Teach TEFL in Vietnam - Hanoi

Date posted:2003-07-15 | Writer: New Star ELT Center Vietnam | Email: [email protected]

Applicants should:

* be able to deliver quality training in General English as well as Technical and Business English * be experienced and capable in effective methods * be resourceful, committed and motivated * be very well presented and professional * hold post graduate TEFL qualifications (e.g. RSA/CELTA / DELTA/ Grad Cert in TEFL; or Dip in TEFL or MA TESOL for DOS position)

* for DOS position, experience in managing all aspects of studies faculty * have full-time teaching experience in a classroom environment preferably in SE Asia * be committed to a minimum 6 month contract (DOS contract minimum 12 months)

Start: Immediate

Salary: Salary ranges : 1, 000 - 1, 800 USD based on posting, experience and qualifications. Other benefits include: genuine opportunities for review, accommodation, up to 10 days sick leave, 3 weeks paid annual leave, 10 days public holidays, visa, USD $1, 000 yearly contract completion bonus, USD $300 yearly insurance subsidy, full refund on airfares upon completion of contract.

School introduction:

We offer a range of EFL courses for children and adults, students and professionals, Vietnamese language classes, UNIPREP Bridging English course, ESP and EAP, Business and Teacher Training courses, as well as distance study in conjunction with one of Australia�s leading Universities, University of Southern Queensland (USQ). New Star has branches in Hanoi and HCMC. Our facilities in Hanoi are modern and comfortable consisting of 10 classrooms in two buildings, computer lab, multi media equipment, excellent teaching resources, 20 Vietnamese staff. Our HCMC branch is conducting corporate training with public classes to commence this year.

Ethics and Approach: We embrace a 'whole language' philosophy with communicative and integrative approaches applied with situational task-oriented activities and methods. We stress student-centered classes, emphasizing meaningful student/teacher interaction and methods that bring results in language development for our learners. We are committed to Total Quality Management (TQM) principles and practice always striving for continuous improvement in all aspects of our school. New Star is a professional and friendly Language Center.

Vietnam Information: Vietnam is a quite inexpensive and beautiful country having characteristic SE Asian features with the added dimension of significant French influence. The Vietnamese are a genuinely friendly and resourceful people with an optimistic outlook. Teachers are highly respected and students generally approach learning very studiously. As Vietnam's capitol, Hanoi enjoys a reputation of being a relatively safe city and has approximately 5 million people. Vietnam is a typical mix of SE Asian poverty and wealth, beauty and pollution as seen in developing third world nations. The Vietnamese communist government and the people place a high priority on English Language. There are many places to visit, people to meet, foods to try, things to do and overall although at times challenging, a wonderful and gratifying cultural experience to be enjoyed from living and working in Vietnam.


Please reply to Director

[email protected]

Tel: 84 4 7752616 Fax: 84 4 7752620

Please note: We will be unable to respond to applicants who do not meet the minimum criteria as stated

Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching.


This unit is an introduction for what this course design will encompass. It is well laid out and instructions are clear of what to expect from this unit and also what the other units are and how they fit in to the overall picture. I also liked the list of acronyms as they can be confusion. However, in my view these acronyms should all be standardised for the whole world as this ensures consistency and avoids unnecessary confusion.Once again, tenses can be a difficult river to navigate. To help a student understand the differences in time can be daunting. However this unit utilized wording that I was familiar with from unit 4, and thus could remember and learn from. This unit followed the course own advice in teaching. Repeat and make me use what I have learned in the past. Past tenses are now much more easier for me to comprehend, and hopefully, explain.
