Teach English in Costa Rica (2)

Date posted:2015-03-18 | Writer: Los Santos Learning Centers | Email: [email protected]

Los Santos Learning Centers is a group of community-developed, non-profit education centers, located in the zona de Los Santos, a mountainous region two hours south of San José. We are looking for dedicated TEFL qualified volunteers interested in teaching English as a Foreign Language to students in rural communities in exchange for room, board, and the opportunity to help rural Costa Rican students improve their English in a truly unique setting.

There are currently three centers in existence, located in the towns of El Empalme, Copey de Dota, and San Isidro de Leon Cortez, and our model is being replicated throughout the country. Centers are run by boards of directors made up of community members with the help of Peace Corps volunteers.

VOLUNTEER POSITIONS: All positions are volunteer English teaching positions. Volunteers teach approximately 15-20 hours per week and are responsible for lesson planning. Volunteers receive free room and board in the home of a local family. This includes housing, three meals per day, and basic amenities such as laundry, electricity and occasionally internet. Because we are a community-based, non-profit entity, we cannot provide a salary or stipend for our volunteers.

Living with a local family provides volunteers an opportunity to become part of the community, experience Costa Rican customs and lifestyles, learn Spanish, and participate in a cultural exchange. While your primary role will be teaching English, you will also have the opportunity to develop other projects if you choose to do so. In the past, our volunteers have built community gardens, organized a library, taught dance classes, and formed a children's choir.

WHEN: We are looking for candidates who can begin in May and July. We are accepting applications on a rolling basis, so applying early is to your benefit. Volunteers must commit to a minimum of 3 months, but may commit for longer durations.


· Volunteers should have experience teaching EFL/ESL or another subject; and/or an EFL/ESL certification; and/or a degree in education.

· We strongly prefer applicants with classroom management experience, especially those who have worked with children.

· Native level English Speaker.

· Some knowledge of Spanish.

· Undergraduate or graduate degree in education (or related) and/or ESL/EFL certification and/or 1 year-plus experience lesson planning and teaching English.

· Experience teaching and working with children or teenagers.

· Willingness to integrate with the local community and live with a local host family.

· Must be resourceful, flexible and independent (both in working and living arrangements).

· Commitment to service and volunteerism.

· Should be computer savvy, able to use the internet, facebook, etc.


· Lodging and 3 meals per day in the home of a local family.

· Accommodations include a private room, shared bathroom, and laundry facilities.

· Teaching materials.

· Ongoing support from the learning centers' board members and Peace Corps Volunteers to help meet your needs and resolve any challenges that may arise.

VOLUNTEERING: Because we are community-based, there is no fee to volunteer with us nor can we offer a salary or health insurance. We can point you in the right direction for traveller's health insurance. The volunteer is responsible for her flight in and out of Costa Rica.

TO APPLY: Email us at the address given on the job heading with your resume, cover letter, and references. Please write the start date you are available for in the subject line.

Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching.


This unit gives a good reflection on how teachers should take note of the purpose of reading a text and not to encourage every reading as a story book. emphasize on the motive of reading either for the general idea, for detailed information or for particular key information. Teaching key vocabularies before reading is key for students to easily understand the context as they read on their own.This unit teaches about reading and listening receptive skills and the importance of developing these skills. Usually these are considered basic skills so I don't think about them much. But after reading this unit, I am able to understand the importance of why we need to develop these skills and how. I found the suggestions of pre-teaching vocabulary, selecting appropriate texts important too.
