How to Give Feedback to Your ESL Students


hey everybody it's lisa here and i'm glad to welcome you to a new itttt live stream
uh so i'm going to wait for a while for some more people to join us uh but while
doing so i'm going to change the slide uh just one sec
so that you could see it um bigger so i'm going to zoom in
and yeah i'm just going to present itttt right right straight away
uh so itttt is a leading tefl and tesol training and we provide high quality
tefl certification so if you are interested in becoming
a teacher and you are willing to build on um a successful career
tefl should be the first step uh in this journey uh so check us out
we are presented on various social networks uh and yeah just go ahead and subscribe to our
youtube channel or follow us on instagram so choose um
that social media you like and let me
get back all right so i can see that some people have already joined this live stream so
just uh don't be shy please
say hi in the comments because it is always helpful to the speaker uh to know
that uh there are some people watching uh and as for me
it's a little bit uh challenging every time uh to go live because i basically
don't see anybody behind the screen uh and um frankly speaking i'm talking to
myself right now so um let me know that you are there and you hear me
okay so um hello guys all right thanks a lot for tuning in
uh so there is gonzalez uh hello nice to see you
um i believe you haven't participated before so um let us know where are you from
and um there is another person uh eg i'm not sure um what's your name
correctly but let me know um i'm great by the way thanks a lot
um so eg is from egypt okay it sounds fun
um and um there is also a person from turkey
and they probably run an esl channel which is really cool so guys you can um
you can note it down okay so gonzales is from egypt as well uh
that's cool guys um i'm really happy that there are people from various parts
of the world and let me just introduce today's topic so
it's the first of september it means that we are going to start
our school once again and for some teachers
uh summer summer time uh is that period when we um
think about methodologies you know uh when we prepare uh change strategies and
so on so before we dive into the school program um i just
wanna share this topic of uh giving feedback
because i know that many people many teachers um either neglect doing so either
neglect giving appropriate feedback or they are not sure how to do so
so uh in this live stream i'm going to share my personal opinion and some uh
data i uh found um before the stream
uh so so that you could think about it and maybe
implement some strategies of giving this effective feedback because our students
actually need it and the whole learning process is aimed at getting some feedback
okay so um let's start um
i have already mentioned itttt so if you are watching us from youtube so you're
you're probably subscribed but anyways check out our um other social media
and um here is a nice qr code uh which
can give you uh a 30 discount of any itt tefl courses uh we
actually share this code uh during this live stream so uh it's pretty um unique
and um exclusive so if you are willing to get uh professional to build on your
successful career uh feel free to scan this qr code with your cell phone or
follow this link from the chat box and you will get this 30 percent discount of
any itt tefl courses and by the way if you have any questions
related to our tefl certification feel free to ask me in the comments
because at the end of this session i'm going to answer some uh questions and um
give you some uh feedback on on the session as well
so um yeah don't miss out on this one and let's move on
uh so getting back to the point of feedback
uh when you start thinking about your feedback and thinking about the whole
concept of giving feedback uh you have to consider
what is effective feedback actually um in general
so um is it correcting all students mistakes
or it's just discussing some target language for example when you
um did a session when you did a lesson devoted to
let's say present simple and you notice that your student made a
lot of mistakes outside this topic should you give this
feedback uh related to the target language only which is uh which was uh
present simple or um should you um
respond uh to the mistakes in general so that's the point to consider before
um choosing your feedback strategy um
in some other cases you would probably think about drawing attention to
something particular to some specific details it depends right
um or some teachers um feel like feedback is just
some moment when you praise students for their hard work
and basically they don't give any uh specific feedback related to mistakes correction or
something like that so uh all in all all of these points
have to be considered before um choosing the strategy
and they are actually depend uh depend on your teaching goals
so um before you start giving your feedback or before you
uh start teaching you have to have your teaching goals uh so every time you plan your lessons
you basically write down uh what you want to achieve and uh this point helps you
um choose your feedback strategy at the end of the lesson so
uh bear that in mind and also try to think about um
what you want to achieve basically and what your feedback is aimed at
okay and let's move on so um
also it is quite important uh to choose
uh the most appropriate strategy so i have already mentioned that you um point
at some specific teaching goals however those teaching goals they are
um different they are always different and there are
two main groups of goals uh both from your perspective as a
