Teach Young Learners EFL in France

Date posted:2020-04-28 | Writer: The Living School | Email: [email protected]

The Living School, Paris, is recruiting EFL teachers! We are looking for 2 English teachers for our primary and middle school classes. Applicants must have a native English speaking level and feel that teaching is a vocation that gives you authentic joy. You are aware of the importance of your quality of being in teaching. You are ready to commit to questioning yourself and evolving positively. You are open to exploring innovative pedagogical approaches as part of a team. You would like, in your unique way, to contribute to a better world.Living School is an innovative private nursery and elementary school whose raison d'être is to allow, through education and training, the emergence of fulfilled and responsible citizens, contributors to a real evolution of humanity. The 3 key axes of its pedagogy are interpersonal skills, eco-citizenship and support for parenting. The Living School team is made up of 17 people, motivated by the desire to bring an educational renewal, to develop children and to contribute at their level to positively transform society. The school is located in the 19th arrondissement in Paris .THINK ABOUT THESE QUESTIONS:Do you feel that teaching is a real vocation?Do you want to contribute to a better world?Do you want to join an innovative and fulfilling educational project? Is teaching children and contributing to a better world your vocation?Are you an entrepreneurial educator?If you can answer yes to these questions, we are looking for you!JOB INFORMATION:All entry positions begin with a CDD Contract, with the potential to evolve into a CDI contract depending on our collaboration.HERE IS HOW TO APPLY:Please contact us via email at the address given on the job heading. Do not just send your CV and a generic cover letter. Kindly answer the following questions and send your answers and your CV to Julie.Even better yet, film yourself in a short video (not longer than 15 minutes), answering these questions:Questions1) Why do you want to teach children?2) Please tell us about an experience you have had with a child / children.3) What part of the Living School pedagogical project most appeals to you?4) Have you already taught, and if so, which levels and for how long?5) According to you, what qualities are most necessary for a child to have in order to learn well?6) What do you do when there are behavior issues in the classroom?7) What personal qualities and talents can you contribute to Living School?8) What is your current situation in France or abroad (working or student visa)?9) How did you learn about this open position?10) Please feel free to tell us anything else you may feel is important to share.We look forward to hearing from you.Living School6 rue Georges Auric75019 ParisFrance Tel: +33 1 42 00 72 24
