Capital city
Typical TEFL teacher salary
US$ 900 per month
Major TEFL locations
Sao Paulo
Rio de Janeiro
The Country
Wherever you wish to work in the world, completion of one of our courses will give you access to job search assistance, be it for Brazil or any other country.
As the fifth-largest country in the world, you can find good opportunities teaching English in Brazil, especially the larger cities. TEFL qualified teachers in Brazil can usually find work reasonably easily. Securing a position teaching English can be considerably harder when not actually in Brazil itself, but it is still quite possible. Salaries are usually high enough to give teachers a comfortable lifestyle.
Most people looking for employment just arrive on a visitor's visa and then begin contacting schools once in the country. There are English schools throughout the country, in small towns and large cities. If you decide to teach English in a small Brazilian town, the locals will greatly respect your decision to immerse yourself in their town and culture, and will be grateful of your presence. If you are looking for a uniquely Brazilian experience, then consider this option. Typically salaries are lower in the country and higher in the cities. However, it is quite easy to gain extra income from private students. After you have started some private lessons, you may well find that the students recommend you to their friends and family.
Securing a job teaching English in Brazil is like all other South American countries, best achieved when in the country. You will have better results if you research where you would like to go in Brazil beforehand and simply go there. This will demonstrate to potential employees that you have shown an interest in the location and a good amount of drive and determination in actually being there.
Positions for teaching English in Brazil sometimes appear on TEFL web sites so always keep checking. Finally, contact schools directly, using language school directories and internet searches as a starting point.
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