Teaching Certificates Online

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Can I get a teaching job with an online TEFL certificate? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

You can certainly get a teaching job with an online TEFL certificate. In fact, you can probably get a teaching job without any kind of qualifications or experience whatsoever. The real question is, can you get a quality teaching job with good pay and comfortable working conditions with an online certificate? The answer is still YES, if you make sure you sign up for the best quality online course you can find. The main problem for online trainees is the obvious lack of any practical teaching experience. If you can afford a month-long in-class training course that includes multiple hours of teaching practice in a real classroom, you will be able to apply for a wider range of jobs in most parts of the world. If you choose the cheaper online option, you will find that you will be more...  [Read more]

Can you teach online with a TEFL certificate? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

Absolutely! Possessing a TEFL certificate significantly enhances your prospects in the online teaching world. Most top-tier online ESL teaching platforms prioritize or even mandate a TEFL certification. Not only does it verify your teaching capabilities, but it also makes you eligible for higher-paying online teaching roles. What are the requirements for most online English teaching jobs? What certification do I need to teach English online? In most cases, you will need to meet the following requirements to teach English online: That is all there is to it! There are even some platforms where you can work as an English teacher without a university degree. While having a teaching license, an online teaching certificate, an advanced degree, and a lot of teaching experience can all help you...  [Read more]

Is an online TEFL certificate worth it? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

Online TEFL courses offer flexibility, allowing students to study at their own pace and from any location, making them an increasingly popular choice. Besides the convenience, they are often more affordable than in-person courses. While their value is evident, it is recommended to research the variety of courses available to ensure you choose one that best fits your needs and enhances your teaching prospects. Are online TEFL courses as effective as in-person TEFL courses? Who accredits ITTT's certificates for online TEFL courses? Will I receive a full TEFL certificate if I take an online TEFL course? How will I be evaluated while taking an online TEFL course? How will I get the online TEFL course materials? How fast can I complete an online TEFL course? How long will it take for me to...  [Read more]

Which online TEFL certification is the best for teaching online? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

Deciding on the best online TEFL certification involves considering your main objectives, what you plan to use the qualification for, and your aspirations post-certification. Let's delve into the primary online course options. Types of online TEFL certification Uses of these qualifications Online TEFL courses can be easily distinguished based on the average completion time. Weekend Courses: Often promoted as "introductory courses," these are primarily conducted over weekends to accommodate those already employed, providing an insight into TEFL. Given their time limitation (approximately 10 hours), they offer limited content on teaching and learning, yet they can be beneficial in determining whether undertaking a comprehensive course is really for you. Short Introductory Courses: These...  [Read more]

What can I do with a 120-hour TEFL? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

A 120-hour TEFL certificate is a foundational qualification for aspiring English teachers planning to work abroad. This certification not only equips you with essential teaching skills but also significantly enhances your resume. In the competitive landscape of English teaching positions globally, holding a 120-hour TEFL certificate often distinguishes candidates. While some positions might not mandate it, having this certification invariably gives you an edge, making you a preferred choice for employers in many countries. Can I teach English abroad with a 120-hour TEFL certificate? Which countries recognize a 120-hour TEFL certification? Can I teach English in Europe with a 120-hour TEFL certificate? Can I teach English in Asia with a 120-hour TEFL certificate? Can I teach English in...  [Read more]

Graduate English Teaching Certificate - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Do you want to issue certificates to your students? Over the years, ITTT has focused on providing quality training to future TEFL and TESOL teachers, preparing them to teach English as a foreign language. We have been asked by a number of course graduates if, as qualified ITTT teachers, they can award certificates independently to the students they teach. ITTT has addressed this by providing certificates that graduates can issue to their students. These certificates, which can be purchased in packs of 10, 25, 50 or 100, allow the teacher to fill in the student’s name, class level and the number of hours of study, and are signed by the graduate. Each certificate is uniquely numbered, with a place on the certificate to enter the teacher’s ITTT certification number. Your students can...  [Read more]

