Are you about to take an English speaking exam or simply want to improve your speaking skills? These advanced C1-C2 level English phrases are going to spice up your English conversations and make you sound more professional at the same time.

What to say when you don't understand the question
We've all been there. You're in a conversation and get asked a question but you have no idea what to answer or don't understand the question. Instead of giving a blank stare or blurting out "huh?", there are some more professional things to say when you don't understand a question:
- I didn't quite follow that. Could you please repeat the question?
- I didn't catch what you said. Could you repeat it, please?
- I didn't grasp what you meant. Could you say that again, please?
Personal Preferences
Getting asked about things you like and dislike is part of almost every conversation. Instead of answering with a simple "yes" or "no", there are some better ways to spice up the conversation:
- I prefer doing... than doing ...
- Personally speaking, I would definitely ...
- I would choose ... because ...
Statig your Opinion
Getting your point across is an important skill everyone should possess, especially when communicating in a foreign language. You can use the following phrases to help you:
- As far as I'm concerned...
- From my point of view...
- I am inclined to believe that...
Presenting Arguments
Once you have stated your opinion on a certain matter, it is time to convince your conversation partner of your opinion. To do this, you might want to use the following phrases:
- One justification often given for ... is that...
- However, it should not be forgotten that...
- One of the benefits is that...
Agreeing and Disagreeing
Agreeing and politely disagreeing to arguments and opinions is an extremely important part of a conversation or debate. The following phrases will help you stay professional and polite:
- I am in complete agreement with...
- Undoubtedly it is true to say that...
- I see what you are saying but I think...
- Another way of looking at it is...
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