TEFL in Seoul, Korea

Date posted:2007-02-22 | Writer: Yungtaek Han | Email: [email protected]

A prospective teacher will be provided, upon one-year contract, 10 day

paid vacation, air fare if necessary, and a single furnished housing including rent.

Internet aceess is possible in the housing if he or she joins a

service provider.

Monthly salary is around $2, 000 (2.000, 000) to $2, 400 (2,400,000)

depending on qualification and experiences. If one-year contract is completed, one

month salary will be given as severance pay.

Since I started the English language institute in December, 2006, I

have 55 enrolments now. The prospective teacher will manage primary and

junior-high level students in classrooms with seven students at most.

He or she will teach 6 hours at most per day from Mon. to Fri.

I have two more English speaking teachers, who can help the

prospective teacher adjust to new surroundings in Seoul, the capital of South


If you are interested in teaching here, e-mail Yungtaek Han at

[email protected] with resume and photo attached.


Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching.


The unit is about grammars. It was actually good because it is like a sort of review. Also, it reminds me on some information I might have heard of but never ought to apply or use in my examples, illustrations and teaching methodologies. Thanks to this unit: I may have found it easier than that of the introductory chapter, but it was such a bitter truth that I sometimes forget the existence of some grammar features.This lesson gives us more information on how to cater to our more specialized groupings, such as businessmen and women looking to improves their english for work or BEC exam and also for smaller individualized classes that may meet one-on-one. There are some parts that are similar to a standard classroom setting, but it is important to prepare accordingly and tweak the lesson plan to fit the needs of our student(s).
