Educational Requirements For Teacher

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10 Requirements Every ESL Teachers Needs To Have - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Teaching Ideas Teaching offers the chance to change other people's lives permanently for the better. As a teacher, you can help to develop somebody's subject knowledge and maybe even their mind and personality. Teaching is an incredibly rewarding thing to do and good teachers are needed everywhere: in schools and college classrooms to educate the young, as well as in the workplace and other settings to teach adults and colleagues. One-on-one teachers may tutor someone in a particular subject or for their wider personal development. 1. Enjoy communicating your understanding to others. 2. Have confidence. 3. I have great organizational skills. 4. Work effectively in groups. 5. Be able to deal with conflict. 6. Motivate your students to do their best. 7. Empathize with...  [Read more]

What are the requirements for TEFL certification? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

All you really need to teach English abroad is a strong desire to try something new and a teaching qualification that will show potential employers that you have undergone some level of teacher training. The internationally recognised qualification in this situation is a TEFL certificate and these courses typically have few set requirements. What level of English is required to take a TEFL course? What age limits are there with TEFL courses? What educational background do I need to take a TEFL course? Do English language teachers need to be bilingual? Do qualified teachers still need to complete a TEFL course? Do I need to know a lot about grammar to teach English abroad? Having a good level of English comprehension is the most obvious requirement for taking a TEFL certification...  [Read more]

TEFL TESOL Courses Requirements - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  As the market for teaching English abroad is so big, there are a huge range of opportunities out there for people of all different nationalities and backgrounds. In many countries, there are multiple job openings available for every TEFL qualified teacher, which is one reason why non-native English speakers generally have no problems in the international job market. In fact, of the many thousands of teachers who graduate from our courses every year, there are more non-native English speakers than there are native speakers. No matter where you were born or what your native language, as long as you are fluent in English there is no reason why you cannot go on to have a long and successful career teaching English. Non-native English speakers will also find that they enjoy certain...  [Read more]

4 Main Challenges for ESL Students in China - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Destinations Alumni Experiences I have been in China for four years; I came here on 15, September 2015, as a student. During this time pursuing my Master's degree, I taught English as a foreign language in training centers, elementary school, high school and currently teaching in a Polytechnics. Weak Language Foundation Late Start: Weak Language Acquisition Device: Teen Development Problems: Curriculum Structure Combined Topics Per Lesson: Student Placement: Course Materials: Lack of Motivation Testing of Students: Student Placement: Poor Language Training Institutions Teaching, Learning, and Business: Unprofessional Teachers: Lack of Regular Training: Are you ready to take your TEFL course? Related Articles: Listen to this blog post: English has become one of the...  [Read more]

Learning Techniques and Educational Assessment - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Alumni Experiences In an article that explores the future of Assessment for Learning (AfL), Popham (2006) draws on the difference between the traditional approach known as assessment of learning, which focuses on determining what pupils know for the purposes for grading and reports and Assessment for learning, which focuses on helping 'teachers use assessment, as part of teaching and learning, in ways that will raise pupils' achievement' (Assessment Reform Group, 1999, p. 2). Learning Styles Assessment Methods Research of Assessment Techniques Successful Strategies Do you want to teach English abroad? Take a TEFL course! Related Articles: This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Robert S. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent...  [Read more]

Teaching English in China in 2023: Requirements, Job Market, and More - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Hi, welcome Linda here from ITTT. Thanks for joining today. Thanks for taking some time out of your day. I know it's a little bit later than usually, but that's because we have a guest today which I'm gonna announce and introduce in a short while. So thank you guys for being here. Yeah, this is what we're going to talk about today, teaching English in China, what you need to know for the next year. A lot of things have changed because of COVID, because of the pandemic, and all those things. So that's why we invited Dan from Teach English Global, and he's gonna tell us all about it today. So, yeah, thanks for being here, and as always, please don't forget to like and subscribe so you never miss any of our other upcoming live sessions. We go live every week, usually this day, different time....  [Read more]