Do I need a TEFL certificate to teach English online? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

To teach English online, most established teaching platforms expect a TEFL certificate, as it is viewed as a benchmark of expertise and proficiency. While having a TEFL certificate enhances credibility and increases opportunities, it is not obligatory if you are venturing into setting up your own online teaching business. Nevertheless, prospective students often favor instructors with certification, affirming their competence in the field. Why has a TEFL certificate become more important? What will I learn from a TEFL certificate course? Do I need a TEFL certificate to teach English online? In recent years, online education has exploded all across the globe and the demand is through the roof. This has led teaching platforms to tighten the requirements for their teachers in order to...  [Read more]

170-hr course in Teaching English as a foreign language with online specialization with tutor support (for teaching abroad & online) - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

    170-hr TEFL Certificate with tutor (Specialization in Teaching Online) Our 170-hour Teaching English as a Foreign Language with Online Specialization has been designed for those who would like to gain a qualification to enter the TEFL/TESOL employment market and wish to maximize their options. Through this course we will give you the knowledge and skills needed to teach English in both classroom and online settings. The course is taken in two parts: First, our 120-hour certification is completed. This is followed by a further 50-hours of study looking at the particular skills needed to teach English online. One added benefit of the course is that on completion you will gain access to a unique graduate network, connecting you to ITTT alumni currently employed by many of the...  [Read more]

At ITTT we offer a range of certificate legalization options

ITTT offers a full range of certificate legalization and authentication options. Some course graduates are informed that their certificate should be authenticated, legalized, apostilled or validated. Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be a consistent or clear definition of exactly what is required here, so we suggest several options. You should present these options to the people or authorities that are requesting the certificate additions, so they can advise you which one would be acceptable to them. The first verification method is quick and easy, and is free of charge. Your employer or the local education authority may only need to verify that the certificate is genuine, in which case ITTT offers employers a certificate verification service for ITTT course graduates. They can visit...  [Read more]

Do TEFL certificates expire? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

No, they don't. Once earned, a TEFL certificate remains valid for life, enabling certificate holders to work immediately post-completion or at any future time. It is a versatile qualification, beneficial for both immediate job opportunities and as a reliable backup when traveling. With a TEFL certificate in hand, teaching English and earning an income is feasible anywhere globally. Should I complete additional TEFL qualifications? Should I consider a TEFL refresher course? While your primary certification is lifelong, continual skill enhancement is beneficial. Courses like an advanced Diploma in TESOL or specialized certificates in areas like business English or young learners enhance your teaching proficiency. Such additions not only boost your CV/resume but also unlock more diverse...  [Read more]

TEFL Online - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Online English Teacher Teaching Adults ann. 2

Date posted:2024-02-02 | Writer: NativeX Edtech | Email: [email protected] A. Overview•    Expected start time: March 2024 (after onboard training)•    Class duration: 45 minutes/ slot•    Teaching time: 8:00 - 23:45 every day (GMT+7), especially 8:00 - 11:45 and 19:00 - 22:00•    Teach General English (04 skills) to Vietnamese adults•    Weekly availability registration and class assignment•    Provided teaching accounts; lesson slides, and lesson plans•    Class size: No more than 06 students•    Pay rate (Before TAX): $9.4 - $20.0 per 45 minutesB. Job description> Before class•    Submit weekly availability and provide sufficient...  [Read more]

Easily Add Your TEFL/TESOL Certificate to Your LinkedIn Profile - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Do you want to teach English abroad or online and are looking for new opportunities? Add your certifications to your LinkedIn profile and get noticed by employers! As of their most recent reports in 2021, LinkedIn has almost 740 million members with over 55 million registered companies worldwide. This platform is incredibly important for those wanting to launch an international career. LinkedIn currently has over 14 million open jobs and 87% of recruiters regularly use the platform to recruit. Start your international teaching career by adding your ITTT TEFL and TESOL certification to your LinkedIn profile today. Simply press the button below while being logged into LinkedIn. You will then see a credential pop-up on your LinkedIn profile allowing you to simply add your TEFL/TESOL...  [Read more]

