TEFL in Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan

Date posted:2008-03-30 | Writer: Perfect English School | Email: [email protected]

Set in the mountain of Yamanashi Prefecture under the watchful eye of Mount Fuji, is Perfect English School, Kofu. Kofu is near enough to Tokyo to go shopping for the day, yet far enough away to get a true Japanese culture experience. The English conversation school of the prestigious Kai Seminar Cram Schools, PES is looking to hire a female teacher. The teacher needs no Japanese language skills but should be flexible and open to new ideas, as well as willing to try their best for the school. The school is a small establishment with students ranging from 2 to 70 years old. Each class has around 6 students who are similar age. Teachers are given freedom to create and teach their own curriculum within the guidelines of the school. Starting date and contract length: Beginning of May 2008 for a three-year contract. Or From 2009 March for more than one year contract. Qualifications necessary: The candidate must have a graduate degree and native English proficiency is a must. TESOL /TEFL or equivalent preferred.Salary and benefits: The salary is bet ween \\\\250,000 and \\\\280,000 per month, and includes medical benefits. Work hours are form 1:30 P.M. to 9:00 P.M.. Teaching hours range from 30 to 35 hours a week (maximum), plus limited paid overtime. You have two days off a week. Housing: 1) You will be provided with an apartment with private bath and kitchen. Rents are \\\\50,000 per month, paid by the company. 2) Utilities will be paid by the company. 3) No key money or deposit is required. 4) Each apartment includes fridge, futon with pillow and blanket, washing machine and TV. Holidays: All instructors have the following holidays; 1) Winter Holiday (5 days paid vacation). 2) Summer Holiday (14 days paid vacation). 3) Golden Week (7 days paid vacation). How to apply : Send your resume with a recent photo to SANKYO Co., Ltd, PES 1-3-20 Takeda, Yamanashi, 400-0016 Japan. Or e mail: [email protected] When you use E-mail, you need put the subject PES JOB. If you have any questions regarding the above please contract Miyuki at 055-254-3833 (local) or 81-55-254-3833 (international).

Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching.


This unit was especially helpful in the resources it provides to teachers. There are many different sites to explore and aid the teacher in preparing material. Especially for beginner teachers, this will be very helpful and will help customize the teacher's needs according to the student's needs. Personally, I found the resources much more helpful than the use of teaching tools, although this was helpful as well.Another short unit, Unit 15 gives an overview of various tests that the teacher can utilize to evaluate ability and monitor progress in students. Some teachers, like those teaching at private academies and learning centers, will probably have to familiarize themselves with the various external exams for the country they are teaching in. The unit finishes with a list of these tests and a brief description of each.