The Importance of Evaluation and Testing in an Educational System - TEFL Blog

Mark Crocker Alumni Experiences Teaching Ideas Although evaluation and testing are considered to be a 'necessary evil' by some teachers and students, it is quite absurd to call them so. Evaluation and testing should never be seen as 'evil', although they are certainly 'necessary' within a properly functioning educational system. It can be argued that no serious study is possible without evaluation and testing as they are surely the best way of judging the capabilities and progress of a student, and a serious motivation for reaching new goals. Distinctions Between Evaluation and Testing The Purpose of Evaluation and Testing The Importance of Planning and Instructions Common Types of Tests The Outcomes of Testing and Evaluation Are you ready to teach English abroad? Related Articles:...  [Read more]

Parents Part in Children’s Educational Process - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Alumni Experiences A child's education starts at home. For a child, every parent should be his or her first teacher. So parents' role in the education of their child is very critical. They form a bridge between their child and school. Child, school/teacher, and parents form a triangle. When they work together children often tend to do better in school. They achieve not only academic success but also develop better social skills. Parent-child communication Parent-teacher communication Home support Encouragement and reward Setting a positive environment Do you want to teach English abroad? Take a TEFL course! Related Articles: In this essay, I will discuss a few ways in which parents can contribute to the education of their children. This post was written by our TEFL...  [Read more]

How do Americans get a criminal background check for teaching English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

For Americans planning to teach English abroad, obtaining a criminal background check is often a critical part of the job or visa application process. Countries like South Korea, a major hub for foreign English teachers, mandate this check for securing an official work visa. Likewise, various nations and schools have similar prerequisites. Typically, the most frequently sought-after background check for American teachers is the FBI's Identity History Summary Check. Although locally-sourced checks are also accepted, the FBI's version is more universally recognized but may have longer processing times. Also read: What is the EPIK program for teaching English in South Korea? What is an FBI criminal background check? Can I get an FBI criminal background check abroad? Once you are in your...  [Read more]

How to get my first TEFL job? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

Congratulations if you have recently completed a TEFL certification course and are now looking for that all important first teaching position. As learning English is commonplace in the majority of countries around the world, qualified TEFL teachers rarely find it difficult to secure a good job. However, the level of demand can vary greatly from one place to the next, which also means the level of requirements can vary. What is required in one country might be completely different to the requirements in its immediate neighbor. Can I teach anywhere as a first-time EFL teacher? How hard is it to get a TEFL job? How can I get a TEFL job with no experience? Head to where you want to live and work and apply for jobs on the ground Sign up with a TEFL recruitment agency Add some experience to...  [Read more]

RVF International - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

We are RVF International, an international and educational exchange company. Our mission is to bridge the gap between travellers, teachers, adventurers, students, dreamers, explorers, and their destinations. We are proud creators of the #1 Teach Abroad program in Spain. We connect our program participants with schools all over Spain, so they can teach English and have the experience of a lifetime. We walk with our participants step-by-step, providing the best support from the very beginning: from applying to the program, through visa application support and guidance, and getting them as well prepared as possible for their arrival in Spain. We are passionate about travel, teaching and helping our participants gain new experiences and perspectives about life. If you want to get to Spain...  [Read more]

Teaching English without a Degree ▷ Infographic - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Below we look at the different regions of the world where you can work as an English teacher without having a university degree. Bear I mind that labour and immigration requirements for any country are always subject to change and that you should always contact your local consulate for the most up-to-date information before making your plans. Europe probably offers some of the best opportunities for those without degrees with a large number of countries in the region not requiring them as prerequisite for teaching English. In countries with high demand for business English instruction such as France you are more likely to succeed with some business experience behind you rather than a degree. Africa is a good destination for those looking to volunteer their services as English teachers...  [Read more]

Do I need a visa to teach English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

