Capital city
Australian Dollar (AUD)
Typical TEFL teacher salary
$20 - $70 AUD per hour depending on placement and experience.
Major TEFL locations
Major cities
The Country
Wherever you want to work in the world, completion of one of our courses will give you access to job search assistance, be it for Australia or any other country.
Australia is a vast country and the major cities are either on the East and Southeast coasts or Perth in the West.
The EFL industry in Australia has changed in recent years and job opportunities for both Australian and foreign English language teachers have been reduced.
Some opportunities do still exist, but competition is high and schools are able to demand higher qualifications and more experience from their teachers.
There is a nationally agreed pay scale for EFL teachers of A$18,000 - A$30,000 per year. The profession is strictly regulated in Australia and standards are high in both public and private sectors. Even highly trained Australian EFL teachers cannot always find jobs.
A large proportion of local EFL/ESL teaching is done by volunteers, especially in the smaller cities and towns and this can often be a good entry point into the teaching community.
One possibility that may be appealing for Britons, Irish and Canadians less than 30 years of age, is the option of a working holiday visa. This is a 12-month non-renewable visa that allows you to work in any one job for a maximum of three months. This can be quite convenient for the 'teacher traveler' who would like short-term contracts while traveling around the country.