ITTT tefl internationale

All you need to know about teaching English abroad!


The Best Teaching Ideas for TEFL Teachers

When teaching English at home or abroad it makes sense to use every option available to help you plan and deliver the highest quality lessons possible. ✅ In this post, we look at a range of different online apps that are designed to do just that, from organizing and planning to in-class activities and homework.

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In many parts of the world a rapid surge in demand for business related English has created a vast number of great opportunities for TEFL qualified teachers. ✅ If you want to join the ranks of teachers in this unique field, take a look at our top tips guide to teaching business English.

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Teaching English online is an increasingly popular option right now and this popularity is only going to increase as the years go by. ✅ If you want to take advantage of this convenient and potentially lucrative teaching option, take a look at these top tips for engaging online English students.

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In this blog post, our TEFL alumna Anastasia shares her experience of working with Preply. ✅ If you are interested in online English teaching, this interview will help you learn more about the online teaching job and this popular platform.

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Teaching English to Older Students: The Pros and ConsTeaching English to Older Students: The Pros and ConsTeaching English to Older Students: The Pros and Cons

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In this blog post, our TEFL expert shares their thoughts on the top ten mistakes that online teachers make. ✅ Check out this article to find out what these mistakes are and improve your online teaching today!

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Teaching English online has become common place in the world of education today. ✅ But is it all good, all bad? This blog post discovers all the advantages and disadvantages of online education.

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Are you a teacher and are looking for ways to make your classroom more interactive? ✅ This blog post will go through a couple of creative and easy ways you can do just that!

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English is a fun language to learn; ✅ however, it can even throw off the most professional learner with complex spelling rules and difficult grammar. Learning English quickly could seem difficult, even though it is considered to be accessible and reasonably easy for many to learn. I'm here to tell you that as long as you have the right plan, you can learn English quickly and easily.

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One of the most popular approaches to teaching is the ESA method. ✅ In this blog post, we will discover how to use the ESA teaching method for online English lessons.

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