teacher and from your students perspective so for example there is this situation
the goal is to achieve some language clarity
and the whole process of learning um
is that result you want to get so uh basically
in this case you would probably correct as much as it is possible so if your
goal is to achieve language clarity um you correct
basically everything uh so when students make mistakes you fix it then you correct it
and then students probably stop making those
mistakes so probably students reflect on themselves and
think about uh something they did wrong so they um
stop doing mistakes uh based on this experience um unfortunately this approach is quite
old-fashioned but it is considered as a traditional approach uh in this
teacher-student relationship so um most teachers know
just this approach uh simply because um they were taught this way and for
example um as for me uh it is super challenging to give
feedback um to um adults because they they know
that they have to be corrected and when it comes to the learning
process they are so afraid to make mistakes because they know that at the end of the
lesson they are going to be corrected every single mistake is going to be
corrected uh so it sounds just it is just demotivating for them right
and they feel uh pretty uncomfortable to make mistakes
so uh probably when you consider giving feedback when you consider all of
your teaching goals and stuff like that it is not the right choice um
to give this kind of feedback when you correct everything
so basically you have to consider your teaching goals one more time and see uh
what you could correct and what you could ignore so uh that's it
uh yeah as i have already mentioned it's a traditional approach we all know it
because um if uh if you studied at school uh if you learned english uh when you were a child
like back back in the day you probably uh were corrected this way
uh but it doesn't mean that um it is still useful um for some people it is still useful uh
unfortunately but yeah it's probably better to choose something else
okay uh i don't know why it's here but anyways um this qr code gives you a 30
discount of any idt tefl courses uh we also have um a coupon link um
right in the chat box so uh if you need it feel free to uh follow the link or
scan this qr code and yeah just sorry for that
so let's move on uh so um we have already discussed the situation
when um your goal is to achieve some specific result and the result is pretty obvious
your students don't make any mistakes their language is clear and the learning
process leads to not making mistakes ever
on the other hand there is another goal which is slightly
different in in the perspective that
the learning process becomes this
goal which is pretty achievable but students have to enjoy it somehow so you as a
teacher have to assist them uh to
feel comfortable during the learning process and not be afraid to make
mistakes and of course in this case the language itself
isn't that goal you want to achieve in this case
the whole um study process is is devoted to the process itself
and um thinking about this idea we have to remember that the language
isn't sacramental here it is not as important as the process
itself so basically students can make mistakes
and mistakes are the results of students experiments with the language
and these experiments are signs of progress so if your students
um play with the language and because of that make mistakes it means
that they grow uh it means that they um
progress in their language skills and mistakes just accumulate that they
help to achieve some something bigger um probably to
uh you know to conquer this language barrier and uh to
become more fluent uh because basically uh
people who are fluent in land in any language they make mistakes but they are not
afraid of that so this is the idea uh
which is pretty challenging for those teachers who choose this traditional
approach in any aspects of teaching if you teach grammar
you you can be traditional you can explain everything in specific details
you know give tables uh and give drills
uh it might be helpful though but if you give this feedback in the
same manner in this traditional manner your students might feel uh miserable
because of that because uh it the chances are it will sound too uh
strict for them and they will they will be
mad about making their mistakes right and there is this another approach
when students can make mistakes um and the
main idea is to make them okay so do you guys have any questions um or
maybe you want to argue with me um
considering this idea just let me know in the comments section uh because i'm
curious how how other teachers give feedback and um
is there any difference um in in our beliefs so let me know
and i'm going to move on uh to the next idea which is closely connected to
the teaching goals so feedback techniques so when you have chosen your teaching
goal it's either the result or
the process um after that you can choose your feedback
technique so these feedback techniques are related to
those cases when your goal is the process and when you don't want to
correct every single mistake so
as for some ways to give feedback it's pretty easy we know
such approaches but it's usually challenging or difficult to
implement when we start teaching in real life so the first idea is peer evaluation
and correction uh it's a useful approach when it comes to
teaching groups however if you work with small groups or payers it's also helpful
for such cases when you don't have many people in your classroom
or if you teach one-on-one it's also
useful because there are some course books which contain specific tasks
