There are many reasons to take a TEFL course, not least because it is the best way to enable you to work almost anywhere in the world as an English teacher. While there are still some countries and employers that do not require teachers to have a formal TEFL/TESOL qualification these places are gradually becoming few and far between and the days where simply being a native speaker of English were enough to guarantee a teaching job are mostly long gone.
Increasingly, those hoping to teach English as a foreign language are required to have a certificate of at least 100 hours if not 120 hours. Therefore having a TEFL certificate opens up far more employment opportunities than would be available without one. Taking the time to study and complete a course also shows employers that you are serious and committed to the profession.
A quality TEFL course will also make you prepared to enter the classroom and teach. In-class and combined courses contain practical teaching components that allow you to put theory into practice in real classrooms and receive feedback back from qualified trainers. Good online courses will give you a thorough grounding in teaching theory enabling you to hit the floor running when you enter the classroom for the first time.
You will also learn about the types of students you will encounter and their differing motivations for learning English. Young learners, adult learners, business English classes, group lessons and one-on-one classes will be covered giving you a good understanding of the requirements of each group and situation. You will also cover the main language concepts in English, how they work and how they can be taught.
Modules on lesson planning will help you to create structures and coherent lesson plans. Studying teaching methodology will give you the skills needed to engage your students and keep them interested as well as how to deal with difficulties when they arise. Lastly, taking a TEFL course helps you to keep learning as you teach encouraging you to reflect on lesson past and see how future lessons can be improved.

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