TEFL in Czech Republic - Prague

Date posted:2006-02-10 | Writer: KRY TOF | Email: [email protected]

KRY TOF is a private language preschool in Prague attended mainly by Czech children (3 - 7 years) who learn English directly from English native speakers. KRY TOF has existed since 1998. We are looking for preschool teachers for a minimum 1 year working period. We search for people with a teaching qualification and some experience in working with children. Our teachers should be reliable, active, helpful and should bring new ideas.The daily regime is as follows: The English Morning for preschool children is from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. (teachers do the necessary preparation after hours). The teachers also teach the Fun Afternoon at our preschool from 2 - 5 p.m. twice a week. Apart from that, the afternoon teaching involves lessons in Club JUNIOR for primary school children (7 - 14 years). The teachers school year starts the last week in August and finishes the third Friday in July. KRY TOF tries to help with accommodation and arranging the work permit for teachers. Teachers start with a basic salary that is raised regularly and can be improved by bonuses. It all depends on the quality of work, length of time working for KRY TOF and other activities for our preschool.

Should you need some more information, contact us. Thank you.

Klara Jilkova

Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching.


To begin , this unit is talking about Vocabulary , grammar and functions. These include : Teaching vocabulary for examples , selecting vocabulary, what students need to know about vocabulary , Techniques for vocabulary teaching, Introducing grammar structure's such as techniques for presenting and practicing language structure , Teaching language functions like typical ESA function lesson , typical ESA vocabulary lesson.The receptive skills of reading and listening are covered in this unit. The beginning alludes to productive skills which are speaking and writing as well which I'm guessing will be in the next lesson. The unit goes over the reasons were speaking and listening as well as how we do them. Also, it points out some problems students may have with them and goes over an outline of a lesson plan for teaching receptive skills.
