and achieve – read on!

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