How much can I earn teaching English in Spain?

In Spain, English teachers in state schools usually earn between $10 to $13 USD per hour. Working full-time, typically around 25 hours weekly, this translates to monthly earnings of approximately $1,200 to $1,500. However, potential earnings can rise based on the school's prestige. In university positions, salaries can soar to as much as $3,000 to $4,000 per month.

Table of Contents

What are TEFL salaries in Spain?

Can I get a job placement as an English language teacher in Spain?

Who are the main employers of English language teachers in Spain?

What is the cost of living for English teachers in Spain?

What are TEFL salaries in Spain?

In Spain, TEFL salaries can vary based on several factors including experience, qualifications, location, and employer type. On average, TEFL teachers earn anywhere between $700 and $1,800 per month. For those teaching private students, the typical hourly rate ranges from $18 to $20. Unlike some other popular teaching destinations, many positions in Spain don't offer added perks such as paid airfare or housing. However, even with these considerations, most teachers find they can maintain a comfortable lifestyle while relishing the vibrant culture and climate of Spain.

Can I get a job placement as an English language teacher in Spain?

The North American Language and Cultural Assistants Program, sponsored by the Spanish government, opens up around 2,000 positions annually in the public school system. Salaries typically range from $700 to $1,000 monthly, varying by location. Given the modest pay by European benchmarks, it is common for teachers to supplement their income by offering private tutoring lessons in English.

Who are the main employers of English language teachers in Spain?

In Spain, the primary employers of English language teachers include:

  • Placement Programs: Popular but limited in number, such programs, like the North American Language and Cultural Assistants Program, place teachers in public schools, offering unique immersion experiences.
  • Private Language Schools: These are the predominant employers. With a vast presence across the country, they usually recruit within Spain.
  • Private Tutoring: Many teachers supplement their income through private tutoring. Some even opt to tutor full-time, capitalizing on the flexibility and potential earnings.

When considering a teaching position, always explore multiple avenues to find the best fit for your professional and financial needs.

What is the cost of living for English teachers in Spain?

Living expenses for English teachers in Spain differ based on location. In smaller towns or rural locations, you can lead a comfortable life on as little as $700 a month. Yet, in bustling cities like Madrid, expect to spend nearly twice as much. Rent, especially in urban hubs and popular tourist areas, consumes a significant chunk of income. Many teachers, to cut costs, opt for shared accommodation or rent rooms from local families. Though teaching salaries in Spain might not allow for significant savings, they are typically adequate to ensure a comfortable lifestyle, letting you relish Spain's many delights.

What does TEFL mean?
How much can I earn teaching English in Spain?
