Teach English in Jayapura, Indonesia (3)

Date posted:2007-01-15 | Writer: EF Jayapura | Email: [email protected]

Jayapura is the most populous city in the province of Papua, located in the far east of Indonesia. It is beautifully situated between forested hills and a natural harbor, offering some wonderful views. We have access to several beaches, thick forests and hills, and many unique Papuan cultures. It is a quiet town, and thankfully lacks the crowded traffic and air pollution pervasive in many other Indonesian cities. The population mix here is amongst the most diverse in Indonesia and includes many cultures from throughout the Indonesian archipelago in addition to local Papuans. Most people are very friendly and helpful, and the pace of life is pleasantly relaxed.That said, Jayapura is by no means a 'big' city. If your main interests include extravagant shopping or a raging nightlife, you may find yourself disappointed! There are a couple of bars, billiards halls, etc., though on the weekends most Jayapurans prefer to mingle around the markets in the city center, hang out in 'warungs' (small food stalls) or head to the beaches. The city is a bit more expensive than other parts of Indonesia, but the cost of living is still very cheap by western standards. For example, fried rice averages Rp.12,000 a can of beer is Rp.16,000 and internet access is around Rp.10,000 per hour. Jayapura is close to Entrop, Abepura and Sentani and there is public transportation available but be aware that most of the taxis (minibus) stop about 9:00 pm, there are, however, OJEKs (motorcycle taxis) available even late at night. From Dok 5 the blue minibus takes you to Jayapura and from there you can get the green ones that go to Entrop or the red ones the go to Abepura. In Abepura you can get a white taxi that will take you to Sentani. There are a few nice beaches within this area that can be gotten to by public transportation. Near the teachers house there is a large beach named Base G, there are others also that are a little more difficult to get to, however, they are worth the effort, Holtekam, and Hamadi are two worth seeing. There are also boats available to rent for about 500, 000 per day and if this cost is shared with friends or co-workers, it's a great way to get to remote beaches along with a view that tourist wouldn't normally see. One of the ways to solve your transportation need is to buy a motorcycle, a good used one can run between 7 to 10 million rupiah and a new one can cost any where from 15 to 24 million depending on what you want. However, keep in mind the slow relaxed pace and lifestyle here in Jayapura and the need to entertain yourself.Teachers Housing The teacher's house is located in Dok 5 and is very large and quite nice by Indonesian standards; you will have your own bedroom, share a bathroom with the other teachers. There is a middle size kitchen, a large common area and a small balcony that has a beautiful view of Jayapura harbor. The housing is adequate, with beautiful white tile floors. However, keep in mind that Indonesia is still a developing country and the standards here are not the same as they are in the west. Academic ProgramsEF Jayapura runs general English courses for student's ages3 and up. The majority of our current classes are for children and teenagers, though we also run a number of adult classes. Experienced teachers also may teach specialized courses focused on Business, TOEFL, IELTS, Conversation, etc. The significant majority of our texts and resources are English First-developed. Teachers are also required to participate in some marketing programs, such as school visits, spelling B�s, and other related school functions. These events are not on going and teachers will be adequately notified when there involvement is necessary.Flights (teachers hired out of country)The new teacher must pay for the flight to Indonesia in advance (please approve the cost with us before you book....). This will then be refunded to the teacher in 2 installments, the first on completion of a 3 month probation period and the second after 9 months.Flights (teachers hired in country)The new teacher must pay for the flight from the existing location to Jayapura in advance. This will then be reimbursed in full on arrival in Jayapura.Visa (teachers hired out of country)EF will arrange all of your visa requirements through your nearest Indonesian Embassy and all you have to do is collect it. (You might consider using an express delivery service to save time and money if you are not located near an Embassy.) You will have to pay for it initially, although you will be reimbursed for any fees upon your arrival here.Visa (teachers hired in country)EF will arrange all of your visa requirements locally. You will then have to leave Indonesia and our agent will handle collection of your work visa from the Indonesian embassy in the destination country (perhaps PNG ). This process usually takes around 2 or 3 days. The cost of your transportation will be paid in advance by EF and your expenses will also be paid while you are there.SalaryNew teachers receive a monthly salary of Rp 5,000,000 (net, non-taxable) paid on the 27th of each month. Although this might not convert to a large amount of $$$ it is enough to live comfortably in the local situation provided you don't drink too much alcohol! BonusOn completion of a 12 month contract all teachers receive a bonus of 1 full month salary (non-taxable).If you have any more questions regarding any of this information, the academic side of things or any other issues, please don't hesitate to ask. Thanks for your interest in our school.Best Regards, Lowell Wade WilsonDirector of Studies+62 (0976) 535 [email protected]

Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching.


Completing the worksheet was exhausting, as it is not an easy task to understand what was the teacher's plan, but the activity itself is very fascinating, as you feel involved to the teacher's society. It is great to start and understand how to be a good teacher and the feeling of becoming one, as I was always interested in this profession. I'm looking forward to start the career. Thank you very much for the lesson.I'll admit this fourth unit has been quite tricky but I feel like I have a handle on it now. No doubt it will take a lot more practice but I'm confident I will get there! As I progress through this course I'm constantly reminded how complex the English language is. Being a native English speaker these present tenses come so naturally when in conversation but actually breaking it down into specifics is mind boggling.