To teach English abroad, you will typically need a visa to legally reside and work in your chosen country. While visa requirements differ from one nation to another, it is a common requisite for foreign teachers. Countries in Asia often have a more streamlined visa application process than some other regions, and if you are eyeing Europe, be mindful that non-EU teachers might face stricter work permit regulations. It is important to consult the respective embassy for accurate and current visa details. What is a tourist visa and how do I get one? Can I teach English abroad with a tourist visa? How do I get a work visa for teaching English abroad? Can I teach English abroad with a student visa? Can I get a working holiday visa for teaching English abroad? Can I teach English abroad...  [Read more]

How long does a TEFL course take? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

The duration to complete a TEFL course varies based on the specific course chosen. At ITTT, our courses are tailored to cater to diverse needs, with each having its unique completion timeline. For instance, our popular 120-hour online TEFL course typically takes trainees between 6 and 8 weeks to finish. However, the exact duration can be shorter or longer based on individual commitments and pace of study. Which TEFL course is the quickest to complete? Are longer online TEFL courses more beneficial? How long does an in-class TEFL course take? How long do specialized and advanced TEFL courses take? Is there a maximum time limit for completing a TEFL course? For those seeking a swift path to TEFL certification, online courses often provide the fastest avenue. Some course providers...  [Read more]

TEFL ONLINE - page 2 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Jobs online

There are students of English all over the world who prefer to learn English online rather than by physical attendance at a school or language academy. Qualified TEFL teachers are therefore hired by a number of different organisations to teach English online. Here are some online teaching positions: Online English Teacher: Teaching Adults | (Date posted:2024-02-02) Date posted:2024-02-02 | Writer: NativeX Edtech | Email: [email protected] A. Overview•    Expected start time: March 2024 (after onboard training)•    Class duration: 45 minutes/ slot•    Teaching time: 8:00 - 23:45 every day (GMT+7), especially 8:00 - 11:45 and 19:00 - 22:00•    Teach General English (04 skills) to Vietnamese adults•  ...  [Read more]

Headstart Group Ltd. is an English educational institution in Hong Kong and Macau. - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Hong Kong’s and Macau’s pre-eminent English educational institution Headstart Group Ltd. is Hong Kong’s and Macau’s pre-eminent English educational institution. We are dynamic, driven and a market leader in the industry. We provide bespoke English curriculum development, in-class and after-school English programmes, UK study tours, teacher training and native-speaking English teacher (NET) recruitment services for our clients. We serve more than 270 schools and universities, and are well-known for our superior quality of services all round.  [Read more]

Overview of the Best Online Teaching Platforms - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hello hello hello everybody this is here and we are just about to start our new live session uh thanks for joining me and uh while we are waiting for more people uh to come please let me know that you can hear me clearly and you can see me clearly there is a comments box um so you can use it uh to communicate with me and i really appreciate you use it because when there is interaction during the live session it's always much easier for myself to present um and feel a little bit more comfortable because i basically speak to myself uh right now and when i don't see any comments i feel a little bit confused you know um and let me share the topic of today's session so that everyone can see it uh today we are going to talk about um different online teaching platforms i hope that this topic...  [Read more]

The Benefits of Music in Learning - TEFL Blog

Federico Riva TEFL Information Alumni Experiences Teaching Ideas Music has the power to enhance learning experiences. From evoking emotions to fostering connections and improving memory, incorporating music in the classroom brings numerous benefits. The Emotional Impact of Music Music as a Universal Language The Impact on Learning and Memory Harnessing the Power of Music Conclusion Are you ready to teach English as a foreign language? Related Articles: Check out what our course grads say in our many video testimonials! Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this blog post are solely those of the author, an alumni of ITTT (International TEFL and TESOL Training). They do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of ITTT. The content provided in this post is for informational...  [Read more]

