ITTT tefl internationale

All you need to know about teaching English abroad!


The Best Teaching Ideas for TEFL Teachers

In this blog post, we will consider some of the organizational and pedagogical differences that we should be aware of when teaching Monolingual and Multilingual classes. Both bring their own potential advantages and disadvantages to us as teachers, that we should be aware of.

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Let’s change the game by giving a higher immersion of English to your ESL students without going to an English-speaking country to obtain more vocabulary, pronunciation, and speaking practice.

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In this blog post, we will discuss some of the more common problems that can be associated with the teaching of Business English classes. They are some of the things that we need to be aware of as teachers about our learners.

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In this blog post we will consider how we need to adjust to teaching a single (one-to-one) student. Methods and techniques will need to be somewhat different from teaching a class where student to student interaction is available.

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This blog post outlines some of the best tips to use with your various beginner classes. Ideas about keeping them motivated and keeping them using the language are covered. Try these ideas with your beginners.

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Do you want to work as a teacher? These 7 tips to prevent confusion for your students will make a huge difference in your classroom!

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This blog post outlines the five most common types of starter or beginner groupings. Due to their different backgrounds, each of these groups requires different lesson planning and teaching methods to be used.

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In this blog post, we discover the world of teaching English for Specific Purposes, in short ESP.

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If you are a teacher of English as a foreign language, this article is perfect for you! Read on to find out more about different learning styles and the multiple intelligences theory in the ESL classroom.

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Assessments are at the heart of the goals of deliberately and effectively helping students in the acquisition of subject-specific information and skills, conceptual understanding, and the development of learning approaches.

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