ITTT tefl internationale

All you need to know about teaching English abroad!


The Best Teaching Ideas for TEFL Teachers

In this blog we discuss the types of platfrom available to online English teachers. We then look at ways to add your profile to these platforms in order to attract the maximum number of students to you.

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Discover the advantages of 1-on-1 home tutoring over conventional methods in Vietnam. Learn how personalized attention can improve self-esteem, address learning disabilities, and shorten the learning curve for students. Read this blog post to find out how small changes can make a big difference in a student's education.

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In this blog post, we will look at five strategies you can use t boost your effectiveness within the class and also as a general way of increasing your online business. Ideas covered include the use of gamification and individualization.

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Discover how to improve your English skills without traditional classes. From using illustrations and pictures to listening to spoken English and finding supportive friends, there are many ways to learn and practice at home. Learn which method works best for you in this blog post.

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Activities that may be useful for a range of applications and at various stages of the lesson are very important. In this blog we look at five tried and tested activities that can be used in this way with a variety of classes sizes, ages and types.

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In this blog post on crucial teaching skills we will look at the specific skills of: Pronunciation, Grammar knowledge and Teaching methodology.

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Ice breakers as the name implies are activities (often games) used to introduce the teacher to the students, to each other and vice-verca. These activities allow the group to get to know each other in a friendly, fun atmosphere as we will describe. Ice breakers can be used for all levels of ESL student.

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How and when we give feedback will depend to a great extent upon the aims and objectives of the lesson. Here we discuss some of the general background to feedback and correction, when and how should it be given.

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Online teaching has much in common with teaching in a traditional classroom. There are however some fundamental differences, particularly in class make-up and the use of equipment. By considering a number of “Frequently asked questions”, we will look at some of these issues.

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This blog post explores what criteria should be used to evaluate activities in an ESL classroom.

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