The Convenience of Teaching ESL Students Online

In today's world, technology has evolved in a way that makes everything so much more accessible. Even in areas that are less fortunate, or have less access to certain resources, it is still possible for them to have access to education because of the availability of online resources. There are many companies nowadays that donate computers, laptops, and facilities to these areas to give them a better chance of having a good education. Teachers from all over the world are now able to provide classes and one-on-one lessons to these areas because of this. Aside from the fact that having online classes gives access to students from all over the world, it is also much more convenient and cost-effective.
Table of Contents
Overview of Online Possibilities
Do you want to teach English abroad? Take a TEFL course!
This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Cristina R. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT.
Overview of Online Possibilities
Instead of having to relocate teachers and pay for them to come from various areas around the world, online lessons help alleviate the stress of having to find teachers who would be willing to do this. Not only are we now more connected, but we are also able to adjust to each other's schedules with the click of a button. Not only can we talk to our students from across the world, but we are also able to see them and interact with them. By using Skype, as well as other programs for video-calling, we can use different techniques when teaching our students, by being able to use visual materials as well as reading and listening materials. We can see their reactions and monitor them closely as well.
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Choice of Resources
There are so many online resources we can also use, and by simply sending them links to these resources or screen-sharing with them, we can share these materials quite easily. It also gives us the feeling of closeness with our students by being able to see them and can help us establish a better rapport with them as if we were right there with them in a classroom. By using visual aids such as flashcards, we see their reaction and level of interest in real-time, allowing us to create more interest and adjust our teaching methods when needed.
Being able to teach online is not only convenient, but it is also sometimes very necessary. There are certain areas in the world that not a lot of people would be willing to relocate to, and there are also many people in certain areas that do not have access to transportation or do not have facilities that can be turned into schools.
Being able to teach students anywhere in the world not only gives teachers more opportunities for jobs, but it also gives students from all over the world a chance at a good education. Even if there are no native English speakers in a certain area, the people there will still have an opportunity to learn the language, no matter where they are and even when there are no English speakers in their community. Teaching online also gives both students and teachers the flexibility of choosing a schedule that works best for them, and being able to change schedules or classes according to their availability. It allows both parties to maintain their already established lifestyle, and do more activities outside of class hours as well.
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Economical Aspects
Another reason why teaching online is so convenient is that it saves time and money on transportation. Some people have to commute or travel for hours just to be able to go to school or attend classes, and by being able to teach online, the valuable time that some students have to use to go to school can be used for more time learning instead. Teachers are also able to reach more students in other parts of the world on the same day without having to use up their time to travel to different areas. In today's world, not only is teaching ESL/EFL online convenient, it is life-changing.
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