Best International TEFL

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This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned:

A.G. - France said:
Motivation in the Classroom Motivation is known as the force that drives humans to achieve goals. People are motivated to do things by different means. It can be either intrinsic or extrinsic. Usually motivation is extrinsic in children, meaning that an external factor has to be the reason to achieve a certain goal. Some children will show intrinsic motivation in things that are of interest to them. This works the same with adults, however, adults usually have a realization of the goals they want to achieve, making their motivation be more intrinsic than extrinsic. People usually set goals in their lives and create their own reasons to be motivated. When an individual?s goal is to learn English, he/she doesn?t need a whole lot of other motivation. However, the experience the student will have learning English; will need to be a fun experience so that the student will stay motivated. Motivation in a classroom can be easy to keep if students are there because they want to. With this circumstance and advantage, the teacher needs to maintain the motivation of the students making the lessons fun, varied and engaging. The student will sometimes need to feel challenged in order to achieve new goals and want to keep learning more. However, in the classroom environment, some students might feel that they are there because they have no other choice. With these factors in place, motivation might not be something that is strong. The teacher needs to be creative and come up with activities and rewards in order to motivate the students with this kind of circumstance. The goal of the teacher should be to shift extrinsic motivation to be more intrinsic. If the teacher creates an environment where the student feels comfortable and welcome, and where the student realizes the progress of his/her learning, the student will eventually want to go on his/her own and be eager to learn. Motivation in the classroom is not only a responsibility of the students. If the teacher lacks motivation and makes it seem that he/she is only there because of a need rather than a want, the students will not feel comfortable as well. With an environment that is made like this, a student will not produce the same work as in an environment where the teacher is motivated. The teacher is a big factor when it comes to creating and keeping any motivation in the classroom. Some students might be motivated to improve their pronunciation while others are motivated to improve their fluency. In conclusion, whether the motivation is intrinsic or extrinsic, both students and teachers need to make it a point to want to be there and maintain the motivation high in the classroom. students that are highly motivated have a much greater opportunity to succeed with their goals vs. students who aren?t highly motivated. The same thing goes for a teacher. If the teacher shows enthusiasm and motivation, he/she will have students that will feel motivated. The teacher?s reward is not only that the student is achieving his/her goal, but the realization that he/she has created an environment where students want to participate and are anxious to learn. When someone is motivated to achieve something, that person will find any way to achieve the final goal whatever it may be.
