ITTT tefl internationale

All you need to know about teaching English abroad!


The Best Teaching Ideas for TEFL Teachers

Do you still think lesson planning doesn't help? In this blog post, our TEFL graduate shares a check-list to find out what problems it can definitely minimize.

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Are there any challenges for ESL students when it comes to variants of English? In this blog post, our TEFL graduate considers American and British English and how it influences the learners of general English.

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Do you think drilling is a useful technique? Our TEFL graduate shares their thoughts.

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How to decrease teacher talking time? Our TEFL graduate shares their ideas in this blog post.

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It is quite difficult to deal with cultural aspects in an ESL classroom. In this blog post, our TEFL graduate shares some good suggestions on this point.

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Students from all over the world face the same challenges while learning English. Yet, there are still some specific issues for every nationality. In this blog post, our TEFL graduate tells about some typical struggles of students from Ecuador.

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Stressful situations often occur in an ESL setting. How to deal with it? Read in this blog post.

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Grammar is very important for learners of English. In this blog post, our TEFL graduate suggest several useful strategies on teaching grammar effectively.

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Our TEFL graduate considers the historical background of English.

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Children need parents' help while studying. In this blog post, our TEFL graduate shares their thoughts on the ways parents can actually assist.

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