TEFL TESOL Courses: No Degree Required, No Age Limit - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Do you want to start a new career teaching English abroad but are concerned that you lack experience and qualifications, or are simply too old? Don't be. As far as we are concerned, the international market for TEFL qualified teachers is so vast that there are plenty of great opportunities out there for everyone. Previous teaching experience is certainly not an issue as the vast majority of people teaching English overseas have never worked in a classroom before they took up their existing post. Equally, having a degree is also not essential to your potential success in the field of English language teaching. While there are a few countries where government restrictions mean that only degree holders are eligible for jobs, there are far more that have no such regulations. Many...  [Read more]

TEFL vs. TESOL: Understanding Your ESL Certification Options - TEFL Blog

Federico Riva TEFL Information Alumni Experiences Teaching Ideas This is a frequently asked question, and it can start to be answered by asking another question… Where are you in your ESL teaching career? Regardless of your answer, there will be a course that will meet your specific needs. So what are the options?Let us start with the basics; the minimum qualification required by most ESL employers worldwide is a 120-hour TEFL or TESOL certificate course. The good news is that there are a number of ways in which this can be achieved. TEFL or TESOL Travel to learn or stay at home? What are onsite TEFL courses like? What are online TEFL courses like? a. 120-hour TEFL certification b. Specialized TEFL courses c. Diploma level courses Combined TEFL courses Are you ready to teach...  [Read more]

How Will My Personal Teaching Experiences as a Russian Teacher Help Me as an English Teacher? - TEFL Blog

Federico Riva TEFL Information Alumni Experiences Teaching Ideas You have to put the emphasis on the right syllable," I said, finishing my demonstration. Challenges in the Second Class: Timing and Assumptions Learning from Mistakes: Lessons for Effective Language Teaching Apology and Humility: A Turning Point Valuable Lessons for Language Instructors Carrying Lessons Forward: Teaching English with Confidence Are you ready to teach English as a foreign language? Related Articles: Check out what our course grads say in our many video testimonials! My very first class of students learning Russian had expressed their disdain for their books with stress notes denoted on every word. They started reading from the copies without the stress marks and consequently were butchering the...  [Read more]

Understanding Multiple Intelligences as a Learning Bedrock - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Alumni Experiences Once I saw a satirical cartoon. Different animals such as a monkey, a fish, a giraffe, a snail, and a tiger were sitting in desks. In front of all the animals, was a godlike man pointing a tree. He then said, "The first one to climb that tree gets an A". I laughed the first time I saw it. Then, I was saddened. Traditional Teaching Techniques New Approach Importance for Teachers Do you want to learn modern teaching techniques? Take a TEFL course today! Related Articles: Listen to this blog post: My initial response was somewhat of a bittersweet reminiscence, in which I remember what it was to study, the difficulties and the rewards, my fellow classmates and my teachers. Most of us could relate to the satirical cartoon. Nonetheless, the cartoon is not...  [Read more]

A Journey in English Teaching: From Language School to Personalized Success - TEFL Blog

Federico Riva TEFL Information Alumni Experiences Teaching Ideas Drawing on my substantial personal teaching experience, I naturally gravitated toward this topic for a summative task. Throughout my six years of teaching English, I have encountered various settings, approaches, and challenges. Here, I recount my journey from a language school to one-on-one tutoring, highlighting my evolving teaching methods, materials, and strategies. From Language School to One-on-One Teaching Embracing One-on-One Tutoring Crafting Engaging Lessons Interactive Learning and Progress Evolving with Proficiency Shaping Language Skills Insights from Teaching Individual Students Tailoring Learning to Individual Needs Focusing on Adult Learners Crafting a Unique Teaching Methodology Expanding Knowledge with...  [Read more]

How do I become a TEFL tutor? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

There are a number of EFL teaching scenarios that involve tutoring. The most obvious is that of one-to-one teaching. This can take place in a school, a language center, at a business or privately. Regardless of the teaching scenario, the route to becoming a TEFL tutor is basically the same as becoming a TEFL teacher. In general there are three ways to gain the certification required to become a TEFL tutor. They all involve a course with a minimum of 120 hours of training. Online TEFL certification Onsite TEFL certification Combined TEFL certification This can be done from anywhere in the world with a computer and an internet connection. Typical 120-hour courses give you up to six months to complete the course, working at your own pace. These courses will cover the main aspects of EFL...  [Read more]

