Temporary TEFL Job in Australia

Date posted:2019-05-11 | Writer: DomeliPersonal | Email: [email protected]

We are DomeliPersonal and we are seeking Native Level English Speaking EFL teachers for adults in Australia. We are looking for active, enthusiastic and outgoing teachers able to work independently and in full contact with learners.

This opening is for two specific clients. A few words about the learners. The man has studied English with an American teacher by Skype and has upper-intermediate language level now. The woman studied English in a language school in Australia 10 years ago and has advanced language level now. Their main aims are to immerse in the language environment and broaden linguistic erudition. Both classical and interactive forms of studying are welcomed, as well as any other forms and methods which you think are productive to achieve these aims.


Location: Port Douglas, Australia

Contract dates: July 19 - September 1.

Schedule: flexible, by agreement.

Salary: by agreement.

Accommodation: preferably if you live in Cairns (Queensland, Australia) or nearby and have an opportunity to reach Port Douglas when necessary or you will be provided with apartment if available (due to high season).

If you know how to help our learners achieve the goals above you are the one we are looking for!


-Certificates - TEFL/TESOL/ESL.

-Native Level English Speakers.

-Education – any.

-3+ years teaching experience.

Salary and Benefits: by agreement.

Accommodation: preferably, you live in Cairns (Queensland, Australia) or nearby and have an opportunity to reach Port Douglas when necessary, or you will be provided with apartment if available (due to high season)

TO APPLY:Please contact us via email at the address given on the job heading. 
