How to stay safe while teaching English abroad?

When teaching English abroad, prioritizing safety is essential, especially for solo travelers or those in unfamiliar environments. Here are crucial safety tips for English teachers overseas:

  • Research your destination thoroughly to understand local customs and safety concerns.
  • Stay aware of your surroundings and maintain situational awareness.
  • Diversify your financial resources; don't keep all your money in one place and note down essential financial details.
  • Avoid displaying expensive items to deter potential thieves.
  • Project confidence in your demeanor to reduce vulnerability.
  • Engage with locals to gain insights on safer areas and practices.
  • Consider traveling in groups or with trusted individuals, especially in unfamiliar areas.

Adopting these measures can help ensure a positive and secure teaching experience abroad.

Table of Contents

Choose a safe destination

Research, research, research!

Be careful with valuables

Socialize with new friends

Get health and travel insurance

Final tips

Choose a safe destination

Arguably the most crucial decision you will make involves picking a safe destination. Certain global regions are undeniably safer for expatriates, so choosing wisely from the beginning is key. Many sought-after destinations for TEFL are in Asia, with countries like Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan offering a plethora of job opportunities and deemed safe even for solo female travelers. The Middle East, another popular choice, boasts typically low crime rates, and popular countries like Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, known for strict law enforcement, are generally safe for overseas teachers.

Also read: Where are the best places to teach English abroad?

Research, research, research!

Thorough research of your chosen destination, including any health and safety considerations, is essential before your journey. Familiarize yourself with areas to avoid, potential political, cultural, or religious sensitivities, and prevalent scams. Online travel guides such as Lonely Planet and Rough Guide provide invaluable information, including message boards for travelers to share potential risks. Local expat forums can offer up-to-date insights from those already residing and working in your destination.

Be careful with valuables

A sure way to protect yourself when abroad is to avoid appearing as an affluent outsider. Displaying significant amounts of cash is ill-advised, as is flaunting expensive jewelry, clothing, or designer items, which only serve to draw attention. Keep pricey phones or cameras concealed when not in use. Blending in with locals can decrease your chances of attracting unwelcome attention.

Also read: What should I pack for teaching English abroad?

Socialize with new friends

While caution is important upon arrival in a new country, exploration is equally essential! Your teaching position will likely connect you with local and foreign teachers familiar with the area and eager to show you around. Local knowledge is a crucial asset for ensuring safety?the sooner you acquire it, the better. Just remember to exercise moderation when out socially, as public intoxication can often draw unwanted attention.

Get health and travel insurance

Some teaching jobs include health insurance, but others will require you to handle this independently. Fortunately, quality insurance policies can be as affordable as $15 to $20 a month. If you plan on traveling beyond your host country during your stay, ensure your coverage extends to cross-border travel.

Also read: Will I get health insurance when teaching English abroad?

Final tips

Upon reaching your new destination, consider registering with your home country's embassy-they can keep you updated on significant issues and offer assistance should you encounter any problems. Also, inform a trusted contact about your whereabouts and expected return, whether it is for a night out or a weekend trip. Having someone aware of your plans is always reassuring, especially when navigating unfamiliar terrain.

