How soon can I get TEFL certified and start teaching English abroad?

Securing a TEFL certification and landing a teaching job abroad varies based on several factors. The type of TEFL course, your chosen teaching destination, and your dedication play pivotal roles. Typically, allow about four to six months from starting your course to beginning a teaching role abroad. This accounts for course completion, job hunting, and logistical preparations. However, for those eager to expedite the process, there are strategies to fast-track your journey into the TEFL world.

Table of Contents

How long will it take if I enrol on an international in-class TEFL course and then stay on to teach?

How long will it take if I complete an online TEFL course and then interview for jobs from home?

How long will it take if I complete an online TEFL course and then travel to my destination to find a job?

What other timing issues should I consider when preparing to teach English abroad?

How long will it take if I enrol on an international in-class TEFL course and then stay on to teach?

Enrolling in an international in-class TEFL course is often the fastest pathway to both certification and a teaching position abroad. For instance, imagine enrolling in an in-class TEFL course in Phuket, Thailand. You could potentially start your course within days of signing up, complete your training in four weeks, and be teaching in a classroom shortly after. However, this ideal scenario isn't always typical due to various considerations. To secure a spot, it is advised to register for your chosen TEFL course at least three months in advance since popular courses fill up quickly. Factor in time for planning - like flight bookings, accommodation, and transitioning from your current situation. Nevertheless, completing your course in your desired work destination undoubtedly gives you an edge in quickly securing a teaching position post-certification.

How long will it take if I complete an online TEFL course and then interview for jobs from home?

Choosing the online TEFL course route paired with home-based job interviews is a popular choice for trainees eyeing roles in regions like Asia, the Middle East, or government programs in countries like France and Spain. It is pivotal to select a course with a minimum of 120 hours, as this is a common benchmark for employers. If you set a study goal, say 12 hours weekly, you would finish in approximately 10 weeks. Job-seeking post-certification varies, but many land positions within weeks. However, after job acceptance, anticipate an additional two to six months for contract formalities, visa procedures, and travel preparations. A significant advantage? You can initiate your job search concurrently with your course, so your journey to teaching abroad starts from day one of your TEFL training.

How long will it take if I complete an online TEFL course and then travel to my destination to find a job?

Opting for an online TEFL course followed by on-location job hunting is a frequent strategy for those targeting Latin America, as well as specific regions in Asia and Europe. It is essential to craft a study plan tailored to your current obligations. Once you have successfully navigated the online course, you can set off to your preferred teaching destination. Upon arrival, you can immediately dive into the interview circuit, and many educators secure positions within just two to three weeks. To maximize your job prospects and minimize waiting time, it is strategic to synchronize your arrival with the onset of peak hiring seasons in your chosen location.

What other timing issues should I consider when preparing to teach English abroad?

While preparing to head overseas to teach English there are a few other things that might have an impact on your timetable. You should make sure that your passport has plenty of validity well in advance as it can take up to three months to process a new one. You might also need to provide other documents in order to obtain a work permit or visa. These could include a police background check and some form of medical certificate, both of which can take time to obtain. The actual visa process can also take up to a month or more depending on the destination and your nationality. However, as long as you give yourself plenty of time and plan ahead, you should have no problem getting your teaching adventure underway on time.
