TEFL in Italy - Monza

Date posted:2002-02-14 | Writer: British Institutes, Monza, Italy | Email: [email protected]

Language School based in Italy (in the area of Milan) is looking for English Mother Tongue Teachers. Driving Licence, experience and a good knowledge of the Italian Language an asset. Send your resume to: Dott.ssa Auletta Rosanna Dott.ssa Beretta Ilaria fax. +3938325056

Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching.


Classroom management has many subtleties. While some inappropriate teacher behaviors such as shouting to address student behavior problems are pretty obvious, some are not, such as talking too much. This is particularly the case with teachers who were taught that way themselves. Setting up classroom rules, playing a game such as BINGO based on the rules, and being consistent with them is a good way to minimize issues from the beginning.In these videos there is a clear difference between a successful and an unsuccessful class. The teacher`s attitude changes everything, and clearly affected the engagement of the students. Moreover, in the second video the teacher has a complete lesson planning and interest in their students to learn as he memorized their names and make his best to engage them. The effectiveness of the ESA lesson planning is evident on the second lesson.