ITTT 60-hour 10-unit Course in Teaching English Online with tutor

    Teaching English Online is a rapidly expanding area of the TEFL/TESOL market. Estimates show that beyond 2020 there may be more people learning English online worldwide than face-to-face. No previous experience or training in education is required to complete this course. The course is designed for anyone who is currently working, or intends to work within the field of Teaching English Online. On completion of the course, you should have gained a basic knowledge of teachers and their roles, students and their needs, how to manage a classroom and the all-important skill of creating your own lessons, all with specific reference to teaching English online. Further topics of study include the practical requirements of hardware and software needed and how to use this. The course...  [Read more]

Why Obtain a TEFL Certificate? - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Alumni Experiences The question posed to many of those that are obtaining their certificate to teach English as a foreign language is what are the advantages of having one. This question can have several different answers for many different people. One of the main advantages of obtaining a certificate to teach English as a foreign language is to obtain steady employment. Career perspective Travel Life-long learning Do you want to teach English abroad? Take a TEFL course! Related Articles: This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate David S. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT. Teaching English to those that are not native to the language will be an employment opportunity for the foreseeable...  [Read more]

Teach English Online with Preply’s Partner Online Teaching Platform - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

As an official partner of the leading online teaching platform Preply, ITTT gives you the opportunity to start a career in teaching English online after completing your TEFL/TESOL certificate where you can earn up to US$50 per hour as a tutor. Apply to teach on Preply - design your own schedule and charge whatever you like. As an ITTT course graduate, Preply will also support your teaching experience with free professional development courses and webinars. Preply is a platform connecting students to teachers for lessons in a wide range of languages, including English. The platform gets over 100,000 new students monthly. The best part about teaching English on Preply is that the teaching hours are flexible, from a few hours a week to working full-time. You can also set your own pay rate and...  [Read more]

TEFL Certificate Verification - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

TEFL/TESOL Schools & Employers: You can check the authenticity of a prospective teacher's certificate by completing the form below with your name, email address, school name and your position, and the ITTT certification number you’d like to verify. The graduate's name should appear along with the course graduation date. ITTT graduates: Give your certificate number to the school or language center at which you'd like to teach and show them this page. They will be able to verify the authenticity of your ITTT certificate. Please note that this system covers ITTT online course certificates only, and it's not possible to display results here for In-class or Combined certificate numbers. If a course was completed recently, the certificate number will take a few days to be entered into the...  [Read more]

How to go from teaching English online to teaching in-class? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

This post discussion focuses on making the transition between teaching English as a second or foreign language online to doing the same thing in a physical classroom. It assumes you have been teaching for some time online in a particular situation and therefore have background knowledge of teaching. There are three main factors that we will cover: Teaching English online may be done from anywhere in the world where a good stable internet connection is available. Teaching EFL in-class is also available worldwide in English speaking and non-English speaking countries. You should do enough research to make yourself aware of the culture of the country you intend to teach in, as you may find the requirements somewhat different if you have been teaching online. Also read: TEFL, where can I...  [Read more]

Do TEFL / TESOL certificates expire? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

A TEFL / TESOL certificate is an enduring credential that remains valid throughout your career, eliminating the need for further training or coursework to maintain its validity. Unlike other certifications, it does not come with an expiration date, providing you with peace of mind and flexibility in your teaching journey. With a TEFL / TESOL certificate in hand, you can seamlessly transition into the classroom or online teaching environment, embarking on your professional path without delay. The importance of choosing an accredited, professional course provider. Other considerations. Should I Pursue Additional TEFL Qualifications? Is a TEFL Refresher Course Worth Considering? While a TEFL / TESOL certificate remains valid indefinitely, it is important to remember that the qualification...  [Read more]

