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A Sample ESA Lesson Plan

A Sample ESA Lesson Plan | ITTT | TEFL Blog

Teacher: Hoang Thi Thanh Hue Observer: N/ A Date and time: 19/09/19Class level: Beginner Room: 201 Expected number of student: 10

Table of Contents

Language point:

Learner objectives:

Personal aims:

1. Engage phase (5 mins), interaction (T-S)

2. Study phase (35 mins)

3. Activate 1 phase (10 mins, T - S)

4. Activate 2 phase (10 mins, S - S)

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This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Hue H. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT.

Language point:

New vocabulary: banana, bread, chicken, cookie, orange juice, milkNew structure: I like/ don't like _____.Teaching aids: a paper bag, 03 real food items, pictures of foods and drink, drawing paper, board, and pens, worksheets


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Learner objectives:

For the students to be able to identify and name foods and drinks and talk about their likes and dislike

Personal aims:

To improve my instructions by demonstrating rather than using verbal instructionsAnticipated problems for students: pronunciation of "like" and "don't", "milk"Solution: Drilling and mouth diagramsAnticipated problems for the teacher: Getting students to participate activelySolution: Fun activate phase activity

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1. Engage phase (5 mins), interaction (T-S)

Put a banana, cookie, and bread in a paper bag, walk around the room and invite several students to smell or put a hand inside the bag and feel them (without looking). Ask students "What's in the bag?" The students should name them or draw pictures if they don't know the words.Open the bag and pour out all the items onto a desk. Point to the items and say "Look. Food". Have students say the word "Food" several times and then draw a happy face on the board and introduce the topic today "I like food"

people writing on paper

2. Study phase (35 mins)

Show pictures of foods and drinks and ask students" What is this" Write the answers on the board (7 mins, T - S)Drill pronunciation, with attention to /k/ sound in "milk" (3 mins T-S)

Match the picture to the correct word (in pair) (5 mins S-S)Feedback from the above activity (3 mins, T - S)Draw a happy face and a sad on the board. Sand by the happy face, hold up a banana picture and say "I like a banana". Move over to the sad face, hold up a picture of bread and say "I don't like bread". Check for understanding by asking "Do I like a banana? (Yes); Do I like bread? (No). Ask students "What do you like?". Use the answers on the board to show the difference in meaning and spelling. Highlight contracted form of don't = do not. (7 mins, S-T)

Drill pronunciation with attention to /k/ sound in "like" and /t/ sound in "don't" (3 mins, S-T

Fill in the blank activity (in pair) (5 mins, S-S)Example: I _____ banana. (happy face); I _____ milk (sad face)

Feedback from the above activity (2 mins, T-S)

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3. Activate 1 phase (10 mins, T - S)

Put students into 2 groups. The teacher says "I like milk", one student of each group has to find the picture of milk then put it under a happy face on the board and say "I like milk." Who finishes it first will get a point. Continue the activity with "don't like" and another picture.

4. Activate 2 phase (10 mins, S - S)

Students draw foods and drinks, what they like and don' like. They show their picture to the class and talk about their like and dislike. They should produce structures such as It's a banana. I like a banana. It's a cookie. I don't like a cookie.

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