TEFL in Corinth, Greece

Date posted:2008-08-27 | Writer: Anglo-Hellenic Teacher Recruitment | Email: [email protected]

Job placements in Greece for TEFL teachers with Anglo-Hellenic Teacher Recruitment. Many positions available throughout GREECE teaching general English to children and teenagers. SALARY: at least 1000 euros net per month (no tax), health insurance & pension contributions, free accommodation, 4 weeks paid holiday, bonuses.Phone & Fax + 30 27410 53511. e-mail to the address given on the job heading page.

Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching.


This unit covered classroom management, a skill that requires effective organization and management of one's classroom. I learned about how to arrange my classroom, group my students, establish healthy and strong relationships with my students, and how to discipline/address/interact with my students in the classroom. I am glad that I learned all of these things because classroom management is definitely a skill I can work on.I like how this unit distilled communication into the four reasons at the beginning. That really crystallized for me what I need to be thinking about when I'm teaching productive skills and what students will be using these skills for in the future. Also, it's important to keep in mind that just because the teacher isn't in control of the situation doesn't mean that the students aren't practicing valuable productive skills.
