TEFL Jobs in Saudi Arabia

Date posted:2009-09-21 | Writer: Footprints | Email: [email protected]

Female instructors will be teaching in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and male instructors will be situated in Medina, Saudi Arabia.

Contract details are as follows for both male and female instructors:

Contract Start Date: End of September 2009 Contract Length: 1 year Teaching Hours: 36-40/week Type of Teaching Job: University/College Curriculum: English classes Salary: $2000/month tax-free Airfare: paid up-front Housing: Shared housing with one other teacher of the same sex Vacation: 1 month paid vacation Health Insurance: Local Medical Insurance Provided

Requirements: Must be a native English speaker, have a bachelor’s degree as well as one of the following: teaching certification or TEFL/TESOL certification, or 3 years teaching experience abroad or majored in English or English Literature. Applicants must also have valid passport with at least 6 months validity left from one of the following countries (Canada, USA, South Africa or the U.K.)

Interested candidates are asked to email Footprints co-owner Ben Glickman directly with the following documents: resume, cover letter, scan of the info page of your passport, one picture of yourself, and a scan of your bachelor’s degree to the e-mail address given on the job heading.

We offer teaching jobs EVERY MONTH –   Questions? Call 1-888-677-3166 ext. 2001 or 604-677-6556 ext. 2001

Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching.


What I learned from this unit is that though we as English speakers may know and understand grammar, teaching it to others can be quite complicated. There are existing and non-exitstent rules that can be hard to teach to a foreign learner. To be honest just from reading this unit I have brushed up my grammer and gained a better understanding of the parts of speech. Truly a challenge but one that is exciting!This was a very tricky unit for me to get a grasp on as I had never come across the theory behind conditionals. If I had studied more in high school English, I would have been able to grasp the concepts quicker (third conditional ;)). Reported speech was a little easier to understand from the get go, however, it took a while to learn the rules for verb tenses when changing direct speech to reported speech.
