EFL Teacher - Takasaki, Japan

Date posted:2024-02-04 | Writer: GLC-LA | Email: [email protected]

GLC-LA is looking for a full-time EFL teacher starting on 1st April 2024.Contract: One year, The Contract is extended for another year at GLC-LA’s discretion.Working conditions:1. Teaching average 25 hours/week Total 100 hours/month, Monday through Friday, or Tuesday through Saturday1. Teaching time: Mostly afternoons: 2:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. Some morning instruction may be required temporaryJob description:1)  Teaching EFL at, GLC-LA and other locations such as corporations or companies.2)  Teaching kindergarten children, elementary school children, junior high & high school students and adults.3)  Developing teaching materials for adults, or finding suitable textbooks, matching the students’ needs4)  Helping children develop their presentations for “English Recital’ and helping them with and during the performance.Wages and Benefits:1. We will provide sponsorship for a work visa.2. Standard base salary: 250,000 yen per month (B.A. & TESL Certificate required) if you have an MA TESL or five year teaching experience additional 20,000 yen per month.3. After a year contract has been completed you will receive: A travel fee of 120,000 yen + a housing subsidy of 240,000 yenHousing:1. GLC-LA provides the apartment: Rents are 55,000 yen or 65,000 yen per month depending on the size of the apartment.2. No key money or deposit is required.3. Each apartment is equipped with the following: TV set, gas range, air conditioner, heater, rice cooker, washing machine.Car:1. A car is provided for work, as instructors must drive to company classes.2. Instructors may have their work cars for private use if they pay a set fee for mileage and an additional 3,000-yen per month for insurance.Holidays:All instructors will have the following holidays:- Winter holiday: Two weeks(Dec.22-Jan.5)- Summer Holiday: (Aug.11-Aug.18)- Golden Week (April 28-May5)If you are interested in this position, please send your resume to the email address in the job heading.Application Deadline: Feb 17thOnly some applicants whose qualifications and experience meet the requirements will be informed of the date and place for the interview.
