Classroom Management as a Skill in the Modern ESL Classroom

Classroom management is the skill of organizing and managing the class, having a friendly, relaxed manner, and maintaining discipline. Good classroom management allows students to increase their motivation. Motivation has an impact on a student's academic performance. The main purpose of assigning jobs is to teach them some responsibility.
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This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Satinder K. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT.
While they do learn how to be responsible by taking care of their belongings and keeping their desks clean and organized, a classroom job helps students keep the room smoothly. classroom management means the process of ensuring that classroom lessons run smoothly despite disruptive behavior shown by students. The team also implies the prevention of disruptive behavior and is closely linked to issues of motivation, discipline, and respect.
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The terms classroom management and discipline are often used interchangeably.classroom management means teachers' strategies to create and maintain an orderly learning environment and discipline means teachers respond to students' misbehavior. Assign classroom jobs to your students will not only make them learn a little bit of responsibility at school, but it will be a tremendous help to your classroom management plan . just think of all of the things that you can pass on to your students to do ! tips to help you design a useful classroom job system, one that will give you a break while still teaching your students some accountability. Make a job list, first, you must think of all the jobs that you need to get done .These jobs should be able to be done alone, without adult supervision.
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Next, you need to think about whether you want to assign every student a job, or if you want to pick names each month and have students rotate .here are a few jobs if you want them to; attendance taker - takes attendance and bring it to the office, homework collector - collects homework and puts it into the homework basket. put recycler items in the recycling bin, make sure materials are at the centers, sweeps up the floor, door monitor - opens and shuts the classroom door, helps the teacher with the morning calendar. supplies manager - takes care of all the classroom supplies.
A fun way to get students excited about having a classroom job is to create a job application on the front board, create a list of all possible jobs and have students look over them. remind them to only apply for jobs that they know that they can handle, and to consider when they get to school and leave, as well as if they have to leave the classroom for a band or special help. Next, have students fill out their job application in their best possible handwriting . And encourage them to only apply for up to three classroom positions.
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Once handed in, you can sift through the applications and decide who would be best suited for what job. students are more likely to do a job that they applied for .if you want your classroom to run smoothly then you must maintain your system . do not falter and allow a student to pass out papers if they are not the paper passer. it's best to switch out jobs each month or have students apply for new jobs. This way every student gets a chance at the jobs they are interested in trying.
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