What it's Like to Teach English Online: An Online Teacher Reveals Her Secrets! - TEFL Blog

Gaia Oliviero TEFL Information Teaching Ideas Working as an ESL teacher can be difficult if you live in a Western country and you haven't undertaken a certain path during your university studies. As far as Italy is concerned, if you want to teach in a public school, you need to hold at least a Master's Degree in pedagogical studies and/or educational sciences. No matter how good an English speaker you are, you are required to own those specific degrees. If you want to teach in a private school, you have to take into account the fact that they prefer to hire native speakers – which is totally licit, to a certain extent. In addition to that, if you have no experience whatsoever in teaching in front of a class, you are basically hopeless. At that rate, you have two options: waiting...  [Read more]

2021 Online ESL Classroom: Top Tips for Planning Online English Lessons - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hello hello um if you guys join me please let me know in the comment section that you can see me clearly and you can hear this uh video uh so that i know that my equipment works smooth um so please let me know that you're here and you see and hear me clearly i'll be very very thankful for that um and um yeah to start with uh my name is lisa i'm an itttttt tefl expert and an online english teacher and today we will talk about one of the most important things in tefl teaching online lesson planning well we will talk about lesson planning in general but as long as i'm more specialized in online teaching i'll try to share my personal experience in planning online classes um hello guys thanks for joining me um i hope that you are having a great time especially after your long winter holidays...  [Read more]

Can I get a B.A. in TEFL? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

Yes, you can pursue a Bachelor of Arts in TEFL/TESOL. While a standard 120-hour TEFL certification may suffice for many entry-level overseas or online teaching positions, advancing in the field often requires higher qualifications. As the industry evolves, those aspiring for leadership roles or higher salaries in the EFL sector should consider a Bachelor's Degree in TESOL to meet the heightened standards and expectations. Does ITTT offer a Bachelor's Degree? How does the course work? How much does the B.Ed TESOL cost? ITTT does not operate its own degree course, but we are able to recommend a good option. The Bachelor of Education in TESOL (B.Ed TESOL) from the Paris College of International Education offers a very convenient and affordable way to gain a high-end, internationally...  [Read more]

How do I create my own online teaching business? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

If you do not want to be tied to an individual English teaching platform and would prefer to be your own boss, you can potentially set up your own online teaching business. There are many different ways to set up your own online teaching service, although it obviously helps if you have some previous experience in the field of online language teaching. Former ITTT alumna Bri did just that and shared her story and top tips with ITTT on our TEFL blog: How To Start Your Own ESL Teaching Service  [Read more]

What to Expect from Teaching English Online in 2022 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hi welcome hello it's the end of 2021 can you believe it it's the last day of the year so thank you so much for joining me on this very special day and taking some time out of your day today to spend it with me i really really appreciate it and i have a very special gift for you today as well um which is um as always if you've watched our live sessions before you do get a 30 discount code right now right here when you're watching so let me share that with you um you can either scan the qr code in the upper right hand corner or you can also use this discounted link looks like this you click on that and you apply you pick the course that you want and then you can get 30 off of that course so um that's a great deal i hope everybody can see me and can hear me clearly um not sure sometimes the...  [Read more]

Overview of the Best Online Teaching Platforms - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hello hello hello everybody this is here and we are just about to start our new live session uh thanks for joining me and uh while we are waiting for more people uh to come please let me know that you can hear me clearly and you can see me clearly there is a comments box um so you can use it uh to communicate with me and i really appreciate you use it because when there is interaction during the live session it's always much easier for myself to present um and feel a little bit more comfortable because i basically speak to myself uh right now and when i don't see any comments i feel a little bit confused you know um and let me share the topic of today's session so that everyone can see it uh today we are going to talk about um different online teaching platforms i hope that this topic...  [Read more]

How to make an online teaching demo? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

