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What to Expect When Learning a Language Online

What to Expect When Learning a Language Online | ITTT | TEFL Blog

Online learning has become extremely popular over the last several years. Many people take college courses and several other types of learning classes online, especially now during this global pandemic. If you're considering online learning, you may have questions. What makes it different from taking a class in a language school? Are online teachers just as qualified to teach me? Will I learn the same information as I would face to face? I'd like to provide some clarity on what to expect when learning a language online.

Table of Contents

You'll Receive Personal Attention

You'll Learn At Your Convenience

You'll Learn Exactly What You'd Learn In A Language School

You Can Start Learning Right Now!

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You'll Receive Personal Attention

In one-to-one online classes, you can be sure that all of the attention will be dedicated to you! You and your instructor will be face to face with no concern about being judged by classmates sitting around you. You can use the entire class time to ask as many questions as necessary without having to consider anyone else. You'll also get a personal 'feel' between you and your instructor even though the class is virtual. The same is true for small-group lessons. Classes with 5-10 students are small enough to get sufficient attention from your instructor while also learning from your peers. Furthermore, group classes are often less expensive than one-to-one classes.

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You'll Learn At Your Convenience

Let's face it, people are extremely busy these days and need access to classes that fit into their unique schedules. Online learning is more convenient and often less costly than taking classes face to face. As a side note, many people additionally purchase pre-recorded courses that they can work on at their own pace. You can schedule and reschedule your classes as often as you need to. This option isn't available in a language school because the classes are given during set days and times. Imagine being able to learn a language at any time of the day or night, any day of the week! You can learn anywhere at any time as long as you have Wifi and a computer. In some cases, you can take classes right on your cell phone!

laptop online study

You'll Learn Exactly What You'd Learn In A Language School

Your instructor will cover all areas of the language including speaking, reading, writing, listening skills, grammar, sentence structure, and vocabulary. Many online instructors have original or pre-made teaching content and curriculums they use to teach their students. They may also incorporate technology, such as YouTube videos and other resources, into their lessons. Personally, I love to teach using technology and other real-life resources that make learning fun for my students! I decide how I'm going to teach my students according to their learning styles and personal interests.

Also read: Top 5 Ideas For Your EFL Digital Lesson Planner

You Can Start Learning Right Now!

I hope that reading this article helped you gain clarity on what to expect when learning a language online. If English is the language you want to learn or improve, feel free to schedule a class with me via the site in my author profile!

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