when students have to correct something so
such tasks when students can check someone else's work
even if it was created by some teachers or
whoever it is still useful and inspiring for them
you as a teacher can actually
pre-made some pre-make some activities where where you make mistakes and you
ask your students to correct those mistakes so those mistakes should be
related to the teaching point um and yeah
this is how it's done so students usually feel really really happy to
correct someone else but not themselves so just bear this technique in mind
because it is helpful and yeah as i've mentioned there are specific course books related to
um mistakes corrections there are some tasks inside
some other books so um where to find the resources is just up
to you you can be creative or you can be quite modest uh and just pick a book
and uh offer um a task to your student uh and the second um way to correct
mistakes is actually just to choose one type of mistake uh and correct it and
give feedback on um the way student used this or that
feature this or that unit in their speech or writing or during the
lesson um and yeah just give some examples of their speech for
example and yeah just give explanation
in details what was wrong and how to fix it okay
uh yeah so for example it can be done with pronunciation you just give some
examples uh before doing some activity and if you see
that students don't follow suit you can give the same feedback once
again and ask to paraphrase or to repeat
so this is the strategy
the third technique is related to focusing on content
instead of the form and it is usually implemented when teaching writing
so for example you teach students writing emails or essays
and the point is to include
all the necessary details which are required by the task
if students neglect answering some of the questions of the
task you probably would draw attention to this
thing to the content but not to the form
on the first hand when it comes to grammar and language you would still
say that um you could um change this or that uh but the first
thing you have to mention is the content because it is more important uh when it
comes to writing or answering some specific tasks
and by the way usually when it comes to content and
linguistic devices especially if you teach people um who
prepare for exams uh they usually believe and teachers
believe as well that language uh is over this content language is more important
but in fact if you read some um exam handbooks you would be pretty um
shocked that language isn't important isn't as important
um as as the content so bear this in mind as well and if you
work with um writing or with speaking as well uh it's
a great idea to listen for specific details your students mention or check
out the specific details and see if the task and the work
correspond with each other okay and correlate with each other
the next technique uh it is usually used in speech and it is used to correct structures
uh when students make mistakes um sorry so uh basically if students make
mistakes uh you listen as a teacher you fix it somewhere so you note it down
and then you give a correct respond using the correct structure
um or you like ask questions follow up questions
with the same structures and kind of try to draw students attention to this
idea that they have just used the structure but it was slightly incorrect
and this is the way how it should be done uh usually
um it works with students who are pretty attentive um and patient
um it it doesn't really work with lower level students like a2 probably
but i know that when i work with my intermediate level students they usually
are really attentive and they understand this idea so it's a helpful um approach
i recommend it for sure um i also um i also change
this approach somehow using their mistakes so i note down
their mistakes and uh when we finish the task i just
copy and paste all the mistakes on the board for example
and say like check this out do you think that
you would paraphrase anything or would you change anything and they
usually find all of their mistakes and paraphrase everything and say like oh it
was so obvious how could i make that mistake so um
generally speaking these are um those ideas that might be used uh to to
correct speaking to correct writing um what else yeah
that's it uh and the last point uh so
when you work with some specific tasks uh students if if they are pretty um
you know if they work hard uh they would probably get some
questions they would probably need to ask some questions so in this
case they note down all of their questions all of the challenging
places and then they ask you and you give feedback based on those
questions only so you fix
just those places where students feel uncomfortable
uh it's it's also a great approach to correct
mistakes in writing to give feedback on writing and to give feedback on uh speaking as
well sometimes i give my students
speaking as a home task and they should use voice messages to reply to me
to send out their homework and this is the way
we um this is the way i give feedback i ask them do you have any doubts do you
want uh me to explain you anything and they um just ask me uh to correct some
specific mistakes so that's uh that general idea
uh do you guys have any questions um let me know in the comment section
because i believe this is the end oh no there is another tip which is probably
uh the most important of course you have to praise your students and
appraisals should be before whatever corrections you want to
make uh before whatever other feedbacks you want to give
so praise should be done your students have to know that they