To create a compelling online teaching demo, it is crucial to exhibit both your expertise and personality. To guide your efforts, here is a step-by-step breakdown:   Make sure you have a clear plan Keep things as simple as possible Practice, practice, practice Remember to smile! Having a clear plan is a straightforward rule that should apply to every lesson you ever deliver in the classroom, whether online or in-class. When preparing your demo lesson you might be given a specific topic and a level of language learner, or you might be left to decide for yourself. Either way, having a prearranged plan in place will help ensure everything goes smoothly. A fully detailed lesson plan is not necessarily needed, but a structure needs to be put in place that allows you to move through every...  [Read more]

TEFL TESOL Courses Issue Your Own Certificate! - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  As an ITTT TEFL course graduate, you are able to issue a high-quality certificate of completion to any English language student who completes a series of lessons with you. Each certificate allows you to enter the name of the student, the level of language class they completed, and how many hours of study the course involved. Every certificate you issue has a unique identification number and a box where you can enter your own ITTT certification number. This ensures that every student you teach knows that you are a fully ITTT-qualified English teacher. Being able to offer an official certificate of completion to your students means you can potentially stand out from the competition if you are teaching in a crowded and competitive market. They can also provide additional motivation...  [Read more]

Can I teach English with just a TEFL or TESOL certificate? - TEFL Blog

Federico Riva TEFL Information Alumni Experiences Embarking on a career in English language teaching can be an incredibly rewarding journey. However, if you lack a university degree, you might wonder if this path is open to you. The good news is that with a TEFL or TESOL certificate and the right approach, you can find exciting teaching opportunities worldwide, even without a degree. In this guide, we'll explore regions where you can teach English as a foreign language, highlighting the options available and shedding light on how you can make this dream a reality. Where can I teach EFL without a university degree? Latin America Asia Europe European example: Spain Conclusion Are you ready to teach English as a foreign language? Related Articles: Check out what our course grads say in our...  [Read more]

How to get a TEFL certificate for free? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

An internet search for free TEFL courses will yield numerous results, including several free options and many seemingly budget-friendly ones. While these may appear attractive at first glance, it is crucial to evaluate them carefully before signing up. Does the course come with certification? Does the course have enough study hours? Does the course result in a recognized qualification? You get what you pay for A checklist of TEFL course features Free or unusually cheap TEFL courses often don't provide any certification. After completion, they may offer you various certification options for an additional cost, such as a digital certificate or a physical one mailed to you. With a reputable, globally recognized TEFL course like those provided by ITTT, all certification costs are included in...  [Read more]

Is a free TEFL certificate worth it? - TEFL Blog

Federico Riva TEFL Information Alumni Experiences Teaching Ideas We can start by considering a number of factors to investigate what these courses do or do not provide in terms of their outcomes. These factors are: Hours: Most free courses don't offer enough hours. Accreditation: Most free courses do not provide a recognized qualification. Marketing tool: The course is free, but you pay for certification. Summary: Are you ready to teach English as a foreign language online? Related Articles: Check out what our course grads say in our many video testimonials! It is possible to find some legitimate free TEFL or TESOL courses that do what they claim. Typically, they will be of a few hours' duration, such as a weekend course, and will have titles like "Introduction to TEFL/TESOL." These...  [Read more]

Our Complete Guide to Teaching English Online - TEFL Blog

Federico Riva TEFL Information Alumni Experiences Teaching Ideas As we talk about teaching English online (TEO), let's first look at some of the basics of teaching English in this way. So, what does TEO generally involve? Watch the video about this topic The three main things you need to teach English online are: Additional requirements for some companies: The two main types of online teaching. 1. Online platforms 3. Fully Independent online teaching The Pros and Cons of Teaching Enlgish online The pros The cons 1. How much can you earn teaching English online? 2. Which platforms hire online English teachers? 3. Where should you look for jobs? 4. Setting up to work independently a. Do you have the physical tools needed for the job? b. Do you have the skills to create your own website?...  [Read more]

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