TEFL Positions Available in Vietnam

Date posted:2013-01-10 | Writer: ILA Vietnam | Email: [email protected]

Whether you are a career-minded TEFL professional or looking for a new challenge overseas, you will find few opportunities to match those offered by ILA Vietnam. We have teaching positions available in Ho Chi Minh City from March onwards. Why Choose Vietnam? Few countries can offer ELT teachers a lifestyle that compares to Vietnam as well as the opportunity to immerse themselves in a truly diverse culture. Vietnamese people are warm and hospitable and teaching in Vietnam is made extremely positive by the cultural appreciation of learning and profound respect for teachers. The cost of living is low, which means you can enjoy a fantastic standard of living whilst still saving money.

Why Choose ILA?

ILA Vietnam is Vietnam’s leading English language training organisation. have twelve training centres, with eight centres in Ho Chi Minh City, two in Hanoi and one in Da Nang and Vung Tau, and we are growing steadily.

We currently teach over 30,000 students and employ over 350 expatriates in a wide range of teaching, academic management and administrative positions. Our centres are designed, built and equipped to the highest standards, thus providing teachers, employees and students with an excellent study and work environment. We place a strong emphasis on academic quality and this is reflected in our approach to teacher recruitment, development, support and management.

ILA uses the latest cutting edge technology to engage our students. At ILA there is the opportunity to use interactive white boards and other smart technology in your classrooms. We provide training for our teachers and it is a great opportunity to experiment with new methods of teaching and increase the range of your professional development portfolio.

What Positions are Available?

ILA Vietnam is seeking ELT professionals, primarily, to teach General English to Young Learners.

Opportunities to teach adult classes including corporate and exam classes may become available at a later date.

All contracts offered to overseas applicants are 12 months in duration.

Remuneration and Benefits ILA Vietnam offers a highly competitive financial and benefits package to teachers, which is based on qualifications and experience.

Highlights of the Financial Package • Visa and work permits organised and paid for by ILA • Relocation allowance • Health Insurance • One month’s paid annual leave per annum for all salaried teachers • Contract completion payment

Other Benefits • World-class facilities and teaching resources • Dedicated academic management team support and on-going professional development • Career pathway • Option to take one of our Cambridge Teacher Training Courses; CELTYL (Certificate in Teaching English to Young Learners) and DELTA (Diploma in English Language Teaching to Adults) • Opportunities to get involved in ILA's charitable network • Option to transfer between our training centres and to progress into senior positions • Initial accommodation and airport pickup provided free of charge upon arrival • Free Vietnamese language lessons • Great social network including quarterly and annual social events, paid by the school

What are the Opportunities for Charitable Work?

ILA prides itself on being involved with and giving something back to the local community and has therefore established the ILA Community Network. Staff and employees can volunteer in charitable projects that include both fundraising events and volunteering options at shelters, orphanages, or the Cancer Hospital.

Minimum Requirements To work at ILA Vietnam, teachers need: 1) University degree: This must be a 3 year bachelor degree or higher 2) To be a native level English speaker 3) A qualification in English Language Teaching (TESOL, TEFL or equivalent): Your certification must be from a recognised provider and be a minimum of a 4 week course and have an observed teaching component with feedback. Any on-line certificates or distance learning will not be counted towards certification unless they contain a substantial classroom component.

Due to government regulations regarding work permits you will need to bring: • The original copies of your degree and CELTA/TEFL/ TESOL certificate. Photocopies are not acceptable. • A clean police clearance certificate from your home country. If you don't already have such a certificate, you need to apply for one before coming to Vietnam and arrange to have it sent to our address at ILA. Please ask us if you need help with this procedure. Please note that this is much easier to organise before you leave your home country. You won't need these documents to enter Vietnam, but you will need to give these to us within 1 month of your arrival so that we can process a work permit for you. In short, bringing the above documents with you will enable you to be legally employed in Vietnam.

I’m Interested! How Do I Apply?

Please forward by email the following to our recruitment department at the e-mail address given on the job heading.

Full CV, dated and with references 2. Copy of passport page with details and photograph. 3. Soonest realistic start date 

Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching.


This unit deals with the two productive skills which are fundamental to communicate in a different language.The productive skills are: speaking and writing.I t is possible to notice thatin order to motivate the class, a good teacher should prepare his/her lesson with great accuracy even when choosing the topic of the lesson.In teaching both skills there could be a structural or a creative approach.Teaching special groups can both be rewarding and challenging. I've always enjoyed teaching younger kids and watching their eyes get so big and bright when they have finally get what you're trying to teach them. Nothing in the world is more satisfying than that. Teaching beginner students I feel would be challenging as everything would be started from the very beginning and extremely repetitive.
