Male wanted to teach EFL in Saudi Arabia

Date posted:2003-09-19 | Writer: The HAK Group | Email: [email protected]

You must have a College degree from a UK, USA, or Canadian College, have a High School or College teaching certificate, at least four years of teaching ESL experience & be a USA, U. K. or Canadian citizen. Overseas experience is a plus. Single status only. Fax resume to: (215) 627-8426 or mail to: Cheryl Ryan, The Bourse #1000 Forceno, 111 South Independence Mall East, Philadelphia, PA 19106 or e-mail to: [email protected] For more information: Contact us Interviews will be held in December in London and in the USA and if you are selected the airline ticket will be paid to bring you for the interview.

Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching.


Unit 12: Teaching productive skills This unit first covered what productive skills are and different ways that they are used. Then unit 12 covered the difference between accuracy and fluency, their importance, and when they should be used in a lesson plan. Accuracy should be the focus in the study phase while fluency should be the focus in the activate phase. Lastly, unit 12 covered some examples of speaking and writing activities.This unit was very interesting! It broke down the basic sentence structure we use everyday into the specific categories. Each category was then explained further emphasizing the importance of understanding English. Each category in a way is co-dependent on one another, as they all link together in a sentence structure. This unit expresses the importance of understanding sentence structure yourself, before attempting to teach others.