did a great job if you don't say anything good to them they still
will feel pretty miserable because in real life we don't get appraisals
that often so i think that studies and
lessons especially with the esl students
should be like this so we um english teachers have to inspire people
um and have to motivate students to learn and appraisal uh is the easiest way um
to uh cheer them up okay all right uh so let me see the questions
all right there is a question from eg let me answer it
uh so is it better to give feedback after each task or give it as a whole at
the end of the lesson oh thanks for this question it's a great one basically it's up to you as a teacher i
it should be it should depend on your teaching goal
for example if your teaching goal is to achieve this clarity
uh probably you won't wait for the end of the lesson probably you would give
your feedback after the specific task however
if your goal is to uh help your student to enjoy the process and um basically to make
mistakes you can give feedback um after all of the tasks are at the end of the lesson
but again there are some situations when feedback has to be given straight away
for example you consider some strategies for example
when i help my students to learn reading strategies
and i see that after my explanations
they still don't use those reading strategies i want them to use
i get to this point again and give my feedback that um
well basically you save time doing skimming for example
or something like that so it's up to you
you consider your teaching goals you consider students needs and then you
give your feedback okay all right so there are many people from
egypt today uh that's awesome thanks a lot for tuning in guys
uh i'm happy to see you but unfortunately it's almost the end of my presentation it's basically the end of
my presentation because um this is where we start the q a
session so if you guys have any questions related to
giving feedback or if you have questions in general about
tefl tesol esl teaching online teaching let me know
write in the comment section okay so
um i don't know why but when i um speak for half an hour or even more my voice
becomes really clumsy so sorry for sounding a little bit strange
yeah thanks a lot um thank you so much uh renier uh i i hope
i pronounce your name correctly when i see names
which i see for the first time it's usually really challenging for me thanks a lot for
giving your feedback i'm happy to help you uh if you have any further questions
related to today's topic or in general feel free to ask
um and i just want to remind you about the skewer code so if you need it
if you want uh to work on your professionalism if you want to develop
your career as a teacher just feel free to check out our tefl
courses yeah thanks a lot thanks a lot for your nice
words for your kind for your kind words um i'm always happy to help people
and um such live streams are helpful to me um as a
teacher as well because i have to investigate i have to research everything before
going live all right thanks a lot um by the way you
uh inspired me um letter uh you inspired me uh in the
previous session so that is why i decided to go live um
with this particular topic um i haven't prepared any template but i believe
today's session is a template itself and i'm actually going to share
today's presentation which contains all of the points um
which you have to consider when give your feedback so i'm going to share it in my facebook
group that is why i uh invite you guys to join my facebook
group um it is specifically for english teachers
it's a nice small community where you can ask questions if you have
so feel free to join in here is a link
right in the chat box so you can follow the link and you will get to my facebook group where i share
where i will share my presentation from today's um session
and uh that's probably it for today um i see that you you guys don't have any
questions so probably my point is pretty clear which is also cool
because i don't have to dig into uh some more specific details
um if you guys have any suggestions related to um the coming live streams
feel free to suggest feel free to recommend you can use the comment section as well so if you have any
specific questions or doubts related to delivering your classes
feel free to to ask me you can also send your questions to the group or you
can direct message me on facebook as well uh and the last point i'd like to
mention is that we actually go live every week
twice so today is my live stream i usually go live
in the at the beginning of the week and my colleague linda goes live um at the
end of the week so just check out her live streams as well
uh she is a native english speaker that's why she can give you a slightly
different perspective on teaching and yeah
if you have any questions related to um teaching english as a native speaker
or teaching english abroad you can actually ask her because she's pretty
proficient in this point she lives in korea in south korea and she used to
travel a lot she she travels she actually travels a lot
but anyway so she has this experience and she can
give you um explanation uh to some of your concerns
so feel free to check it out and yeah that's the end of today's uh
presentation uh thanks a lot for tuning in i hope to see you guys next week
uh if you have any suggestions one more time uh you can recommend
because it's always helpful when i start preparing for the live stream so thanks a lot i hope today's topic was
useful and you will um you will implement some of the
suggestions in your teaching see you soon once again uh have a great
week and bye bye guys