TEFL Japan - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Additional Educational Needs Coordinator Sen Eal For Preschool Grade 12 ann. 2

Date posted:2024-04-01 | Writer: Saint Maur International School | Email: [email protected] We are seeking a qualified and experienced Special Education Needs/Learning Support Teacher (SEN) who also has expertise in teaching English as an Additional Language (EAL). The successful candidate will play a pivotal role in ensuring that tailored available support is provided as appropriate to students and seeing that adequate guidance is given to the student, family, and teachers through our SEN services and our EAL support. The position entails preparing and managing Individualised Education Plans (IEPs) for students and reports showing progress and maturity, ongoing goal setting, areas of need, self-advocacy, and to the degree possible, self-reliance. The Coordinator should have...  [Read more]

Rome wasn’t built in a day but your TEFL journey can start in an instant. Fill in an application form and start living and working in Europe. - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Opportunities abound for the TEFL teacher in Europe and it is a popular destination for many upon completing their TEFL certification. Teachers with a specialism in teaching business English will do well in countries such as France and Germany, but there are plenty of teaching jobs to be found across the whole region. The requirements for English teachers in Europe do vary from country to country and this infographic aims to highlight the differences and similarities between them. For those countries in the European Union, teachers who are EU citizens are preferred as many schools are unwilling to deal with the extensive paperwork involved in hiring teachers from outside the EU. That is not to say that teachers from countries outside of the European Union cannot find work there, just...  [Read more]

Tefl Review For Online Tefl Course 24 Efl - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Karen is from the United States but has been living in Italy for a couple of years. Since various regulations were changing in the educational policies in Italy so Karen decided to get a new qualification for English teaching. She took ITTT’s 120-hour online TEFL/TESOL courses. She enjoyed the experienced and found it to be very helpful for experienced teachers and those who are new to teaching. She loved that she was able to finish the course within 6 months and work at her own pace. Register now & get certified to teach english abroad!  [Read more]

TEFL Certification Cost - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

ITTT has a wide range of courses available to suit all requirements, budgets and time options. There are three possible routes to TEFL Certification with ITTT. Completion of a course delivered… All ITTT online courses are internationally accredited and come with online tutor support. The course options include: This is our best selling course which provides a good basic grounding to the skills and knowledge required to teach in an EFL classroom without having any previous experience. A 120-hour certificate is generally regarded as the minimum requirement for most TEFL employers worldwide. This course combines the best selling 120-hour course from ITTT with an additional 50-hour certificate in teaching English online (CTEO), a skill which is continuing to grow in demand worldwide. The...  [Read more]

Review From Tefl Student Yolanda - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Yolanda is from the Philippines and recently completed the 120-hour TEFL/TESOL course with ITTT. She learned a lot from the course and found it to be enlightening. She found all units to be educational and practical and is excited to use them in her classroom. The course focuses on English grammar and teaching methodologies. She is excited where this new qualification will take her and is sure that it will advance her career. Register now & get certified to teach english abroad!  [Read more]

How to make money as a TEFL teacher - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

Before we answer this question we will first look at the three most common routes towards TEFL qualifications. A TEFL qualification is usually a prerequisite when looking for TEFL employment of any kind. These are: 1) Online courses: a 120-hour TEFL certificate course is the entry level qualification for most jobs. This type of course is conducted 100% online. 2) In-class courses: this type of course is conducted 100% in-class at a location somewhere in the world. Typically these courses also involve teaching practice. 3) Combined courses: this type of course is conducted by a combination of online study followed by a short in-class attendance to complete teaching practice. Three most common working options What other roles can TEFL teachers move into? School manager/director of studies...  [Read more]

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