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G.L. - U.S.A. said:
Discipline in the classroomScenario: A new teacher, John Schultz, completes a tefl course prior to traveling abroad to teach English. His country of choice is South korea. After a long and tedious application process he receives his notification of appointment and accepts the position. John arrives in South korea, attends a week of orientation, and after a few weeks of preparation, attends his first class. Primary school is the language level John received in his notification of appointment. John lacks punctuality on the first day and arrives 5 minutes late. students eye their teacher suspiciously and wonder who this foreigner is and why he kept them waiting. His students, second graders, were a little rowdy as he stepped through the door. He fears their attention will be difficult to gain. Preparing himself for his lesson takes another 5 minutes. The kids crescendo louder and start throwing paper at each other. John tells them to knock it off; blank stares are his reply. His co-teacher, Cho, finally walks in late from a meeting, alleviating some of his anxiety. She beckons the kids to quiet down and gestures John to continue. The lecture continues smoothly. A preplanned activity follows the lecture. He explains the instructions and then allows students to begin. He stops at each group to observe their progress. Behind his back he notices a few individuals who are laughing and having a good time rather than working. Let?s revert back to the beginning of class and suggest alternatives to John?s actions and responses. The first mistake John made was his tardiness. John shouldn?t have been surprised to find the class a bit rowdy upon entering the room. kids at that age are young and immature. They have yet to understand the benefits of schooling and what it means to succeed in academic settings. If John is tardy to class, that tardiness may exude an air of negligence. Young kids may perceive this negligence as apathy and use his example to justify their indifference in school. Being late to class is also a safety hazard. students could get injured, either from another student or suffer a malady. Is there a solution to John?s punctuality? Discipline not only extends to students, but also toward the instructor. The class may not have been rowdy if John was punctual. Next time, John should show up on time and not only that, but he should show up early. He lost precious time to prepare his lecture. Showing up early will allow him to prepare his materials before class, so when time comes, he?ll be ready. One of the most common problems a teacher could face in the classroom is horse play. John?s tardiness was mistaken for negligence and the students thought that gave them an opportunity to have a good time. students will not only horse around when teachers are late to class; they?ll take every opportunity what may come. How can John, or any teacher for that matter, combat these situations? Luckily for John, this day constitutes his first day of teaching. His first day presents the best opportunity to impose expectations on his students. Kandace Kunneman, a teacher of Primary education in the public school district of Billings, MT, offers advice on classroom discipline. ?When they?re rowdy, redirect them. Remind them what they are supposed to do if they get off task.? She also recommended imposing a rule system. The rule system she recommended is called ?whole brain teaching? or ?power school teaching.? The system consists of 5 rules: 1) Follow directions quickly 2) Raise your hand for permission to speak 3) Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat 4) Make smart choices 5) Keep your dear teacher dear. When using the system, if a student breaks a rule, yell out the number of the system, and they will repeat the rule. For instance, if you see a student not following directions, yell, ?Number 1!? All students should stop what they?re doing and repeat the rule, ?Follow directions quickly.? This should spur them back on task. Finally, what is the best way for John to manage a class? The best way to manage a classroom is to be organized. Kevin Scharfe, a high school teacher of the Arts in the public school system of Billings, MT, agreed to divulge his experience. ?A well organized and facilitated class leads to fewer problems in the classroom. Make the lesson challenging and not boring. Make sure expectations are set at the beginning of the year ? what is okay and what isn?t ? and let them know what the punishments are for breaking those rules. Change up your lecture ? kids may become disengaged after doing the same thing for so long. Change up the curriculum.? Consistency is the key. Follow through with the expectations you set. ?However, refrain from resembling a dictator.? Gain their respect. Discipline in the classroom starts with expectations. Set expectations for students to follow. If they break your rules, make sure to follow through with your punishments. Above all, stay organized. Stay consistent. Bibliography Kunneman, Kandace. Interviewed via telephone. 12/12/11. Scharfe, Kevin. Interviewed via telephone. 12/12/11
