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How Parents Influence Their Child's Learning Path

How Parents Influence Their Child's Learning Path | ITTT | TEFL Blog

Kids' education starts at home. Thus parents are their first teachers and home is the first school. Parents not only play vital roles in the children's educational path but the betterment of their lives too. Mere teaching A B C D is not part of education. But good values and behavior of the children are equally important, which they learn from their parents.

Table of Contents

1. Role Model:

2. Guide:

3. Pure and pleasant atmosphere:

4. Balanced Criticism:

5. Motivation and loyalty:

6. Test or exam preparation:

7. Relationship with teacher:

8 .Rewarding Nature:

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This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate SRAMESHWAR K. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT.

Obeying the time and rules, focusing on study, helping, and respecting others are some qualities that children learn only from their parents. So the role of parents is the most important and valuable in a kid's education.

Parents play a pivotal role in the journey of a child's education. Their role is not limited to home only but involvement in school activities too. A kid's learning scale is strongly related to how they behave at home. There are some following points that parents should adopt to nurture their kids;

1. Role Model:

Parents are the true role model of their kids. They learn every step of their parents very easily. So it would be good to be a true role model in their learning phase too. Parents should inspire them to learn basic and novel facts in and out of school with a friendly environment and guidance.

2. Guide:

An educational journey of the kids starts under the right guidance of their parents. Parents help them to proceed ahead on their educational path. Parents are not only the guide but helpers too. They give good support to kids in their studies and home works. This helps lifts their spirit for learning. In school, teachers teach children and make aware of all the things given in the books and give homework to children. But to use that education in the right way only happens at home.

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3. Pure and pleasant atmosphere:

Children's interests are tailored in the family, society, and traditions. Therefore, the atmosphere of the house should be pure. After learning from home, the child goes to society and behaves there, which he or she has seen and learned at his or her home. For example, if a mother lies to her husband to cover up the mistakes of the child, she is unknowingly sowing the seeds of lying inside the child. Therefore, to keep the child on the path of truth, parents have to hold to the truth. This moral behavior helps children in their education journey.

4. Balanced Criticism:

Parents should also note that getting angry with children on every mistake is not healthy. They should handle the situation with a cool mind. They should understand the situation first and then only criticize them in a balanced manner. In addition to this, children should not be matched with other kids, otherwise they will develop an inferiority complex. This could be a real hurdle in their education.

5. Motivation and loyalty:

Parents should always be loyal to their children and motivate them to remain loyal.So that children can stand firmly in society. This quality helps in the progress of a child's education.

6. Test or exam preparation:

Parents always help their kids at the time of test or examination. They help children to prepare for the tests with good guidance and support. It is necessary to be aware of kid's examinations and they should not be left behind along with their lessons.

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7. Relationship with teacher:

It is an important aspect. Parents should not skip parent-teacher meetings and interactive sessions. It is good to keep a good relationship with the kid's teachers. Parents should learn from them about the child's activities and behavior in the school and make sure to correct the child if something is wrong.

8 .Rewarding Nature:

Rewards and gifts are the motivators to children. On every test result, parents should encourage kids. On a successful result children must be rewarded. Parents should never demoralize children on average or bad results. They should keep patience and motivate them for better results.

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Thus, parents play a vital role in every walk of life to their children. But it is up to the parents to ensure that the children get the right education at the right time with the right guidance.

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