Mexican cuisine is rich in flavor and ingredients and so much more than just tacos and burritos.
Menudo is a communal soup common at feasts that is also very labor-intensive to make. It consists of beef tripe, lime, onions, cilantro and red chili peppers.
Horchata is another popular milky beverage that is made of white rice, water, vanilla, cinnamon and milk.

Chiles en nogada, for example, is a savory-sweet dish celebrating Mexico’s independence with each color of the flag. It includes poblano chilies, picadillo and a cream sauce called nogada.
One of Mexico’s most popular drinks is tascalate, a sweet and earthy chocolate beverage common in Chiapas. It’s made of tablet chocolate, pine nuts, achiote paste, vanilla and sugar.
SOURCE: www . visualistan . com/2015/05/a-visual-guide-to-mexican-cuisine-infographic . html