What is English for Specific Purposes?

The field of English language instruction is teeming with acronyms, and ESP is a fairly common one. ESP stands for English for Specific Purposes, a niche within TEFL that you may end up teaching in the future. But what does English for Specific Purposes entail?

Table of Contents

What is English for Specific Purposes?

Who needs English for Specific Purposes?

How to teach English for Specific Purposes

Who can teach English for Specific Purposes?

Resources for teaching English for Specific Purposes

What is English for Specific Purposes?

English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is an approach to English language teaching that focuses on the specific linguistic needs of learners in a particular professional or academic field. Unlike general English courses that cover everyday communication, ESP courses zero in on the specialized vocabulary and structures required for particular contexts. While a foundation in general English is beneficial, the emphasis in ESP is on mastering the language specific to a particular discipline or industry.

Who needs English for Specific Purposes?

English for Specific Purposes (ESP) caters to individuals who seek English proficiency tailored to specialized areas, primarily related to their profession. These learners, often adults, have clear language objectives linked to career advancements, such as securing promotions or accessing new job opportunities. Common ESP courses serve sectors like Aviation (pilots and air traffic controllers), Hospitality (hotel staff), Tourism (tour guides and travel agents), Medicine (doctors and nurses), Banking, and Legal professions.

How to teach English for Specific Purposes

To effectively teach English for Specific Purposes (ESP), begin with a needs analysis to gauge students' existing knowledge and pinpoint their learning requirements. Unlike general English classes, ESP courses place greater emphasis on specialized language points and specific skills like reading, writing, speaking, or listening. It is pivotal to focus on real-world communication within the relevant context. Given the direct relevance of ESP to students' professions, they often come highly motivated. Instructors, therefore, should be proficient in the subject matter and maintain a professional demeanor, ensuring each lesson aligns with the course's primary objectives.

In ESP instruction, it is essential to remember that the lessons significantly impact students' daily lives. While the students are likely to be highly motivated, they also expect the teacher to be well-versed in the subject and consistently professional. Every activity should serve a clear purpose and align with the overall course goal.

Who can teach English for Specific Purposes?

Teaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is within the scope of any TEFL certified instructor, regardless of their familiarity with the specific field. For instance, one doesn't need to be a pilot to teach English for Aviation or have hotel experience to instruct English for Hospitality. While prior industry knowledge is beneficial, it is not mandatory. A well-structured ESP course book and some research can equip teachers to effectively deliver ESP lessons. Numerous course books are readily available online for those looking to dive into this specialized teaching domain.

Resources for teaching English for Specific Purposes

If you need ESP teaching resources, numerous excellent online options are available. Some of our favorites include:

Onestopenglish is a great resource that offers a section dedicated to teaching ESP, with lessons on English for Aviation, Marketing, Sales, Human Resources, and more. Some of the content is freely accessible, while other parts require a paid subscription.

National Geographic Learning offers a broad selection of resources for all types of English lessons, including ESP.

For ESP class coursebooks, consider checking out these three publishers: Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press and Macmillan. You will also find various online resources on their websites to utilize in your lessons.

