Full time teacher required to teach EFL in Turkey - Istanbul

Date posted:2002-10-14 | Writer: City of London College | Email: [email protected]

ESL Teachers and DOS Needed: Istanbul, Turkey CITY OF LONDON COLLEGE-Istanbul is looking for EFL Teachers & DOS to work at its ISTANBUL/ TURKEY Branches. Competitive Salary $750-$950 for teachers, $1200-$1350 for DOS' (adjusted to TL every 4 months.)9-10-11- month contracts. London - Istanbul flights + Accommodation furnished with basics.(shared rent & expenses paid by Teachers) Teachers: TEFL Cert. + Degree essential. Tel/Fax:+90 212 244 52 82, +90 212 244 52 72 Email: [email protected]

Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching.


This unit covered conditionals in English grammar as well as the differences between direct and reported speech. There are 5 different types of conditionals including the zero conditional, the first, the second, the third and the mixed conditional. Each of these conveys different types of sentences. The second section of the unit went over the rules for changing direct speech into reported speech and common student errors in this area.Even though there are four parts to learning a language it can be broken up into two categories. The one I just learned about is the reading and listening. These are receptive skills that need to be taught. It is important to make sure all students understand every activity that is being given to them. It is also important to pre-teach any and all vocabulary and grammar structures before they do any activities related to that material.
