Capital city
Vietnamese Dong
Typical TEFL teacher salary
US$ 15 per hour
Major TEFL locations
Ho Chi Minh City
The Country
Following a rather turbulent 20th century, Vietnam has stabilized and seen an influx of foreign companies and investments over the past several years. Due to this boost in international involvement, the demand for English has taken off. With the help of our lifetime assistance finding jobs, we’ll lay the ground work for finding employment and also help you along a direct
path to finding a great job.
Well-paid employment is plentiful, especially in the business metropolis of Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon), the eastern sea port city of Ga Nang, and the capital, Hanoi. TEFL qualified English teachers shouldn't have any problems securing a desirable position teaching English in Vietnam. Compared to the cost of living, salaries are high. Outside of the cities, work is mainly on a voluntary basis and there are numerous organizations who can help arrange this.
If you arrive in Vietnam with an open mind and an awareness of the cultural differences, you will quickly become part of the local community and receive a warm welcome. Teachers are highly respected figures in Vietnamese society, and the social order is echoed in the traditional Vietnamese saying: "My king, my teacher, my father." The students are usually well-behaved, polite, and eager to get to know you. Beyond that, the majority of them see English as imperative to their future career prospects, so their motivation level is high.
TEFL Courses in Ho Chi Minh City