Teach English in Ethiopia - Addis Ababa

Date posted:2005-03-15 | Writer: Ann Rispin | Email: [email protected]

If you want to make things happen and play a part in exciting new educational ventures in Ethiopia, and are able to accept modest terms and conditions we can consider you for a range of opportunities including:

o Teaching English in international schoolso English medium class teaching from pre-school to Year Sixo Teaching English to Adultso Tutoring 'the poorest of the poor' on special sponsored projectso Running teachers professional courses (many subjects, especially methodology)o Editing English Language publicationso leading our 5 week Summer School in July/AugustAssignments 6 weeks to 1 year (2 years for senior levels)

For further details e-mail [email protected]

Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching.


For this Video lesson, by comparing two lesson's I was able to distinguish what is good and bad as a teacher to behave and to instruct while teaching. However, I wish this video had better quality. Since I wasn't able to see if the paper was composed of pictures or his drawing. Also there were too many background noise that I couldn't understand clearly. However, This video allowed me to see clearly how good lesson should be.In This Unite content:mostly and more impotant ,how to be a good teacher(really Model)an how to deal and characteristics of each level of the students.I also learnd How a teacher Charater should be.this unite content young and Adult learner and the levels.I think in this unite cover the general knowledge of the way an english students need to be tought( a good Motivate knowledgeable English teacher ) Thank you for this unite
